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Can cats and people understand people's words over a long time? Tell you the answer with a scientific perspective

Can cats and people understand people's words over a long time?

By 孙小明Published 11 months ago 3 min read

In recent years, pets have become an indispensable part of people's lives. Among them, cats, as one of the most popular pets, have many charming characteristics such as sensitive perception ability, elegant attitude and independent personality. However, as cats live with humans longer and longer, people have begun to have questions about whether cats can understand human language. So, can cats and people understand people's words after a long time? This article will discuss this issue from a scientific perspective.

First, we need to understand the nature of language communication. Language is a symbol system that consists of a series of symbols (words, sentences, etc.), which transmits information through these symbols. To understand these symbols requires the corresponding knowledge background and language ability. Just as humans can convey their thoughts and intentions through language exchanges, cats also have their own ways of communication, such as physical language, sound and smell. Studies have shown that cats can pass information in these methods and have a certain language learning ability.

However, to determine whether cats truly understand human language, the following aspects need to be considered:

First, the scope and frequency of cats are not exactly the same as that of humans. Humans can hear the sound of 20Hz-20kHz, and cats can hear the sound of 20Hz-65kHz, and they are more sensitive to high-frequency sounds. Therefore, cats may be different from human language.

Second, the cat's brain structure is different from humans. Human cerebral cortex is highly complex and can understand and process language. The cat's brain structure is relatively simple, mainly consisting of basic sensory, sports and emotional control areas. Therefore, cat's language understanding may not be as good as humans.

Third, cats' language learning ability is limited. Studies have shown that cats can learn simple language instructions by repeating, rewarding, and punishment, such as "sitting down" and "coming". However, cats cannot understand complex language structure and concepts, such as abstract concepts, emotion and logical reasoning.

Therefore, based on the above considerations, we can conclude that cats and people may be able to understand some simple human languages after living for a long time, but their ability to understand is limited, and they can only understand some basic language instructions. In addition, cats pay more attention to subtle changes such as the tone, volume, and frequency of sound, not the meaning of words. Therefore, when humans use language, they need to pay attention to details such as tone, volume and tone in order to better communicate with cats.

Of course, although the cat's language understanding ability is limited, they have other excellent perception ability, such as smell and vision, which can better understand human intentions and emotions through these perceptions. At the same time, it is also very important to establish a good way to communicate with cats, including learning cat's body language, focusing on their needs and preferences.

In short, cats and people may be able to understand some simple human languages after a long time, but their ability to understand is limited. They can only understand some basic language instructions, and pay more attention to details such as voice, sound and frequency. Therefore, to communicate with cats, you need to pay attention to details such as tone, volume and tone, and better understand the cat's needs and emotions through other perception methods and communication methods.

Okay, the article that cats and people can hear people who can hear people have been shared after living for a long time. How about your own pet cats? Welcome everyone to communicate together, welcome everyone to like it. We see you next time and follow me often sharing pet life stories


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