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A childhood dream fulfilled

By Pritthijit DattaPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 12 min read
The smiling dog

Dogs bring so much joy and happiness to our lives. They are part of our family. They are so therapeutic.

As a lonely teenager growing up in the mid-nineties, I longed for a dog companion. Due to my dyspraxia, I felt strongly that a dog would be ideal to overcome some of the problems I was facing. In 1993, I was diagnosed with dyspraxia. At school, I struggled to make friends and was often misunderstood. Dogs made me calmer. It was a great diversion from the problems I faced at the time. I felt dogs could understand and connect better with me whilst I interacted with them directly.

Being neurodiverse led to much difficulties for me in my childhood. My c0-ordination was atrocious. In science lessons, I struggled to follow instructions and made a mess of experiments. Fellow pupils would complain to form teacher about me, damaging my confidence. In school, one of my teachers told me not to do a degree. Some pupils would say you will fail all your GCSE exams. I was socially isolated at school. Dogs gave me comfort and joy as a child, when I had the opportunity to interact directly with them.

I silenced my critics by completing two degrees in marketing and working for a fantastic charity. Their comments made me more motivated to prove them wrong.

My parents could not commit the time to have a dog as they were working full time. I assured my parents that I would take care of the dog. Despite my plea, I was refused to keep a dog.

One day a stray Jack Russell was found in our garden on a very hot day. He looked ragged, motionless on the ground. The dog face did not look right. We feed the dog and kept him in the garage overnight

We contacted a local dog shelter the next morning. The worker carried the lonely dog and put him inside a cage. The worker examined the dog closely and said he was partially blind. Tears seeped down my face unable to accept what he just said. The dog highlighted a case of negligence by previous owners. How can people be so cruel ? The dog would be in excellent care in the shelter and could not be harmed by anyone else.

The worker asked if we want to have a dog, realising how much I love dogs. I gave my mom a pleading look. She declined the offer, saying we do not have time to have a dog. My plea was in vain once more. My mother did not want to be attached to a dog.

My dream was not fulfilled, and I kept praying to get a dog. I looked at the sorrow looking dog and gave a final goodbye, before he left our garden. His eyes looked at me.

How did my interest in dogs grows? I developed an incredible bond with a Spitz breed. The breed is known to be vocal as it barks constantly. His name was Snoopy. On arrival to aunty home at Kolkata, India, I saw this dog constantly barking. Auntie assured me he will not bite. As I went closer to the dog, he stood still and then jumped on me.

From this point, an incredible bond developed between us. The dog lay down on the bed, staring directly at the window. I kept stroking him. He loved the affection. There was an expression of joy in his face. On the balcony, we both sat down peacefully watching what was going on outside. We were the centre of attention, as many people were walking on the road and staring at us. The road was packed with people walking, rickshaws, bicycles in motion, cars in motion. These are the distinctive sounds of Kolkata.

I returned to India four years later. Snoopy recognized me immediately. He was a fully grown adult dog, showing signs of maturity. Old habits never go away, as Snoopy still jumped on people. He would get so excited. It would be difficult to control.

Snoopy was solitary at times. He slept serenely under the bed. If the bell rang, he would run to the door and do his trademark jump on visitors, who were so amazed seeing an amicable dog. In the night, he would roam around the house, not sleeping for long periods, whilst everyone else was fast asleep. Snoopy woke me up in the morning.

The time approached the when we would have to leave our cousin home. Snoopy sensed we were leaving when he saw suitcases in the living room. Dog can understand situations. He touched the suitcases.

The porter entered the room. He carried the heavy suitcases so unfazed to load in the car. Snoopy started to bark. We said our final goodbye to everyone in the house. The barking continued for long periods. The taxi’s engine started. From the car window, I could see Snoopy barking. There was sadness on his face. Snoopy was a very friendly and charming dog, who loved people very much. Dogs do convey emotions.

Unfortunately, we heard the devastating news that Snoopy passed away. One day, Snoopy was running out of breath. His energy levels were rapidly decreasing. This prompted a visit to the vets. The vet examined and passed on the news that there was a very slim chance that he would survive.

My aunty and uncle had to be prepared to be euthanized. He was lying in the bed feeling very weak. He was breathing for the last time and saw the world for the last time.

His eyes were completely closed. Both looked tearfully at the Snoopy on the bed and touched him for the last time The connection between humans and dogs is so strong. The house would feel empty without his sparkling presence.

They decided not to buy another dog. No other dog could replace Snoopy. He was a wonderful dog. He was buried in the cemetery.

Unfortunately, my aunty passed away in 2021 due to a short illness. She was a passionate dog lover. Prior to Snoopy, she owned a Dalmatian dog called Poppy. She was a wonderful person that I will miss very much. Going to India will be empty without her. I feel incredibly sad that I will not see her again. I have pictures of her in albums and she was an inspirational person.

Pictures are displayed of Snoopy in the home. The memories are so precious. Seeing the happy face brings tears to your face. The absence of my aunty brings tears. She had such a great bonding with Snoopy and scolded him for being mischievous.


In 2021, my dream was finally fulfilled. Puppy sales are skyrocketing during these torrid times of COVID-19 the world is facing. We cannot enjoy the life way we want to like go on holidays, meeting friends and visit places we enjoy. Life is short. The days go by fast. The current situation led my wife and me to buy a dog.

We are both deeply passionate about dogs. Initially, we decided to buy a rabbit. Our hearts began to change towards a dog due to excellent companionship they can provide. We scrapped the plan of buying a rabbit. On the internet, we browsed through a variety of breeds, but most were way over our budget on pet online sites.

