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You're My Lobster

On how a F.r.i.e.n.d.s obsession turned into a great halloween.

By MarriannèPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
My Gorgeous girl, missing you and loving you forever my angel xx

Thank God for Snapchat memories!

I had just finished going through my year ago today reel before I hopped on to see whatever new challenges and stories there were to explore today - and boy did y'all not disappoint!


My Mum raised me watching F.r.i.e.n.d.s; everything I know about love, loss, friendship, and humor I learned from those beloved characters and their journeys.

Phoebe was always my favorite - absolutely bonkers and inviting every creative to not hide behind normalcy and to embrace their differences. Possibly the best role model a young girl could have.

I had always adored the scene where she describes how lobsters mate for life (also sorry to break your heart but I just found out this wasn't true!) and that they hold their little claws together and kind of waddle along through their journey together.

"You can actually see old lobster couples walking around their tank, holding claws,”

I mean isn't that just the cutest imagery ever.

Whilst it's all apparently a lie (I cried when I found out it wasn't true - feel free to do the same) I had been in search of my lobster since I was about 7 and had finally gotten over the whole boys are gross and have cooties thing (I'm pretty sure they still do though...).

Now, because my luck with men is quite simply non-existent, the love of my life (other than harry styles) was my gorgeous Am-staff Charli, who was named after my brother's celebrity crush from Hi-5 .

She lived to the ripe old age of 18 and passed away 5 months ago now. I miss her terribly, though I'm sure she is in doggy heaven having a lovely time with her best friend who passed just before her.

Though she was an absolute gem, she hated getting dressed up - you would get the cold shoulder for several days if you even attempted to put her in an outfit. But, you bet when I walked past that Halloween aisle in K-mart that she was going to have to cope.

And there it was - the most horribly stupid costume I had ever laid eyes on; a Lobster.

Whoever thought it was a good idea to make a dog-lobster costume, your brain works in twisted, wonderful ways and I love you!

And now for the very dramatic reveal.

Drum roll, please...

No, Seriously, if you're not out there tapping on your desk or something you have to close your eyes and scroll past the picture.

A Look of absolute disappointment in her mother. But look at the little legs!!!

Now whilst this is possibly the best costume you will ever see in your life, poor Charli did not appreciate her mother's antics. I think the look of shame on her face in this photo is worse than when she had to wear a cone after she broke her leg.

Whilst my baby was probably sick of me after 18 years - I never tired of her gorgeous face and miss her terribly. Even if she hated Halloween costumes and getting photos taken she will always be my little lobster.

2 months after Charli passed I started looking at rescuing another puppy, the house was too quiet without a dog, and too many dogs are helpless in the system (which reminds me; Rescue - don't buy from breeders if you can!).

As I was searching the RSPCA, I stumbled upon a gorgeous Staffy, named Archie. His Birthday happened to be the same day Charli passed, and something told me it was her coming back to find me in her next life.

Archie is sleeping on my chest now, and I have had the sudden realization that I need to go dig out that lobster costume for him to try on, though I'm sure it's going to be a bit big!


Hi me from an hour ago!

The lobster costume is missing, so unfortunately no pic of Archie dressed up is included for now...

Though he has woken up from his nap and looks cute enough without any costume!

Big Yawnnnnn!

Seeing as my favorite lobster costume is now missing and both Archie and I are heartbroken, I shall be needing some Costume ideas - I am thinking a Cow is quite appropriate for Lil arch as he looks and acts like one already!

Anyways thanks for taking the time to meet my two little lobsters, They both say hi!

(I shall be updating when I can find a good costume for Archie or if the Lobster pops back up somewhere!)

Lots of Love

M xx


About the Creator


A broke-arse Biochemistry student who likes to dabble in the arts!

Neil Gaiman is my one true love - and by god do I wish I could live inside his brain.

Lots of Love

M xx

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