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Cannibal Animals, That's Nasty

Crazy Animal Facts!

By Michael J. HarrisPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Put your Game Face on!

I was casually scrolling through the web and a thought came to my mind. Last week at work, a teacher who has praying mantis in her class told me that they are cannibals. I already knew that the female bits off the male mantis' head after becoming having the offspring. But I did not know that they become cannibals when they have nothing to eat.

So, here's the daunting thought. Are there other animals that display this same craziness. I found an article talking about 11 of them that are prone to cannibalism. I'm going to talk about a few of them in this article.

Growing up, you remember Buggs Bunny right. He was funny and cool. Always getting into trouble and coining the What up Doc phrase. Makes you chuckle right.

Or petting the rabbits at the store and begging your parents to get you one. I never had a rabbit but I do like them.

Well, these...

fluffy fur-balls may be cute, but mess up their living space and they turn deadly. Mother rabbits have been known to eat stillborn or weak babies to keep her nest tidy, especially if there are predators nearby or she’s super stressed out. (Or super hungry, super cold, or super thirsty.) The moral of the story? Keep your procreating pet rabbits happy.

Whew talk about a healthy snack. Can you imagine your mom saying honey clean your room. Then you push it off and one day... Bam! She comes in and eats you. The momma rabbit is currently on trial and is facing life in prison for eating her babies!

I do not know how factual the show Water Ship Down is, but it depicts the life of wild rabbits. From reading the article, it reminded me of the show. In the show the rabbits were territorial, if you are not from their Down, they will try to kill you. The show was very deep and overall a masterpiece.

Chimpanzees are a little nuts too. It doesn't surprise me though. After seeing the Planet of the Ape movies, these chimps know how to do some action scenes and they do not take well to orders.

In 1976 Jane Goodall realized that some chimps chomp down on their young for a variety of mysterious reasons, from nutrition, to overcrowding, to dominance issues. It’s a shocking practice that has been witnessed by biologists in the years since.

The dominance are evident. If I was a chimp, I would respond in the same way. Don't tell me where to get my bananas, those are fighting words. They look lovely on camera and video, but I'm not trying to go toe - to - toe with them. They can keep those fights for themselves.

Caesar vs Koba Final Fight Part 1

Caesar vs Koba Final Fight Part 2

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was a great movie and this scene was powerful. Throughout the movie, you see Koba trying to get on Caesar's bad side. He did not like humans unlike Caesar finding a liking to a few and wanting order. Yes it's not reality, but it does show the dominance issues, Jane reported in her findings.

Animals are very fascinating and marvelous. We are not like animals because we have logic and can think. But something that we can relate to is trying to take power, being neat freaks like the rabbits, needing food, and so forth. Although we do not eat one another (I hope you do not), we do become jealous or angry and that can cause us to make irrational decisions.


About the Creator

Michael J. Harris

I'm a young inspiring author and youth leader. I hope that through my YouTube and my writings that I can inspire the youth to both do and be more. Building on a ministry of stepping into the youth lives and allowing them to be themselves.

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