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Posie Girl

Snow Baby

By Anya NathPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read

I made a life chancing decision to foster and then adopt my sweet Lab Pit mix, as I like to call her Posie girl, monkies, Po Po, and many other adoring names. This little one came to me frightened and small, but in no time became a fiery puppy.

While she came with a little bit of separation anxiety, and has chewed a few too many pairs of my shoes, she lit a smile on my face every time I walked through my door. As someone that that has struggled with depression my whole life, Posie became my reason to get up in the morning and taught me, not to sound cliche, but about unconditional love. She loves me when I’m sad, down, blue, unhappy, ugly, as I gained weight, went through a bad breakup, really through it all.

After a year of having Posie, a group of friends and I planned a little cabin trip for the weekend in Indiana. We drove from Chicago and Posie stuck her head out the whole car ride, tongue out and all. We arrived at the cabin and Posie ran all over this two storied home, loving all the space she had, investigating every little corner.

It was freezing cold, but the next morning I let Posie out into the backyard and the joy in her little tail as she ran through untouched knee deep high white snow, warmed my heart. I watched her in the cold with my coffee and her little jacket on have an absolute ball. Just picturing her as I write this, sprinting through the snow, digging her head in and sneezing brings happy tears to my eyes.

On Sunday we were all set to leave and as we were packing the car up little mischievous Posie runs out the door. At this point she was sniffing around the car so I wasn’t too worried. A few moments later I has lost sight of her and started to panic. “Posie Posie!”, the whole group started yelling, she was no where to be seen. Now Posie is a very dark brown so this ball of brown fur wasn’t hard to miss in the snow, which created more worry because she wasn’t anywhere to be found. 20 minutes later the group split up, all trudging our way through 7 inches of snow looking for her. Upon walking further, we came across an icy body of water, and I panicked. What if Posie had jumped on the ice not realizing there was water underneath. I started to think I would never see her again and tears rolled down my cold face.

Another 30 minutes later something caught the corner of my eye, I look over and see this brown ball of fur had made a little snow hill with her snout and was slowly walking back and running and jumping into it. Not a care in the world. My eyes teared up and I yelped “Posie!” She ran with all her might towards me and I grabbed and hugged her tight. Relief doesn’t even being to explain it. My loving sweet Posie was just feeling free and having the time of her life. Dogs are so simple really, and they deserve all the love the can get. She is my baby, and my baby had me worried sick!

Posie is one naughty, full of personality girl, trying to live this life to the fullest. And if this story doesn’t describe her to a tee, I don’t know what does. As long as I have her, and her little tail is wagging, I’ll be okay. It’s you and me against the world, my sweet Posie girl.


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    ANWritten by Anya Nath

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