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How,my life was saved

By a Dog named Priest

By susanne frenchPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
My Boy Priest

They say dog is mans best friend, id like to introduce you to"Priest" he is my American Bulldog cross Shar pei Pitbull, he is now 4 years old and I guess my adventure with Priest began in 2016 when I saw a guy outside one of the local pokie rooms mind you its 4am and he was sitting there with 5 puppies although they all looked quite simular they seemed to look like the rednose pitbull but there was one so very different he had a dopey looking face droopy ears and black markings on his nose. Now this guy well his name was John and it just so happened he owed me quite a bit of money, I had helped him out when he was down on his luck. Now he tells me I can have the best one in the litter for $800 bucks I just laughed at him and said I'm pretty sure you owe me around that much but what makes you think id take that one anyway. what's wrong with this one as I pointed to the black nosed one. He quickly says no that one's stupid well that just made me want him more so as I bent down to take a good look at this little pup and then I very sternly said "you do realise what your doing is illegal" "so hows this sound im going to take this little fella for the money you owe and I'im going to take the others and find them good homes for free. I then grabbed all the pups put them in my car took them home, it wasn't until I got home I thought these little guys cant be more than 4 weeks old so I made them a bed and bottle feed them some warm milk. It only took me about 5 days and all the pups were rehomed except this little odd one out, I looked down at him as he tilted his little head and said now what are we going to call you. It was my daughter who gave him the name Priest so I guess from then on our adventures began. Priest began to grow and I guess the most amazing thing about this boy was he always seemed to know my every emotion now if I believed in the afterlife I'd say he had been a reincarnation of someone who knew me very well. Every time I would be with someone having a conversation about just general things in life he would always be right there listening to every word. Now over a year has now past and it was around Christmas 2017 when things just became unbelievable.

Then the most amazing thing happened I had gone down south to visit my grandchildren and on Christmas day I feel unwell so I decided to go back to my hotel room to rest and then suddenly I woke up in the emergency room of the Nambour Hospital the doctors told me that I had been there about 2 hours and when I asked how I got there he said that the ambulance had bought me in after receiving a phone call from my family in cairns asking them to check on me as they had no contact from me in 3 days, but aside from that, that Priest around lunchtime Christmas day began howling & barking he was running in and out of my bedroom and this had gone on for 3days not only that he would be constantly knocking the home telephone on the floor. But the facts where I only found out about Priest behavior when I returned to Cairns 2 weeks later. So now my family had learnt of my hospitalisation they would report daily on Priest's behavior. I had been admitted and it was on my second day after every single test you could possibly imagine was run and it was late afternoon when a team of doctors arrived into my room and gave me the bad news I had contracted Hepatitis B, I then through my tears said how is that possible I had been Vaccinated for both Hep A & Hep B in early 2010. I was so unsettled and didn't know what else to say and then I suddenly burst out " You need to test me again" I don't drink I said I've never used drugs I said. But I was told that there are so many different ways to contract it. I immediately said that I needed to go home but they refused said I was way too sick for that.

2 weeks finally went by and I returned home to Cairns I felt a great more at ease once that plane touched down and of course, the moment I walked in the door Priest was there to greet me, and just looking into his eyes I mouthed the words, Thank you, boy, you saved my life. After a few days home I suddenly relapsed and again was admitted to hospital, when I was seen by the Specialist at the Hepatitis outpatient clinic he said it was a miracle that I was still alive and that I had one of the worst cases that had ever been put on record and questions I had heaps but the one I believed to be most important was. If I was vaccinated and still contracted this virus then obviously the batch of vaccine didn't work, now I'm certainly not someone of high stature and I'm 100% plus sure a vaccine wasn't made especially for me so shouldn't we be looking for others who received the same batch of vaccine and maybe warning them. It fell on deaf ears and my monthly appointments then became 3 monthly then' 6 yearly and in 2019 they just stopped. I believe that I may have hit a raw nerve the day I asked about the vaccine. because it doesn't matter which way I go doors won't open and the greatest part about the fight for truth and answers is right alongside me is the one reason I am still alive and his name is Priest


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    susanne frenchWritten by susanne french

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