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Long Live The Doggies!

Snow the hearts' Conqueror

By Mariam PagavaPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Snow in the Mountains of Adjara

Pets, the most beloved members of the family. The ones that are always desired by the kids and bring the most happiness and joy to our lives. While it is definitely a known fact that pets are very important for the atmosphere of the whole family and are important for kids especially, what does it really mean to have a pet at home and how do they impact our lives from the very first to the very last day. While I know some stuff about animals in general, I am definitely not an expert. Though, I will tell you my story.

I always wanted to have a dog, but because of the allergies, my parents would never allow me to. I have three siblings and all of them wanted to have a pet as well, so one day I simply decided to bring home a small puppy as a gift for my brother. Obviously, it was only initial thought, and ever since our dog, is my personal dog, not a gift for my brother. Oh, by the way, his name is Snow, and he is a poodle, and he is the cutest and the kindest dog on earth.

It was hard at the beginning, he would pee everywhere and would chew everyone's shoes, so we had to hide everything from him, including shoes, slippers, and cables as well. This was a very different experience, yet very similar. As mentioned I have three siblings, all of them are younger and I participated a lot in bringing them up. A very similar experience was with Snow. We had to be careful with everything, not to give him something that he would not be able to chew, to wash him all the time, and to check if he wanted to pee or not. He was sick and we used to stay around his bed for the whole night to comfort him. Basically, we brought 5th baby to our house.

Once I brought Snow home, we instantly had divided our responsibilities among us, including my brother and my sister. They knew that Snow needed to go out at least two times during the day and then needed to be washed, in order to be clean, as he always sleeps on the bed or sofa, thus we have to wash him constantly. Besides taking him out and washing, they had to comb him every other day, as he is a poodle and his hair gets messed up very easily.

In the beginning, it was not easy to fulfill every obligation they had, but they learned time by time. They would forget to comb him, but once they saw what is the outcome and how painful was it for him to comb his messy hair, both of them divided days of the week for the combing purposes. This was great progress and that was a great journey to see them taking responsibility for well being of a live creature. Something that otherwise would be very hard to achieve. Now, they even understand when he is sad or not and try to cheer him up. They understand whether he is hungry or thirsty, and while Snow does not speak our language all of us learned how to talk and communicate with him. My younger brother, who was very jealous at the beginning now tries to save Snow from other dogs, who seem to be aggressive. He learned how to protect and how to care.

The way they change our lives

Many studies have shown that dogs change our lives completely and have proved that they indeed make us better humans. It is said that be the person your dog thinks you are, which is why we all have to be kinder and loveable.

1. Dogs make us productive

While a dog at home is definitely a source of joy, having a dog in the office can boost productivity. The study conducted by the University of Michigan states that having a dog in the office help to improve the team dynamic and foster productivity among the employees. The study has been accompanying by the experiment, on an advertising campaign. One group of people had a dog in the office, and the other did not. After the experiment was done, the employees were asked to fill the survey where the group with the dog “ranked their teammates more highly on measures of trust, team cohesion and intimacy” than the group without the dog.

I can tell it based on my personal experience as well. Whenever I bring Snow to the office, the brings a positive vibe to the whole team and my teammates are way more energetic.

2. Dogs keep you active

The great way to be active physically is to take your dog on long walks and to do some exercises together. This is especially good, if you don't have time for the gym. The play session is something healthy for both of you. Just like you your dog needs to stay active and energetic. Set a certain routine for both of you.

3. Stress Relief

If you are seeking the chance to relieve stress from your life, get yourself a dog. The ASPCA reported on the findings of a recent study on this subject that found that “55 percent of people were more relaxed when they were with their pets and 44 percent were even less worried about financial problems.”

The ASPCA article quoted a psychologist who worked on the study, Dr. David Lewis, who stated that “interacting with a dog is a profound and effective stress reducer. It increases feelings of contentment and relaxation.” Who out there doesn’t want that?

4. Live a longer life

What is the main reason for us having health and mental problems? Stressful and inactive life. Now, imagine if your dog can take away all of this from you, you should be living away longer and happier life. Dogs keep you active, energetic, improve your mood,w which leads us to the dramatic conclusion. Many scientific studies have actually been found to support it. Studies have shown that dogs can reduce a person’s risk of heart disease and help speed up the healing process after surgery. Dogs also have been shown to improve overall mental health and help prevent depression. Owning a dog may even reduce the number of colds you’ll get this winter. So next time your dog rests his head on your lap, give him a kiss and thank him for doing his part to keep you healthy!

On the other hand, Snow thanks us with a lot of love, which does not ask for anything and is purely unconditional. This is how we all brought everything to the next level. He brings joy and love. He is the one who welcomes us home, and we all know that there is someone at home who is waiting for us and whenever we hug him his heart skips a beat and this is a majestic feeling, that no human relationship can change.


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