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Discover the Fantastic Benefits of Daily Canine Cuddles

The Healing Power of Embracing Your Furry Friend

By Relma DPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Cuddling your dog can also be great for your heart. It lowers your heart rate, decreases blood pressure and fill you with overall sense of well-being. (Pixabay)

Not just "dog people" can be the proud pet parents of a dog. Everyone can use it! It has been demonstrated by numerous scientific research that dogs have a variety of beneficial benefits on human health and wellbeing. The case can be made that everyone has to give a dog a hug in order to keep healthy, just as drugs and medical treatments are suggested for everyone who need them.


Hugging a dog could help you have lower blood pressure! According to several research, dog owners have lower blood pressure than non-owners. You don't think so? All you need to do is envision it since it is so accurate. When you next feel a little anxious at the doctor and your blood pressure is high, give it a try. Request a second blood pressure reading while mentally picturing your dog being hugged. It's likely that your blood pressure reading will drop to normal the second time.

Your cholesterol may go down if you hug a dog! It is commonly known that dog owners' plasma triglyceride and cholesterol levels are lower than those of non-dog owners. If you are diagnosed with high cholesterol, there is a case to be made that you should also be prescribed a new dog in addition to your medication!

If you hug your dog often, you have a higher chance of surviving a heart attack! According to studies, dog owners have higher survival rates after heart attacks than non-owners. Your life could be saved by having a dog live with you and giving yourself the occasional hug.

Hug a dog only to say "Thank You!" as they are human healers. - Hospital "animal-assisted therapy" programs use companion dogs to treat certain medical ailments and enhance patient outcomes. Because of how well the treatment works, most hospitals now have a program in place as a matter of course.

Not only do we feel better physically after giving a dog a hug, but also emotionally. It is obvious that having a relationship with an animal has a significant psychological impact on people, as well as potentially on dogs. There have been numerous instances where people with depression found that their relationship with their dog had a substantial positive impact on their condition. In cases of PTSD or trauma shared by both parties, such as those seen in war veterans and their dogs, this connection seems to be particularly crucial.

Hug a dog because they help us to become better people. It has been demonstrated that dogs improve social interaction and physical activity, which may have an impact on human health. In fact, one of the early studies on this phenomena examined how dog keepers' communities benefited from their enhanced social contacts.

Hug a dog; if they could, they would most likely return the favor! According to a recent study, receiving a hug or other intimate physical touch causes the release of endorphins in both humans and dogs. The 'feel good' chemical released when individuals hug one another is called endorphins. Most likely, these substances are responsible for the numerous health advantages that hugging a dog can bring about. Since everyone enjoys feeling nice, it stands to reason that a dog would undoubtedly give you a hug if it possessed opposable thumbs.

Hugs are a sort of restraint that are great for training dogs, especially puppies. A dog is essentially restrained when it receives a hug from you—in a very positive way. When employed as a training tool, the hug paralyzes the dog and induces concentration and submission. This is an excellent training activity that encourages positive conduct when done deliberately and correctly.

Hug your dog to make them feel better. Humans may require hugs when depressed or worried. The domesticated dog and its wild wolf equivalent behave very differently towards humans, according to animal behavior study. In essence, they share a lot of our anxieties, fears, concerns, and demands. They are dogs residing in a world designed for humans and not for dogs. Sometimes all they need is a hug to remind them that everything will be okay.

Finally, give a dog a hug; they are unquestionably our best pals. Dogs love without condition, and there is very little they won't overlook or overlook. Have any of your "best friends" in human form ever judged you or treated you poorly? Well, our dogs simply wouldn't do it. They actually are our best friends because they stand by us through thick and thin, without bias or judgment. And that merits a hug, if for no other reason.


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