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The Raw Dog Food Diet (BARF Diet)

The BARF Diet is known to be controversial in the pet world. This article explains the pros and cons, and how it could be beneficial to your furry friends!

By Yas LawPublished 6 years ago 5 min read
Image via Pixabay

The raw food diet, also known as the BARF diet (Bones And Raw Foods diet), is a controversial diet in the pet world, and some people haven't heard of it. This article is all about the pros and cons of the diet to help see if it is suitable for you and your furry friend!

Personally, I am pro raw diet because I have seen an amazing difference in my dog since starting this diet! I also have to do this diet because she has so many food allergies that this is the safest option for her. She also LOVES the amazing ranges of foods she gets!

There are pros and cons to all diets in humans and animals. In the BARF diet many people believe it is the way to go as it is how your dog would eat naturally if they were in the wild and it also has loads of health benefits! While others would fight agains as it is believed to be an unbalanced diet and could possibly spread bacteria. Here are some pros and cons to help support each.


  • Stronger and cleaner teeth
  • Healthier skin
  • Shinier coat
  • More energetic
  • Smaller stools
  • Not intaking processed foods
  • Helps with inflammation
  • Great appetite


  • Unbalanced diet
  • Bones could be a choking hazard
  • Dog and human health concerns from raw meat
  • Not having time
  • Your dog's health conditions

What does the BARF diet consist of?

The diet is pretty basic, but it also has loads of variations. You can have stuff such as:

  • Meats (beef, chicken, pork, fish, etc.)
  • Bones (either ground into meat or even carcasses)
  • Organs (kidney, liver, etc.)
  • Raw eggs (or cooked if your dog is fussy)
  • Fruit and Vegetables (apples, watermelon, carrots, spinach, broccoli, etc.)
  • Some forms of dairy (natural yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.)

When giving your dog dairy, you shouldn't give them large amounts, and look at what types you are giving them. You should look for things with low lactose because it can upset your dogs tummy! Also, most cheeses are high in fat, which can lead to your dog becoming obese. Small amounts in their tea or as a treat can be fine though!

"What about the bacteria on raw meat?"

When giving your dog raw meat, you shouldn't take any risks that you wouldn't take yourself. If you have frozen raw meat/bones, then you should defrost the meat/bones no more than two days before your dog will be eating it. Longer than this can cause bacteria to grow that can be bad for your dog.

If you are going to be buying for your dog every other day then this is fine, but if you are buying fresh then make sure it is in date! You wouldn't cook chicken for your tea if it was out of date and starting to smell, so don't risk it for your dog either!

While preparing your dogs food, always prepare it safely and, again, take the same precautions that you would when preparing your food! ALWAYS wash your hands before and after handling raw meat and wipe down any surfaces that you have prepared it on!

Doing these basic steps means that your dog will be fine! If you think there might be something wrong with the meat that you're giving to your dog, then don't serve them it! Don't take risks!

"Isn't it an unbalanced diet?"

When giving your dog a raw diet, you should always make sure your dog is getting a mix of fruits and vegetables, eggs, low lactose dairy, and meats! This will help to balance out what they are getting! There are so many different variations of meals you can give your dog that is good for them!

"Aren't bones a potential choking hazard?"

Another worry that dog owners have is that their pet could choke on bones or damage their insides. This is an understandable worry, as pieces of bones could get stuck. Although this is most likely not going to happen, you should always still supervise your pet while they are eating bones and carcasses! You wouldn't leave your child unsupervised with their food so don't do it with your pet either!

People also worry that bones will damage the insides of their dog. This won't happen since your dogs stomach is a lot tougher than our's are. Their's are able to process bones and carcasses because it is naturally what they would have!

One thing you should always make sure of is that the bones and carcasses you feed your dog are raw! Do not give your dog cooked bones or carcasses since the bones can splinter and that's when damage can be done!

Never give your dog cooked bones or carcasses.

Although I am all for a dog to be put onto a raw diet, you should always remember to look out for your dogs dietary needs. If your dog has health problems that link to diet, then you should consult your vet first before thinking about switching them to it!

In any case of switching your dog over, you should check with your vet. Some vets are against it altogether and some are for it when appropriate or able.

If switching your dog over, it would be best doing it gradually if they have been on a different diet! Switching all at once can make your dog refuse it, or it may upset their stomach like what a human's stomach would do if they completely switched! It's all making sure your dog is comfortable and loving their new food!

If you choose to switch to the raw diet then you should make sure you have time to prepare your dogs food! It does take a little more time so you should always make sure you have time and follow the correct safety measures!

The main key points I can't stress enough are:

  • Handle the raw food correctly and safely!
  • Don't take risks!
  • Consult a your vet as they are a professional!
  • Do your research!
  • Always supervise your dog while eating bones!
  • Never give your dog cooked bones and carcasses!

Like I said earlier, I personally think this is the best diet for my dog and her dietary needs! She loves the different foods she gets, even though she used to be a really fussy eater. Since she has allergies to a lot of things, this has helped her skin and coat so much! I know that not all dogs will be able to have this diet, be it due to health problems or the owner doesn't have enough time to prepare all of the food, but if your dog is able then I fully recommend it. But remember to always do your research, ask your vet, and make sure that you always follow health and safety! I honestly can't stress enough on not to give your dog cooked bones or carcasses. I have come across too many people not knowing that it's not good for them! Raw is fine, but cooked is bad!


About the Creator

Yas Law

just some stuff

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    Yas LawWritten by Yas Law

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