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Unleashing the Canine Quirkiness: 20 Weirdest Facts About Dogs

Dogs are undoubtedly man’s best friend, providing us with companionship, loyalty, and boundless love. But beneath their adorable and cuddly exteriors lies a world of peculiarities and fascinating quirks that make them even more captivating creatures. In this article, we’ll dive into the weird and wonderful realm of dogs and explore 20 of the most bizarre and intriguing facts about them.

By Aessy LefianoPublished 10 months ago 4 min read

1. Nose Prints as Unique as Fingerprints

Just like humans’ fingerprints, dogs have unique nose prints that can be used for identification. The patterns of ridges and creases on their noses are distinct to each individual pup, making them a reliable means of identification in case of lost or stolen dogs.

2. The Tail Wagging Myth

While most people believe that a wagging tail means a happy dog, it’s not always the case. Dogs wag their tails for various reasons, including happiness, excitement, nervousness, or even aggression. Pay attention to other body language cues to decipher what your furry friend is trying to communicate.

3. Ear Prints, Too?

As if unique nose prints weren’t strange enough, dogs also have distinct patterns in the cartilage of their ears. Though not commonly used for identification, it’s a fascinating aspect of their individuality.

4. The Oldest Domesticated Animal

Dogs are not only our beloved companions but also our longest-standing ones. They have been domesticated for thousands of years, with evidence suggesting that the process began as early as 20,000 to 40,000 years ago.

5. Yawning is Contagious for Dogs Too

Yawning is contagious among humans, but did you know it affects dogs as well? Research shows that dogs are more likely to yawn when they see a familiar person yawn, displaying a sense of empathy similar to humans.

6. Dogs with a Sixth Sense?

Many dog owners believe that their pets have a sixth sense, able to detect supernatural or paranormal phenomena. While there’s no scientific evidence to support this, dogs’ heightened senses, particularly their keen sense of smell and hearing, may make them more attuned to unusual sounds and smells in their environment.

7. Puppies are Born Deaf and Blind

When puppies are born, they are deaf and blind, relying solely on their sense of touch and smell to navigate their world. Their senses gradually develop over the first few weeks of life.

8. Dogs Can Smell Disease

Dogs possess an extraordinary sense of smell, and some breeds have been trained to detect specific medical conditions, such as diabetes, epilepsy, and even cancer. Their remarkable olfactory abilities have been harnessed to aid in early disease detection.

9. An Uncanny Sense of Time

Ever noticed how your dog knows when it’s time for their walk or meal, even without looking at the clock? Dogs have an uncanny ability to sense time based on their routines and environmental cues.

10. A Wagging Tail from the Inside

Dogs don’t just wag their tails; their whole rear end often wiggles along with it. This wagging is a sign of excitement and happiness, demonstrating just how expressive our canine friends can be.

11. The Mystery of the “Puppy Dog Eyes”

Dogs have mastered the art of the “puppy dog eyes” – those irresistible, pleading looks they give us when they want something. Research suggests that this facial expression triggers a nurturing response in humans, making us more likely to give in to their desires.

12. Canine Dreams

Dogs are believed to dream just like humans do. If you’ve ever observed your pup twitching or making soft sounds while asleep, it’s likely they are experiencing their own dreamland adventures.

13. Beware of the “Counter-Surfers”

Some dogs are notorious for their ability to steal food from kitchen counters or dining tables. This behavior stems from their ancestral instincts to scavenge for food, and it can be quite challenging to curb.

14. Tails for Balance

A dog’s tail serves multiple purposes. Besides communication, it also plays a vital role in maintaining balance, especially during quick turns or tricky maneuvers.

15. The Howling Tradition

Dogs are known for their howling, which has been passed down from their wolf ancestors. Howling can serve as a form of communication or an expression of loneliness or anxiety.

16. Tasting with Their Nose

While dogs have taste buds, their sense of smell plays a more significant role in their eating habits. They rely on their keen sense of smell to determine the palatability of food.

17. The Chaser Gene

Herding dogs, such as Border Collies, have a strong instinct to chase moving objects. This behavior is an essential trait for their traditional role as herders.

18. Night Vision

Dogs have better night vision than humans, thanks to a higher number of rod cells in their retinas. This advantage aids them in low-light conditions and explains why they may see better in the dark than we do.

19. The Rare Green Dog

Although uncommon, there have been instances where dogs were born with a green tint to their fur. This rare phenomenon is usually caused by contact with a green pigment called biliverdin during birth.

20. Sniffing Boot Camp

Dogs use their noses to gather information about their surroundings, and they do it exceptionally well. In fact, their sense of smell is so powerful that they can detect certain scents even when they are diluted to one part per trillion!


Dogs continue to amaze and enchant us with their peculiarities and idiosyncrasies. From their unique nose prints to their ability to detect diseases, dogs are truly remarkable creatures. As we delve deeper into understanding and appreciating our canine companions, we uncover more of their fascinating qualities that make them such beloved members of our families and society as a whole. So, the next time you find yourself smiling at your dog’s odd behavior, remember that their quirks are what make them special and endearing. Embrace the weirdness and cherish the wonder of these fantastic four-legged friends.


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