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Rottweiler training can begin in a few months and should begin at a young age

Rottweiler, you can start training a few months is very obedient dog rottweiler, if the host after a period of professional training, is sure to tame, and the age of the rottweiler training yue xiaoyue can achieve a good level of training, so training at home rottweiler since a few months?

By shangyangPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

The Rottweiler is an ancient breed, and the famous Dobermans were bred with the Rottweiler pedigree. Rowena and Doberman are both excellent guard dogs. Rowena is a neuro-stable type, generally not active trouble, but will give you a warning. Rowena would have been worse than Dubin if he had bitten, because size and strength determined the outcome. For THOSE WHO BREED Rowena, whose MAIN FUNCTION IS TO intimidate rather THAN FIGHT, Rowena's appearance is enough to shock the other side. The ideal Rottweiler is a medium sized, energetic and very powerful dog, black with well-defined rust-colored markings. The compact and sturdy structure shows great strength, agility and endurance.

Rottweiler, you can start training a few months is very obedient dog rottweiler, if the host after a period of professional training, is sure to tame, and the age of the rottweiler training yue xiaoyue can achieve a good level of training, so training at home rottweiler since a few months?

At what age do rottweilers start training

Training Rowena should start from a young age, of course, the baby Rowena is still nursing is not suitable for training. Once he has been weaned and vaccinated, at about three months of age, he can start training. At this time, Xiao Luo is full of curiosity about the outside world, their personality is more docile, temper habits like a piece of white paper, and they are very young and have a strong ability to accept, if the master can be careful, scientific adjustment, then these "white paper" will become what you want "sensible and clever".

Tips for Rottweiler training

It is worth noting that small Rottweiler, the body development is not complete, bones, body function are very fragile. So the initial training should not be strong strength training. Dog training should start with simple habits, such as sleeping regularly, excreTING regularly, eating regularly, walking around, and so on. Once Rowena is mature, the training can be slowly switched to stronger strength training. For example, standing, shaking hands, jumping obstacles, carrying objects, etc.

1. The dog's conditioning should be cultivated in a quiet place with little external interference.

2, the dog's conditioning should be gradually complicated, that is, to strengthen the dog's ability to constantly adapt to new situations.

3. In a complex environment, dogs can still execute commands when there is an enticing stimulus signal.

4, so that the dog successfully master the skills taught, the dog trainer should use certain methods and means, reward and punish lazy, cultivate the dog's initiative, so that the dog trained out of real success.

PS: Training a Rottweiler should be gradual and even more persistent. The training and conditioning of pet dogs is definitely not something that can be completed in a day or two. Parents should insist on the training of dogs in daily life until the Rottweiler develops good living habits and the training content is formed into a conditioned reflex before the training can be stopped.

When does the Rottweiler start fighting

Rowena is a late bloomer dog breed. Generally, this kind of dog is about one and a half years old before it is fully mature. Rowena with more than 20 jin should still be three months old, generally not fierce.

Rottweiler house training

When TRAINING TO WATCH THE dog, should let the dog CROUched at the door or next to the door, command it to "guard the door"! No matter who wants to enter the door, must be ordered by the master to enter the door. At the beginning of the training, you can ask an unfamiliar assistant to pretend to be a guest, and then go straight into the door without being invited. At this time, the command dog growls at him. If the assistant does not stop, it will bite his clothes and not put down, but it is not allowed to bite the guest. When no one is in the house, let the dog guard, no one is allowed to enter.

During THE TRAINING, AN UNKNOWN ASSISTANT SECRETLY ENTERED the master's room, the master himself hid in a place, if the dog did not express, punish it, and said to it: "Be careful!" Dogs are naturally trained to do this task. If an uninvited guest breaks into the host's home, and this guest is because of the matter and come, the master cannot not receive him but not at ease, the master can first call the dog closely follow the guest, he does not walk the dog does not walk; He sits down with dogs; If he touched anything, the dog would bark and bite at his clothes.

In the training of a domestic dog, the highest goal should be to make the dog understand human language as much as possible. It is in the family, not only is a goalkeeper, but more should be a rich and polite messenger and usher, it is good at observing the host's face, listen to the master's command, and very agile to do all kinds of work. A watchdog may be tied up in a quiet place during the day, and let loose at night. After enough sleep during the day, the spirit of the night appeared very excited and refreshed. As long as the door closed every night with it patrol several times, it naturally develop the habit of home page.


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