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Everything You Need to Know About the Basset Hound

Do you like dogs?

By Anya PalaciosPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Everything You Need to Know About the Basset Hound
Photo by Guilherme Stecanella on Unsplash

Although when you say "hunting dog" you are thinking of a tall and slender figure, like a greyhound, there are many breeds of small dogs that have been and are still used for this purpose.

One such breed is the Basset Hound, a cute medium-sized puppy that still looks small due to its very short paws. Many times you have seen this breed of dog in TV commercials, but they are perfect pets, loving with children, and have a calm temperament.

Find out all about the Basset Hound dog breed and why you should consider it if you are thinking of buying a companion!

All about the Basset Hound

  • Category: hunting dogs
  • Height: 30–40 cm
  • Weight: 25–30 kg
  • Life expectancy: 10–12 years

A brief history of the Basset Hound breed

The Basset Hound breed is of French origin, the word "basset" meaning "short". At first, dogs of this breed were kept as pets because of their short legs, and then they were used for hunting after it was found that they are very good at sniffing and catching rabbits. This is a fairly "old" breed, the first illustration of a Basset Hound dog appearing in 1585.

Basset Hound was a very popular breed among aristocrats, but after the French Revolution, they became the hunting dogs of ordinary people, because, being so short, they were a little slower than those of other breeds, and can be more easily tracked on sol.

The Basset Hound breed arrived in England only in the 19th century and appeared in America quite late in the 20th century. It did not last long and this breed gained unexpected popularity after it began to be used in advertising in the 1960s. Over time, Basset Hound dogs have become America's favorite quadrupeds.

Basset Hound: Physical traits and health problems of dogs of this breed

Basset Hound dogs have a short, silky coat that is easy to care for, so you won't have to worry about cleaning the couch. The color of the fur usually consists of three shades: black, beige, and white.

There are very few cases where the fur is gray, but it is believed that these specimens have genetic problems and are generally avoided. The snout of a Basset Hound dog is long, as are the ears, and the skin is left with wrinkles, which makes it look adorable, especially when the skin is completely wrinkled during the hunt.

Basset Hound seems to have a sad face, but he is one of the friendliest and happiest dogs you can have.

Physical traits are related to the fact that he is still a hunting dog. The long, drooping ears are intended to catch the sound when the Basset sniffs everything, and the wrinkles on the face catch the smells left by the prey.

Even a Basset's tail helps with hunting because it is directed upwards, which means that the hunter can easily see his dog, even if he gets lost in the tall grass.

Like any other breed, Basset Hound dogs are prone to certain diseases, which does not mean that it will make them mandatory, but that their owners must take them into account and prevent them in advance:

  • gastric problems involving bloating;
  • Von Willebrand's disease, a blood disorder that causes bleeding and clotting problems; this disease can be detected early, being easy to control with medication;
  • glaucoma;
  • allergies;
  • patellar dislocation, which occurs when the femur, knee, and tibia are not perfectly aligned;
  • problems with the spine;
  • ear infections, due to the reduced circulation caused by the length of the ears;
  • obesity.

Basset Hound personality

Basset Hound is a calm dog that will not cause you any problems due to his temperament.

He gets along well with everyone and is especially close to children, whom he tends to protect, making them the ideal "nanny". At the same time, it is very easy to make friends with other animals, which can be an advantage if you want more pets.

It is a suitable dog for the apartment because it is not noisy, but it is alert enough to guard the house.

In terms of training, Basset Hound can be a little stubborn and responds best to methods based on reward, not coercion.

One important thing to keep in mind is that the Basset Hound breed is affectionate and very sociable, which means it suffers from loneliness. It is the type of dog that would not be recommended to leave alone at home all day because it can develop depression.

Now you know all about one of the most beloved dog breeds in the world, the Basset Hound! If you want a perfect pet for the family, but also an important "guardian" of the house, consider this adorable puppy!


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