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Why You Should Be Dressing Your Dogs Up For Halloween

as a childless adult, this gives me the satisfaction I need to "dress up my child"

By MelPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

While there are ton of adults my age who are out there buying costumes for their young babies, or letting their children pick out their own costumes, I have only had dogs. Don't get me wrong. This isn't a complaint. I love it. Dogs are loyal and the best companions to have when it's just you. But sometimes you just want to have something to dress up for Halloween as well..

I don't have a boyfriend. Or even a girlfriend, for that matter. I don't have any children running about. I have even tried to dress my mother up for Halloween before (almost like I was her own personal stylist), but it never usually works out because she always wanted to be the one to pick out her own costume. Sometimes you just can't get the satisfaction of dressing up your own self because it's like.. eh.. what now?

But you know what I did have? Dogs. Two of them to be exact. Dogs are probably one of the best types of pets to have when it comes to dressing them up because they won't usually complain. Pout, yes. Sulk around until you take it off, yes. But complain? Nope. I've tried to do the same with cats, but all I got in response was a cat without a costume and scratches running up and down my arms and face. But dogs? Dogs I can work with.

The Best Way to Universal (with a Service Dog)

In 2019, I went to Halloween Horror Nights in Los Angeles. Although I went on the very last day of the event (November 1st), I still felt as if I needed my boy dressed up as a character of a Universal movie to walk around the park with. I, of course, had to go with a little Minion because he was indeed my own little Minion. As pictured below, I also brought myself a little Minion cup at the park to hydrate myself because I thought it'd be pretty adorable for my dog to match my own cup.

Disclaimer: Harley was a service dog trained to mitigate my disabilities. He was allowed in the park for this very reason. Universal Studios and Halloween Horror Nights are not pet-friendly and they have never been pet-friendly. DO NOT dress up your own pets and try to take them into the park because it is actually extremely harmful for legit service dog teams. I just added this to this article because it was fitting for the challenge and I just thought it was too adorable not to share.

let's just say, Harley was a big hit around the park with everyone who saw him

A Little Dress can Go a Long Way

When I saw this dress at the Pet Store, I just knew my moms dog just HAD to have it. Although unreadable in the photo with the angle the dog is sitting, the dress reads "Witch Better Have My Candy". It wasn't really a costume costume, but I just thought it was a pretty cute Halloween outfit to add to this article.

Mixing Christmas with Halloween

Typically, I wouldn't stand for this. Halloween is Halloween. Christmas comes after. But one year, I couldn't afford to buy new costumes for the dogs and had already had these outfits in the "dog closet", so I decided that it may be pretty cute to mash the two together for just one day.

P.S. if you don't actually have a "doggy closet" set up for your dogs, or even for your cats, I highly do recommend it. It's fun to collect outfits for the said closet, and it looks extremely cute when you go to dress up or style your pets as you reach into their own personal closet for an outfit. Like I've always said.. treat your pets like family and turn them into your own personal children.

Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus


C'mon.. Tell me this isn't cute.. I dare you.. They even have their own matching little Santa toys to go with the outfit.



Thank you for taking the time to read my article.


About the Creator


Ever since I was a kid, I've always wrote for fun. I never saw anything of it; I just wanted to write just to write. That's why I love Vocal.


instagram: stufflestream

tiktok: mercuryandme

youtube: Melon Melon | TheMelonVlogs

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