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The Best Fish Tank for a Small Apartment

A Comprehensive Guide

By HasanPublished 6 days ago 6 min read

Transforming Your Tiny Space into an Aquatic Oasis

Living in a small apartment doesn't mean you have to forgo the joy of keeping pet fish. In fact, with the right setup, you can create a thriving aquatic ecosystem that adds beauty, tranquility, and even a touch of nature to your cozy living space. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the best fish tank options for small apartments, providing you with the knowledge and tools to choose the perfect aquarium that suits your space, budget, and lifestyle.

Choosing the Right Tank Size

The first and most crucial decision when setting up a fish tank in a small apartment is determining the appropriate tank size. While the temptation might be to opt for the smallest tank possible, it's essential to consider the long-term needs of your aquatic companions.

5-Gallon Tanks: A Compact Option

A 5-gallon tank can be an excellent choice for a small apartment, especially if you're looking to keep a single betta fish or a small school of nano fish, such as ember tetras or dwarf rasboras. These compact tanks are lightweight, inexpensive, and can easily fit on a desk or side table. However, it's important to note that the smaller the tank, the more challenging it can be to maintain a stable water environment, and the fewer fish options you'll have.

10-Gallon Tanks: A Versatile Choice

Moving up to a 10-gallon tank opens up a world of possibilities. This size is often considered the "sweet spot" for small-space aquariums, as it provides enough volume to support a small community of fish while still being relatively compact.

With a 10-gallon tank, you can explore a wider range of fish species, such as guppies, platies, or a small school of tetras. The increased water volume also makes it easier to maintain water quality and temperature, reducing the frequency of water changes.

20-Gallon Tanks: A Spacious Option

If you have a bit more room to spare, a 20-gallon tank can be an excellent choice. This size offers ample space for a thriving community of fish, allowing you to keep a more diverse selection of species and create a visually stunning aquascape. The larger water volume also means greater stability in water parameters, making the tank easier to maintain. While a 20-gallon tank may require a dedicated stand or cabinet, the benefits of this size can be well worth the investment.

Selecting the Right Fish Species

Once you've determined the ideal tank size for your small apartment, it's time to choose the fish that will call your aquarium home. When selecting fish, consider their adult size, temperament, and compatibility with other species.

Betta Fish: A Captivating Centerpiece

Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are a popular choice for small-space aquariums. These vibrant and charismatic fish can thrive in a 5-gallon tank, making them an excellent option for apartments. Bettas are generally peaceful when kept alone, but they should not be housed with other male bettas or aggressive fish species.

Nano Fish: A Lively Community

Nano fish, such as ember tetras, dwarf rasboras, and chili rasboras, are perfect for small aquariums. These diminutive species typically grow to less than 2 inches in length and can be kept in small schools, adding a lively and colorful display to your tank. Nano fish are generally peaceful and can coexist with other compatible species, making them an excellent choice for a community tank.

Shrimp: Fascinating Invertebrates

Freshwater shrimp, like cherry shrimp or Amano shrimp, are another fantastic option for small-space aquariums. These fascinating invertebrates not only add visual interest to your tank but also play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem by consuming algae and detritus. Shrimp are generally peaceful and can be kept with small, non-aggressive fish species.

Avoid Larger Fish

It's important to avoid keeping larger fish species, such as goldfish or oscars, in a small aquarium. These fish can quickly outgrow their living space and create water quality issues, leading to stress and potential health problems. Stick to fish that will remain an appropriate size for your tank's dimensions.

Setting Up the Perfect Aquarium

With the tank size and fish species selected, it's time to set up your aquarium for success. Here are the essential components you'll need to create a thriving aquatic environment in your small apartment:

Filtration System

A reliable filtration system is crucial for maintaining water quality and keeping your fish healthy. Look for a filter that is appropriately sized for your tank's volume, providing adequate mechanical, biological, and chemical filtration. Hang-on-back (HOB) filters or internal filters are excellent choices for small aquariums.


Proper lighting is essential for the growth of live plants (if you choose to include them) and the overall aesthetics of your aquarium. LED lighting is a popular and energy-efficient option that comes in a variety of sizes to fit your tank. Avoid placing your tank in direct sunlight, as this can lead to excessive algae growth.


Maintaining the correct water temperature is crucial for the health and well-being of your fish. A reliable aquarium heater, such as the Eheim Jäger Thermostatic Aquarium Heater, is a must-have for tropical fish species. Choose a heater that is appropriately sized for your tank's volume.

Substrate and Decor

The substrate and decorations you choose can greatly impact the overall look and feel of your aquarium. Opt for a fine-grained substrate, such as aquarium gravel or sand, that is easy to maintain. Incorporate natural-looking decorations, like driftwood, rocks, and live plants, to create a visually appealing and stimulating environment for your fish.

Water Conditioner and Test Kits

Before adding water to your tank, be sure to use a water conditioner to remove chlorine and other harmful substances. Additionally, invest in a reliable test kit to monitor the water parameters, such as pH, ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates, to ensure your aquarium remains a healthy habitat for your fish.

Maintaining a Healthy Aquarium

Keeping a fish tank in a small apartment requires a bit more diligence than a larger home setup, but with the right approach, you can ensure your aquatic friends thrive.

Frequent Water Changes

Regular partial water changes are essential for maintaining water quality in a small aquarium. Aim to change 25-50% of the water every 1-2 weeks, using a gravel vacuum to remove any accumulated debris. This will help keep nitrate levels in check and replenish essential minerals.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Consistent cleaning and maintenance are key to a successful small-space aquarium. Regularly wipe down the glass, clean the filter, and prune any live plants to prevent excess waste buildup. Staying on top of these tasks will help prevent water quality issues and keep your tank looking its best.

Monitoring Water Parameters

Closely monitor the water parameters in your small aquarium, as fluctuations can occur more rapidly in a smaller volume of water. Use your test kits to check for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and pH, and make adjustments as needed to maintain a stable and healthy environment.

Stocking Considerations

When stocking your small aquarium, be mindful of the tank's capacity and the adult size of the fish you choose. Overcrowding can lead to stress, aggression, and water quality problems, so be sure to research the recommended stocking levels for your tank size and fish species.

By following these guidelines and maintaining a consistent care routine, you can create a thriving and visually stunning aquarium that brings the beauty of the underwater world right into your small apartment.


Keeping fish in a small apartment may seem like a daunting task, but with the right knowledge and equipment, it can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. By selecting the appropriate tank size, choosing compatible fish species, and diligently maintaining your aquarium, you can transform your tiny living space into a captivating aquatic oasis. Remember, the key to success is planning ahead, researching your options, and providing your finned friends with a safe and comfortable home. With this comprehensive guide, you're well on your way to creating the best fish tank for your small apartment.


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    HasanWritten by Hasan

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