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Why Ignoring Heartworms Could Seriously Harm Your Dog's Health

Heartworms are a serious health issue for dogs

By Big Dog ShoppingPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Why Ignoring Heartworms Could Seriously Harm Your Dog's Health
Photo by Ryan Walton on Unsplash

Heartworms are a serious health issue for dogs, especially large dogs. When left untreated, they can cause irreparable harm and even death. If you’re the owner of a beloved pup, it’s important to be aware of the risks associated with heartworms and to take the necessary steps to ensure your dog’s health. Ignoring heartworms can have devastating consequences for your dog, and in this blog post, we’ll explain why.

Heartworms are a serious health issue for dogs

Heartworms are caused by a parasite that is transmitted to dogs through mosquito bites. Once inside a dog's body, the heartworm larvae develop into adult worms that can grow up to a foot in length and live for up to seven years. As the worms grow, they can cause significant damage to a dog's heart, lungs, and other organs.

Left untreated, heartworm disease can be fatal for dogs. In fact, heartworms are one of the most common causes of heart failure in dogs. Symptoms of heartworm disease include coughing, fatigue, weight loss, and difficulty breathing. As the disease progresses, dogs may experience severe breathing difficulties, liver failure, and kidney damage.

Unfortunately, treating heartworms can be expensive and can be risky for dogs. Treatment typically involves a series of injections that are designed to kill the adult worms living in a dog's body. However, the process can be dangerous for dogs, especially if they have severe infections or underlying health issues.

Fortunately, the best way to protect your dog from heartworms is to prevent infection in the first place. This can be done by keeping your dog indoors during peak mosquito season, using mosquito repellents and insecticides to keep mosquitos at bay, and administering monthly heartworm prevention medications.

While heartworms are preventable, treatment can be risky and costly for dogs. The treatment usually involves a series of injections, medication, and close monitoring from a veterinarian. During the treatment, the dog's heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure must be monitored continuously. Additionally, exercise and movement must be restricted for several weeks to avoid complications during treatment.

The cost of heartworm treatment varies depending on the size and condition of the dog. However, it can range from several hundred to thousands of dollars. The cost is higher if the infection is advanced or if the dog develops complications.

Aside from the high cost, treatment can also be dangerous for dogs, especially those with advanced heartworm infection. As the worms die off, they can cause blockages in the pulmonary arteries, leading to sudden death. Dogs undergoing heartworm treatment are also at risk of developing severe reactions, such as blood clots, liver damage, and respiratory distress.

Moreover, treatment for heartworms is not always successful, particularly in cases where the infection is advanced or the dog has pre-existing conditions. That is why prevention is essential in protecting dogs from heartworms and avoiding the costly and risky treatment process.

Prevention is the best way to protect your dog from heart-worms

When it comes to heartworms, the saying "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" couldn't be more true. Once a dog becomes infected with heartworms, the treatment process can be lengthy, expensive, and potentially dangerous. That's why it's important to take proactive measures to prevent your dog from getting infected in the first place.

There are several ways to prevent heartworms in dogs, including:

1. Administering monthly heartworm preventatives: There are several different types of heartworm preventatives available, including oral tablets, topical solutions, and injectable medications. Talk to your vet about which option is best for your dog.

2. Avoiding mosquito bites: Heartworms are transmitted through mosquito bites, so avoiding exposure to mosquitoes can help prevent infection. This includes keeping your dog indoors during peak mosquito season and using mosquito repellent when spending time outside.

3. Getting annual heartworm tests: Even if your dog is on a preventative medication, it's important to get them tested for heartworms annually. This will ensure that the preventative medication is working and that any potential infections are caught early.

While prevention may require some extra effort and expense on your part, it's worth it to protect your dog from the serious health issues that heartworms can cause. By taking the necessary steps to prevent heartworms, you can help ensure that your dog remains healthy and happy for years to come. Plus, taking proactive measures to prevent heartworms can ultimately save you time and money in the long run.

Learn more on how to care for your dog Click Here Now!


About the Creator

Big Dog Shopping

Big Dog Shopping was created with the needs of big dog parents in mind. We understand the challenges of finding products that are suitable for larger breeds. We featuring only the highest quality products.

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