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how to train a husky

They Will Listen To Your Command After You Do This

By DammyleePublished about a year ago 5 min read

Huskies are beautiful and intelligent dogs that are often associated with sled-pulling in cold climates. These dogs require proper training to help them live a healthy and happy life. In this article, we will discuss the best ways to train a husky and ensure that they become well-behaved companions.

Understanding Your Husky's Personality

Before beginning any training, it's important to understand your husky's personality. Huskies are independent dogs that were originally bred to work in packs. They are very intelligent, but they can also be stubborn and strong-willed. Huskies are also very energetic and require a lot of exercise.

Establishing Yourself as the Pack Leader

To effectively train your husky, you need to establish yourself as the pack leader. Huskies are pack animals and they will naturally look to the pack leader for guidance. You need to be firm, consistent, and fair when training your husky. You can establish yourself as the pack leader by providing your husky with basic commands such as sit, stay, come, and heel.

Positive Reinforcement Training

Positive reinforcement training is the best way to train a husky. This involves rewarding your husky for good behavior, rather than punishing them for bad behavior. When your husky performs a desired behavior, you should immediately reward them with a treat or praise. This will reinforce the behavior and encourage your husky to continue behaving well.

Consistency and Patience

Consistency and patience are key when training a husky. You need to be consistent with your commands and rewards. You should also be patient and understand that training a husky can take time. If you are consistent and patient, your husky will eventually learn and become a well-behaved companion.

Exercise and Socialization

Huskies require a lot of exercise and socialization. You should take your husky for daily walks and provide them with plenty of opportunities to play and run. You should also socialize your husky with other dogs and people. This will help your husky become well-adjusted and well-behaved in different situations.

Training Tools

There are various training tools that can help you train your husky. These include clickers, treats, and harnesses. Clickers can be used to signal to your husky that they have performed a desired behavior. Treats can be used as a reward for good behavior. Harnesses can be used to control your husky during walks and other activities.

Crate Training

Crate training can be an effective way to house train your husky. Huskies are naturally den animals, and a crate can provide them with a sense of security and comfort. You should introduce the crate gradually and associate it with positive experiences such as treats and toys. You should never use the crate as a form of punishment.

Leash Training

Leash training is an important aspect of husky training. Huskies are strong dogs and can be difficult to control on a leash. You should begin leash training by introducing your husky to the leash and allowing them to get comfortable with it. Once they are comfortable, you can begin training them to walk on a leash by using positive reinforcement techniques.

Clicker Training

Clicker training is a popular training technique that involves using a clicker to signal to your husky that they have performed a desired behavior. Clicker training can be used to train your husky to perform a variety of commands such as sit, stay, come, and heel. You should always associate the click with positive experiences such as treats and praise.

Training for Sled Pulling

Huskies are known for their ability to pull sleds, and many husky owners enjoy participating in sled pulling competitions. Training your husky for sled pulling can be a fun and rewarding experience. You should begin by introducing your husky to a sled and allowing them to become comfortable with it. You can then begin training them to pull the sled by using positive reinforcement techniques.

Advanced Training Techniques

Once your husky has mastered basic obedience training, you can begin teaching them more advanced commands and tricks. Some examples of advanced training techniques include agility training, nose work training, and obedience competition training. These techniques can provide your husky with mental stimulation and help them develop a closer bond with you.


Socialization is a crucial aspect of husky training, as these dogs can be stubborn and independent. You should begin socializing your husky from a young age, exposing them to a variety of people, animals, and environments. You should also encourage positive interactions and reward good behavior. Socialization can help prevent behavior problems such as aggression and anxiety.

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a powerful training technique that involves rewarding your husky for good behavior. You can use treats, praise, and toys as rewards. You should never use punishment or physical force as a means of training, as this can damage the bond between you and your husky. Positive reinforcement can help your husky learn new behaviors quickly and encourage good behavior.


Consistency is key when training a husky. You should establish clear rules and boundaries, and enforce them consistently. This can help your husky understand what is expected of them and prevent confusion. You should also be consistent in your training techniques, using the same commands and rewards each time. Consistency can help your husky learn faster and prevent frustration.


Patience is a virtue when training a husky. These dogs can be stubborn and independent, and it may take time for them to learn new behaviors. You should be patient and persistent, and never give up on your husky. You should also avoid getting frustrated or angry, as this can damage the bond between you and your husky.

Husky-Specific Behaviors

Huskies have some unique behaviors that require special attention when training. For example, huskies are known for their love of digging and escaping. You should provide your husky with appropriate outlets for their digging behavior, such as a designated digging area. You should also ensure that your yard is secure and free of escape routes.

In conclusion, training a husky requires time, patience, and dedication. Crate training, leash training, clicker training, and training for sled pulling are all effective techniques that can be used to train a husky. Advanced training techniques such as agility training and obedience competition training can provide your husky with mental stimulation and help them develop a closer bond with you. By using positive reinforcement techniques and establishing yourself as the pack leader, you can train your husky to become a well-behaved and loving companion.


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    DammyleeWritten by Dammylee

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