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Easy steps to train your puppy

By SIHEM ABEDPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Photo by Dominik Kempf on Unsplash

How to Train Your Puppy in 8 Easy Steps

Do you have a new puppy in your house? Does your cute little friend need an outlet for their energy? Is it time to train your puppy to behave properly? This guide will walk you through the steps you can use to train your new pup, from helping it become potty-trained to getting it to stop chewing on the furniture and everything in between. Read on and find out what you need to know!

​Learn more here

Puppy Training: The Comprehensive Guide to Puppy Training - A Step by Step Activity Guide to: Housebreaking, Crate Training, Puppy Sleep Training and More teaches you all the basics of puppy training.

You'll find out how to choose collars, leashes, and harnesses, and what toys and treats are best. This book also discusses crates, bedding, and fences.

You'll even learn how to "puppy proof" your house! Find tips on teaching manners for when you want your pup to behave like a good citizen. The authors provide excellent tips on bite inhibition and proper socialization skills that will help ensure that you have a well-behaved pet for years to come.

1) Start with the basics – sit, stay, come

#1: Teach your dog the basics. Start off with simple commands like sit and stay. If you have a treat, lure them into position with it. Say the command and then give them the treat if they follow through. Do this repeatedly until they get it right on their own. This will show them that following commands is a good thing!

#2: Find a word your pup understands. Pick one command from above and use this as your dog's name. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just something you can remember easily. For example, if your pup's name is Bella, you could use sit for her command.

2) Put them in short training sessions

If you want your puppy to behave properly, there are a few things you'll need to do. First, you have to train them in short sessions. You can't expect the pup to learn everything at once, so training should be spaced out over time. Second, it's important for the dog owner to start as early as possible. If training begins when the puppy is young, you'll be able to show them what behaviors are acceptable and what aren't. Finally, make sure you pay close attention; if your pup does something wrong or makes a mistake that's not intentional (such as chewing on an item or getting into something they shouldn't), then gently correct them with a firm No and redirect their behavior. In no time at all your dog will be trained!

3) Reward them with treats

Rewarding your puppy for behaving appropriately is an important part of the training process. Treats are one option, but praise, petting and attention work too. Be sure to give them a pat on the head or offer a treat every time they do something you want them to do. However you choose to reward your pup, make it consistent so that they know what they are being rewarded for.

1) Put your puppy on a leash and take him outside so that he can relieve himself. Repeat this step until he learns where you want him to go potty and does not have accidents indoors.

4) Use positive reinforcement

Puppies are not born with the knowledge of how to behave appropriately. But, it's important that you start training your puppy from the moment they get home. The sooner you teach them what is expected of them, the less likely they are to develop bad habits.

Puppies require a lot of attention and need more frequent walks than adult dogs because they have lots of energy. If you don't have time for extended walks every day, a dog park may be a better option for your pup.

There are many ways to train your puppy and choose what works best for you and your household.

5) Avoid punishment

1. Praise your puppy when they do something right. 2. Use positive reinforcement by giving them a treat, playing with them or giving them a toy every time they do what you ask of them. 3. Never punish your dog when they have done something wrong by using physical abuse, yelling or other negative behavior towards them. 4. Give your dog plenty of exercise and attention so that they won't act out due to boredom or the lack of attention from their owner and then will be less likely to chew on furniture and other objects inside the house. 5. Take your pup outside as often as possible so that they can relieve themselves, enjoy the fresh air and get some exercise at the same time 6.

6) Be consistent

It's important to be consistent with your training and give the same commands for similar behaviors. Also, keep it short and simple--one or two words will do. The following is a list of some helpful commands: Sit, Down, Come, Heel, No, Wait. Remember that these are just examples and you can use any word that works best for you. It's also important not to use the same word more than once in a row because this confuses your puppy.

7) Make it fun

1. Start with a regular mealtime routine and stick to it.

2. Take your puppy outside at least once an hour, even if you don't think they need it.

3. Do not wait for your puppy to go on their own; take them outside every time they wake up from a nap or after playtime or after eating a meal.

4. Reward good behavior with praise and treats whenever possible, but never use food as punishment for bad behavior!

8) Get everyone on board

It's important that everyone in the household is on board with training your dog. It helps if you have one person who is designated as the boss for the pup, but that doesn't mean the boss has to be the most assertive member of the household. Learn more here

It's important that everyone in the household is on board with training your dog. It helps if you have one person who is designated as the boss for the pup, but that doesn't mean the boss has to be the most assertive member of the household. It just means they'll need to take responsibility for enforcing your rules and rewarding good behavior.

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    SAWritten by SIHEM ABED

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