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How to Look After a Puppy


By LunaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
How to Look After a Puppy
Photo by Andrew Schultz on Unsplash

When I was a kid, my grandma had the cutest tiny white dog. I adored him because he was half-poodle and half-Maltese. But that dog was her baby, no matter how much I loved him.

She came across him by chance one day. She was walking home from work when she noticed he was being abused on the sidewalk. She promptly took the frazzled woman who was being cruel to the small puppy home after giving her 5 bucks.

My grandmother, who had never had a pet before, returned home with her new puppy only to discover she didn't have any food for him.

So she cooked up some bacon and eggs and fed some to the puppy.

That dog would never be able to eat dog food again for the rest of its life. He ate bacon and eggs at least three times a week from then on, spoiled and pampered. His diet consisted of baloney, hot dogs, and other dog-friendly items.

Without a question, he was one of the most spoilt dogs ever to grace the planet.

The lesson of the tale is that if you give your dog human food, it will always desire human food.

If you offer a puppy food that it doesn't want to eat, don't expect it to not turn its snout up in the air. In front of your company, dogs will chew grass, sniff their own messes, and lick themselves.

When you put some of the less dog food in front of them, however, the dog transforms into a culinary expert, and nothing you do will make it eat anything it doesn't want to eat.


If you find yourself in the unforeseen situation of having to care for a puppy, you may be compelled to improvise. It's fine to offer your pet special treats every now and again. And, let's face it, you'll probably wind up feeding your puppy cookies.

While giving your dog bacon and eggs is not a smart idea, you can offer him baloney or hot dog bits if you like. The dog, on the other hand, will never eat actual bacon if you feed it to it.

It's great if you prepare ahead of time before bringing your puppy home. First and foremost, the puppy requires its own personal place.

A doggy bed, some toys, a food dish, and a water dish should all be put out and ready for the newest member of your family.

Put down a generous piece of newspaper in the puppy's area if it isn't housebroken (which it almost certainly won't be).

There is little you can do to prevent an untrained dog from urinating on the floor. You might be able to rescue your flooring by preparing for the worst and laying down plenty of newspaper.

Make a sleeping area for your pet. True, most puppies grow up to be doggies that sleep in your bed with you, but your puppy may not be large enough to leap into bed at first.

If you want your pet to sleep on your bed, you'll have to put the puppy in your bed, but there's a caveat.

Animals who learn to sleep in your bed at an early age will always sleep in your bed. As a result, you might wish to invest in a particular tiny bed for your puppy.

Introducing Your Puppy to Your Family

Your puppy will not recognize your house as its permanent residence straight immediately. That puppy's first few weeks of existence were almost certainly perplexing.

By the time your puppy arrives at your house, it has already been removed from its mother, brothers, and sisters, and maybe the only animal in the house.

It's a frightening situation for your puppy, and bear in mind that he or she doesn't yet recognize you.


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