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Best Fish for Kids to Take Care Of

A Comprehensive Guide for Young Aquarists

By HasanPublished 8 days ago 6 min read


Introducing children to the world of fishkeeping can be an incredibly rewarding experience. It teaches responsibility, empathy, and the basics of biology, all while adding a splash of color and life to your home. However, selecting the right fish is crucial to ensure a positive experience for both the kids and the aquatic pets. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the best fish for kids to take care of, considering factors like ease of care, temperament, and overall hardiness.

Chapter 1: Understanding the Basics of Fishkeeping

1.1 The Importance of Choosing the Right Fish

Before diving into the specifics of which fish are best for kids, it's essential to understand why the choice matters. Fish that are too delicate, aggressive, or demanding can discourage young aquarists. The goal is to choose species that are resilient, easy to care for, and interactive enough to keep kids engaged.

1.2 Setting Up the Aquarium

Before bringing home any fish, setting up the aquarium correctly is crucial. This includes:

  • Choosing the right tank size (minimum 10 gallons for beginners)
  • Installing a reliable filter and heater (if needed)
  • Adding appropriate substrate and decorations
  • Cycling the tank to establish beneficial bacteria (to avoid "new tank syndrome")
  • Testing the water parameters regularly (pH, ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates)

Chapter 2: Top 10 Best Fish for Kids

2.1 Betta Fish (Betta splendens)

Betta fish are vibrant, hardy, and have a personality that often engages children. They can be kept in smaller tanks (minimum 5 gallons), making them a convenient choice for kids. However, it's important to house them alone or with non-aggressive tank mates due to their territorial nature.

Care Tips:

  • Keep water temperature between 76-82°F
  • Provide hiding spots and plants
  • Perform regular water changes

2.2 Guppies (Poecilia reticulata)

Guppies are colorful, active, and easy to care for. They thrive in community tanks and are known for their peaceful nature. Their small size and hardy nature make them ideal for beginners.

Care Tips:

  • Keep water temperature between 72-82°F
  • Feed a varied diet of flakes, frozen, and live foods
  • Ensure good water quality with regular maintenance

2.3 Neon Tetras (Paracheirodon innesi)

Neon Tetras are small, peaceful, and best kept in schools of six or more. Their striking blue and red colors make them a favorite among children. They're relatively easy to care for and thrive in well-maintained tanks.

Care Tips:

  • Keep water temperature between 70-81°F
  • Provide a planted tank with plenty of swimming space
  • Maintain stable water parameters

2.4 Platies (Xiphophorus maculatus)

Platies are hardy, colorful, and very easy to care for. They are livebearers, meaning they give birth to live young, which can be an exciting experience for kids. Platies are peaceful and do well in community tanks.

Care Tips:

  • Keep water temperature between 70-77°F
  • Feed a varied diet including flakes and vegetables
  • Ensure there are plenty of plants and hiding spots

2.5 Mollies (Poecilia sphenops)

Mollies come in various colors and shapes, making them an attractive choice for kids. They are hardy and easy to care for, but they do require a slightly larger tank (20 gallons or more). Mollies are livebearers and can reproduce quickly in favorable conditions.

Care Tips:

  • Keep water temperature between 72-78°F
  • Provide plenty of hiding spots and plants
  • Maintain good water quality with regular water changes

2.6 Zebra Danios (Danio rerio)

Zebra Danios are active, hardy, and easy to care for. Their playful nature and stripes make them intriguing to watch. They are best kept in schools of six or more and thrive in a well-maintained aquarium.

Care Tips:

  • Keep water temperature between 64-74°F
  • Provide a spacious tank for active swimming
  • Feed a varied diet of flakes and small live foods

2.7 Corydoras Catfish (Corydoras spp.)

Corydoras Catfish are peaceful bottom dwellers that help keep the tank clean by scavenging for leftover food. They are best kept in groups of three or more and are known for their gentle nature.

