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Captive Butterfly

Spread your wings, captive butterfly

By Rose LilyPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Have you ever felt so beautiful yet so captive? That is what I saw when shooting this image. A creature held captive that I could relate too. Think of something in life you have faced as you read these words from my heart.

I captured this image in a butterfly conservatory in Key West, Florida. I couldn't help but see the beauty while be captured. These beautiful creatures were held captive in this huge put together dome by humans. Kept there to be watched and visited. There was beauty all around as they flew free, but many of these butterflies were born here. Not knowing what the outside world is more life, what was out there to discover and the freedom that we were created for. They reminded me of us, us human beings. How many times in life are we held captive by a situation in life. Whether it is a sickness or toxic people in our life. Whether it is by life choices, or paths in life we cannot control. However, we do not see that we can make the decision to take that step out of fear. The decision to walk away from anything holding us back and going into the unknown places waiting to be discovered.

This butterfly reminded me of myself and my husband. We took this trip to Key West, to get away from toxic family members. A trip to get away from people who were trying to manipulate and control the very aspect of our life and our choices. Like this butterfly, we were captured by those who grew us. Manipulated into thinking we cannot step outside of their comfort zone, by allowing the fear of those who raised us control every choice we made. We were captive into thinking we couldn't think for ourselves without the consent of others who were close to us. So we rebelled and "flew". Meaning we chose to no longer be captive.

We made the choice to choose this beautiful life that has been granted to us, to see the beauty we hold within ourselves. We chose to be independent and not worry about what other's would think and want for our lives. We chose to venture out and discover this beautiful world.

Many times, parent's get so worried about their children, that they hold them captive by their own fear. Instead of allowing their children to grow their wings and fly, they choose to keep them bottled up by fear and manipulation. My husband and I felt like beautiful but held captive by our controlling parents. But we have four little caterpillars, who will soon sprout their wings and will want to venture into the world to explore and grow. It is not our place as parents to hold them back in life, it is not our place to control their choices, it is not our place to manipulate to get our way. It is not our place to choose for them or be toxic in their life to hold them inside a bubble. It is our place as parents to love them and grow them up with courage. To grow them up knowing to be safe and make wise choices, but to take risks and go on adventure to discover this beautiful world. It is our place to shower them with encouragement to venture out into this wonderful life and help others as they help themselves. To be happy and to always grow to be better and wiser. It is our place to allow our children to do better than us and to enjoy this wonderful world. Let them be free butterflies and not held captive.


About the Creator

Rose Lily

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