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The name's Taz

Our special car ride

By A.J. FernsbyPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

The name’s Taz, but some call me Flippers, or “Get down” or “Come back here!” I answer to all of them, most of the time. Today is an unusual day because the car ride doesn’t typically take this long, I wonder where we are going. We are always going for car rides together, mostly to my favorite spot with the big rocks and all the little prickly plants to sniff around. Just make sure you don’t touch those things; trust me they are not fun. Boy, do I love adventuring with my human.

I haven’t always been this happy or lucky in life. I was on my last day at the shelter with no hopes of being adopted then she walked in. I could tell there was something different about this one, she had a certain look in her eyes. I acted my cutest to get her attention, so I struck a pose turning my stumpy front leg to the side. She stopped and bent down to look at me and I gave her the best puppy dog eyes I could. It worked! She gave me the biggest smile and disappeared to get someone to open my cage. I was on my best behavior so that I wouldn’t end up back in that cold, lonely concrete box. I don’t remember much about how I got there, I just remember being separated from my family, and it was quite scary being so little in such a big world. Thankfully, I was adopted that day and I found my forever home.

We bonded straight away and did everything together. When she’s cooking, I make sure to be right at her feet just in case something falls on the floor. If she gets up at night to go anywhere, I follow her to protect her against the monsters. And if there’s a cat in the yard, I make sure to announce their presence as loud as I possibly can. But my favorite thing of all is riding in the front seat going for car rides. She seems to be happiest when we are out on adventures too. I even got a brand-new collar today, she said it makes me look even more handsome… as if that’s even possible to be more handsome, ha!

Today is extra special because we are going somewhere new. She said we are almost there, I can’t wait. It smells different, good but different. The car is stopping, we’re here. I’ve never seen anything like it before, it looks like a sparkly blue blanket that goes on for miles. What’s that loud noise? And that big rock over there!? I gotta go inspect it, but cautiously. The ground is pretty soft and feels kind of cold, my paws are sinking in. Nope, nope, nope feet getting wet, abort, abort. What is this place? Feels like a big bath and she knows I don’t like baths.

She is standing out there in the water calling me, I guess it’s harmless. She would never lead me wrong, so it’s gotta be safe. I just realized I am not attached to my leash, Freeeedom! I’m going to run around like crazy. Zoom, zoom, into the water, and back out of the water again... This is so much fun!! The waves have calmed down and I need a break, so we lay down on a blanket for a while. Looking up we notice the deep blue of the ocean meets the pale blue sky and it’s a beautiful day. We just lay here for a while taking it all in before heading home.

After a long day at the beach, we go home to relax, and I am exhausted. She is quiet during the car ride and plays some of her favorite songs on the radio. Well, that was a quick car ride, must have dozed off for a bit. Can’t wait for dinner I’m famished, running around all day is hard work. Dinner tonight is my favorite, chicken and rice with treats on top. She loves spoiling me, I sure hope we get to do that again soon.

I’m usually not allowed on the couch, but Mom seems like she needs a hug, so I’ll take the chance. I’ll just lay here and put my head in her lap to show her how much I love her. Aww her eyes are leaking, gotta give her lots of kisses. Not sure what’s wrong but I’ll lay in her lap until things are better. As we both fall asleep, I realize I’m the luckiest dog alive. What an amazing and unexpected journey. I sometimes wonder, did she rescue me, or did I rescue her? Maybe it doesn’t really matter.


About the Creator

A.J. Fernsby

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    A.J. FernsbyWritten by A.J. Fernsby

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