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How to Choose the Suitable Dog Chew Treat?


By DavidPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Natural Chew Toys for Dogs

Choosing the right chew treat for your dog is necessary for their overall health and well-being. It can help them satisfy their need to chew and prevent destructive behavior. However, with so many options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to know which one to choose. We’ll help you here! Consider the following tips to choose the suitable dog chew treat for your furry friend.

1. Consider your dog’s age and size.

When choosing a chew treat for your dog, it’s important to consider their age and size. Puppies and smaller dogs have different chewing needs than adult dogs or larger breeds. For example, puppies and small dogs may need softer chews that are easier to chew and digest, while larger dogs may need more durable chews that can withstand their powerful jaws.

2. Check the ingredients

Check the ingredients list of the chew treat you are buying. Make sure the treat is made from high-quality, natural ingredients and does not contain any harmful additives or preservatives. Avoid the inclusion of some ingredients, such as artificial colors, flavors, and fillers. If your dog has any allergies or dietary restrictions, go for a chew treat that is free of those ingredients.

3. Consider the purpose of the chew.

Different chew treats serve different purposes. Some chews are designed to promote dental health, while others are meant to provide a long-lasting, satisfying chewing experience. First, contemplate why you are giving your dog a chew treat and choose one that best fits that purpose. For instance, if you want to improve the excellent dental health of your dog, look for a chew treat that meets your requirements.

4. Choose the appropriate texture.

The texture of the chew treat is important as it can affect how long the treatment lasts and how effective it is at satisfying your dog’s chewing needs. Soft chews are easier to break down, while harder chews can provide a longer-lasting chewing experience. Some dogs prefer a certain texture, so choose a chew treat accordingly.

5. Choose the appropriate size.

The treat should be large enough that your dog cannot choke on it or swallow it whole. As a general rule, the chew treat should be larger than your dog’s mouth. If the chew treat is too small, it may not provide a satisfying chewing experience, and your dog may attempt to swallow it whole.

6. Avoid Chemically made chews.

Some chew treats are often treated with harsh chemicals and can cause digestive issues if ingested. Additionally, if a dog chews off a large piece of rawhide and swallows it, it can cause blockages in the digestive tract. Instead, look for natural chews that are free of harmful chemicals and are easier to digest.

7. Monitor your dog

Even with the appropriate chew treat, one needs to monitor their dog while they are chewing to prevent choking, blockages, and other safety issues. Some dogs may be more aggressive chewers than others and may need to have their chewing monitored more closely. 

8. Choose a chew treat that your dog enjoys.

At the end of the day, it’s important to choose a chew treat that your dog enjoys. If your dog doesn’t like the chew treat you’ve chosen, it can affect their chewing habit, and their chewing needs may go unmet. Try different types of chew treats to see which one your dog enjoys the most, and make sure to provide variety to keep things interesting.

9. Look for chews that provide additional benefits.

Various chew treats provide additional benefits beyond satisfying your dog’s need to chew. For instance, a lot of chews are designed to freshen your dog’s breath or promote joint health. Consider choosing a chew treat that provides additional benefits to support your dog’s overall health and wellness.

10. Talk to your veterinarian.

If you have any concerns about choosing the appropriate chew treat or natural chew toys for dogs, talk to your veterinarian. They can provide guidance on which types of chews are best suited for your dog’s specific needs and help you choose a chew that is safe and effective. You can even get various recommendations from them on how often your dog should be given a chew treat and monitor their dental health.


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