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Cats V/S Dogs: An Unsolved Mystery

Overwhelming, ain't it?

By Emily TaylorPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Pet owners are always on a war, dog owners consider their pets to be paw-fect (see the word play, I like it) and cat owners argue that their little babies are absolutely purr-fect (okay, I think I might be good at this), this has been going on from ages and there seems to be no stopping, at all (believe me I have seen fights becoming nasty because of this) but the poor souls who go to both kinds of parents for an advice on the same, what to do about the fix they are in? Confusing and utterly frustrating isn't it? (You will surely start pulling your hair and scratching your head anytime soon now, I know).

Although it might seem to be an easy task,  It is actually a very complex as well as important matter because your pets become your life, basically your life, your schedules,everything revolve around them, they become one of the most important part of your family, so for the correct vibin' we gotta be researchin'..let's weigh in the pros of being dog mama/daddy and cat mama/daddy


1) You will always be greeted by a hug or a lick when you come back home from outside.

2) Dogs are very emotional animals, they show a lot of emotions towards you and also, they react to the behavior you have with them.

3) Dogs are usually filled with love, they love you unconditionally and look up to you, no matter what. They grow attached to their family very easily.

4) You don't need to worry about exercising yourself because dogs are active animals, you need to take them on a walk on a daily basis.

5) Some dogs are excellent guards, which means, they can protect your home from unwanted strangers.

6) Usually, dogs are very protective in nature, so they do anything and everything to protect their family from potential harm.

7) Dogs are very friendly, they make friends easily with the ones who treats it with love and affection.

8) There are innumerable types of breeds to select from, you can select the breed according to your requirements.


1) Cats are really a loner animal, they do not move very much, which is good for those people who are lazy themselves.

2) Cats are mostly low maintenance, they do not need much care,they live their lives according to their own sweet will.

3) Cats can be left alone at home for a day or two, with available supply of food and water, they do not need someone to care for them for a very long time.

4) Cats are lazy animals, they do not need much exercise to function, so for all the lazy couch potatoes out there, cats are the best pet!

5) Cats are not that friendly, they usually stick to only one owner, so they are suitable for the people who are introverts irl.

6) These animals are very regal and elegant.

7) Unlike dogs, this animal does not likes to be picked, they prefer to be on their own.

8) Some of the cats can be very gentle and sweet-natured.

9) Cats do not require much grooming, unlike dogs, that require extensive grooming sessions to be presentable.

10) The variety of cats knows no bounds, there are a number of breeds you can select you purr-tastic pet baby from, Cat breedo might give you a look into the choices you might have.

I am sure that being a pet mom or dad would be wonderful journey and there is no turning back after you bring that four legged cutie to your house, it will make your life merrier, exciting and full of love!

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Emily Taylor

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