Some breeds met our budget. We analyze the breeds in details. The saluki breed appeared to be the most affordable for us. The house needed to accommodate for our first dog. Furniture was arranged in the house to provide space bearing the mind how fast the breed grows and the personality of the breed. We brought a bowl and enough supplies of dog food.

On a windy day, we drove to pick up our first dog. It was eight-week years old saluki puppy. The journey took us over bumpy country roads. The narrow streets made it hard to drive. There were so many cars parked on both side of the roads. Both of us were feeling excited. We arrived at the breeder home and were overwhelmed by an overload of cuteness seeing a litter of lurcher puppies in an assortment of colours . The adorable puppies looked at us and were so playful. The two full grown saluki dogs greeted us amicably.

The breeder passed on a male puppy that I carried on my lap. He felt nervous, knowing he would be separated from parents and siblings. For a puppy, it would be a lot to take in. He would have to adapt to a new environment. Since we are understanding people, we were sure that he would adapt to us quickly.

He is a black coloured puppy with a few white markings. The face is a typically puppy looking. In the car whilst driving home, he was whining a lot. He would not ever mingle with his siblings ever again. That is sad for a puppy. In the early days, he depended on his parents for feeding and guidance. We do not know what he was thinking. I felt those thoughts were spiralling in his mind.

In three days, he started to accept us in his life. A chemistry started to develop. We decided to name the dog Otis. A 90s children tv show inspired the chosen name.

Otis is a saluki dog. In the early days, we took him for a walk at parks and our village. He was the centre of attention. Every passer-by admired him, saying how cute he is and wanted to stroke him. He loves people and even jumps on them. He is great with children. His adorable looks continues to attract attention whilst we walk him. His silky and long hairs on the face are distinctive features.

In parks, he keeps constantly jumping on other dogs. He is obsessed about interacting with other dogs. The reactions are mixed. Some dogs hugged him, whilst others growl at him. We have to divert Otis's mind by giving treats, so he is not showing too much interest in other dogs.

In August, we took Otis to a dog park. He enjoys playing with other dogs. A dog paradise, where you met a variety of breeds ranging from Siberian Husky, Lurchers, Labradors,

Given his active personality, he needs to be walked regularly to burn out his energy. At home, he burns his energy by fetching objects to chase.

How has Otis changed our life?

We are cherishing the moments with our first dog. He brings us so much happiness. I do not face any mental health problems that I am prone to. Otis has been the best thing in our lives. Our lives have transformed since Otis was introduced into our family.

We are becoming physically fit and can cope with life effectively in difficult times. Once my wife head was spinning. Otis was licking my wife, concerned what was happening.


I faced a problem as I was diagnosed with astigmatism in June. My vision saw shadowy text and I was in discomfort seeing reflection of lights. Sometimes, my eyes were strained. Once I notice seeing double vision in reading books and subtitles. This caused my levels anxiety to steer out of control. I was walking restlessly and screaming.

I sat on the sofa and Otis knew something was wrong with me. He licked me on my face. Otis is a very caring and nice dog. He helps to remove my anxiety and make me feel happy. The problem was solved by getting the right glasses.

Otis the anxiety healer

We feel strongly that there is a purpose in our life. Otis brightens our mood, as he is full of energy and joy. His comical face makes us laugh. In the morning we call him the mayor of Thorpe Thewles. He peers through the windows through his watchful eyes of seeing things moving. He barks if he see dogs and people walking. It is funny to watch. We ask him anything to report. He gives us a cute look.

In August 2021, we took Otis to a dog park. He is the most popular dog in the park. He is a very sociable dog. Most residents we meet say what a joyful dog he is. He has made some canine friends like a border collie, a Labrador and an Irish terrier. Some of his companions greet him whilst we arrive at the park and wait until he arrives. Otis's popularity put a tear on my face. Having a dog mean a lot to me. Me and my wife have created a wonderful and well liked dog.

Otis is a great protector. He barks once there is a knock on the door. His sharp hearing means he can hear sound from a distant. He runs to the door to see what it is. He sometimes falls. It is like a comedy show.

Mayor of Thorpe Thewles

Sometimes we have to leave him on his own for few hours, if we are visiting family or friends. He barks for long periods and cries at our absence. His treats and toys do not matter at all. Our company weighs greater importance. It shows how much he loves us very much. Separation anxiety does affect Otis. Once we return home, we have a great welcoming committee of Otis ready to jump on us and gleaming with joy and smiles on his face seeing us. He is a very loving dog.

In work, I feel very motivated. My work performance has improved . I work as a fundraising manager in the charity sector delivering support groups for parents, children and adults with dyspraxia. I am an ambassador for dyspraxia having the condition. I have secured funding for the charity and I work long hours in the charity. I am an avid reader. In the last two months, I have completed five novels. Otis has made to start my passion in reading again.


We have gained a wealth of knowledge about dogs. I want to gain qualifications in dog courses, to help me further build the knowledge about canine creature. I want to set up a dog venture. It is important to gain the qualifications to start our journey for the future.

We have learned the following about dogs

* Training

* Diets

* Discipling a dog

* Sleeping patterns

* Psychology of a dog

Having a dog is a life time commitment and responsibility. It is important to maintain a continued bonding with your dogs. Take it for walks and play with him if he invites you do. We will devote our lives to dogs. We have an instant connection with dogs.


About the Creator

Pritthijit Datta

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