Care Tips:

  • Keep water temperature between 72-78°F
  • Provide a soft substrate to protect their barbels
  • Ensure plenty of hiding spots and clean water

2.8 Goldfish (Carassius auratus)

Goldfish are a classic choice for kids, known for their hardiness and longevity. However, they require more space than commonly believed (minimum 20 gallons for one goldfish). They are best suited for larger tanks or outdoor ponds.

Care Tips:

  • Keep water temperature between 60-75°F
  • Provide a spacious tank with good filtration
  • Perform regular water changes to maintain water quality

2.9 Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi)

Cherry Shrimp are colorful, easy to care for, and make an interesting addition to a child's aquarium. They are excellent cleaners and can coexist with small, non-aggressive fish.

Care Tips:

  • Keep water temperature between 65-80°F
  • Provide plenty of hiding spots and plants
  • Maintain stable water parameters and good water quality

2.10 Endler's Livebearers (Poecilia wingei)

Endler's Livebearers are similar to guppies but smaller and often more colorful. They are hardy, easy to care for, and reproduce quickly, making them an exciting choice for kids. They thrive in community tanks and are peaceful by nature.

Care Tips:

Keep water temperature between 72-82°F

Feed a varied diet including flakes and live foods

Ensure good water quality with regular maintenance

Chapter 3: Essential Tips for Young Fishkeepers

3.1 Feeding Your Fish

Proper nutrition is crucial for the health and well-being of your fish. Overfeeding can lead to water quality issues, while underfeeding can cause malnutrition. Teach kids to feed their fish small amounts once or twice a day, removing any uneaten food after a few minutes.

3.2 Maintaining Water Quality

Clean water is vital for a healthy aquarium. Regular water changes (10-20% weekly) and monitoring water parameters (pH, ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates) are essential. Kids can help with simple tasks like using a siphon to clean the gravel and changing water.

3.3 Observing Fish Behavior

Encourage kids to observe their fish regularly. Healthy fish are active, have bright colors, and interact with their environment. Any changes in behavior, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or unusual swimming patterns, may indicate health issues.

3.4 Handling Fish with Care

Teach kids the importance of handling fish gently and minimizing stress. Avoid tapping on the glass, and use a soft net when transferring fish. Explain that fish are delicate creatures that require a calm and stable environment.

3.5 Learning and Growing Together

Fishkeeping is a continuous learning process. Encourage kids to read books, watch videos, and ask questions about their aquatic pets. Participating in online forums and joining local aquarium clubs can also provide valuable insights and support.

Chapter 4: Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

4.1 Overcrowding the Tank

Overcrowding can lead to stress, poor water quality, and health issues. Ensure the tank size is appropriate for the number and size of fish, and research the specific needs of each species.

4.2 Ignoring Water Parameters

Neglecting water parameters can result in poor water quality and unhealthy fish. Regularly test the water and address any issues promptly to maintain a stable and healthy environment.

4.3 Choosing Incompatible Species

Some fish species are not compatible due to differences in temperament, size, or environmental requirements. Research the compatibility of species before adding them to the tank to avoid conflicts and stress.

4.4 Neglecting Regular Maintenance

Consistent maintenance is key to a healthy aquarium. Teach kids the importance of regular water changes, filter cleaning, and monitoring water parameters to ensure a thriving aquatic environment.


Choosing the right fish for kids to take care of involves careful consideration of the species' needs, compatibility, and ease of care. By selecting hardy, peaceful, and engaging fish, you can create a positive and educational experience for young aquarists. Remember, fishkeeping is a journey that teaches responsibility, empathy, and the joys of caring for living creatures. With the knowledge and insights gained from this comprehensive guide, you and your child can embark on a rewarding adventure in the world of fishkeeping.

Are you ready to introduce your child to the fascinating world of fishkeeping? Let's create a thriving aquatic environment that brings joy and learning to your home.


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    HasanWritten by Hasan

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