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Benefits of Owning a Dog

Benefit From Dog

By Raihan Jibon Published about a year ago 7 min read
Benefits of Owning a Dog
Photo by Milli on Unsplash

What are the pros and cons of owning a dog? If you ask us, there are several pros to it. However, the reasons why we believe that owning a dog is good for people. From keeping your kids active and healthy to providing companionship. Let's have a look at some of benefits and disadvantages you will gain from buying one.

Benefits And Drawbacks Of A Dog

1. Keeps Your Kids Healthy

A dog can help in keeping your children away from harm as they grow up. Dogs' natural instincts keep them alert and away from danger. This helps them stay safe and healthy from any form of risk. The dogs also provide the owner with a sense of calmness. You get peace from their presence and you even develop trust in them. In this way, you feel less stressed while taking care of them. Having a dog increases a person’s overall health.

2. Provides Companionship

Having a companion you share everything with is something everyone craves for. As a pet owner, dog owners get a chance to be a part of the life of their pets. They are able to interact with their pets without getting too much stress out of it. Being close with the dog or cat also lets you know what kind of animal's needs you need. It makes your relationship stronger, which ultimately increases intimacy between you. That can definitely help you bond and create memories together.

3. Mental Health

The mental state of the dog owner affects the emotional wellbeing of the dog. It's always nice to have a furry friend around. This also affects how the dog reacts to various situations. By having a dog around, you become more aware of their feelings and mind.

4. Help With Depression

One problem that many people face is depression. Pets can help in reducing instances of loneliness and mood swings. When you pet one of your animals, they notice your mood changes and start to cheer you up. There has been research on pets playing a role in improving the symptoms of major depressive disorder. If you are someone who suffers from depression, pets can make your day.

5. Improves Memory Loss

As you pet your pet, your brain starts making new connections. One study has shown that pet ownership has an effect on improved memory. According to the findings of this particular study, owning a dog was associated with increased verbal fluency and working memory. Other studies also suggest increased use of visual imagery when dealing with dogs. Thus, it’s evident how a positive and loving pet care may lead to better memory.

6. Can Become An Adult Playmate/Friend

One thing pets do for people is to entertain them. Some are born this way whereas others learn along the way. People always want to spend time with friends who entertain them. It’s important to let them live their lives and go out with them as often as possible. Not only does it improve their social skills, but it’s also beneficial for their physical health. This improves both mental and physical health.

7. Helps Keep Their Coat Shiny & Healthy

Your coat might not seem like the most interesting section of your body at first, but trust me. Picking up a single piece of hair can have great effects on your skin. Yes, you heard right! Hair grows faster, thicker, and healthier than ever. But what about your nails? Do you actually check your nails every once in a while? Did you know that you have to constantly clean them out? Pet hair is the biggest culprit behind unhealthy nail conditions. Therefore, if you see dirt and hair on your nails, take a shower, brush them out, and follow up thoroughly to protect your skin and nails.

8. Fights Crime

It would not be wrong to say that owning a dog keeps the streets a bit cleaner as well as your home. Many times, animals pick up stray items that could pose risk to people or property. Keeping off drugs and weapons also helps, right?

9. Boosts Self-Confidence With Socialization Skills

Socializing with animals is fun and bonding. Playing with toys, eating, listening to music, cleaning up after yourself, etc., are all wonderful activities you can do with your pet. Besides helping improve your hygiene, you learn a lot about communication, organization, discipline, etc. You can easily teach your pooch some tricks. For example, learning commands that require certain actions. Or, teaching a pet how to work. Although the best way to socialize with a dog is by training it, it doesn't have to mean spending hours a week in front of a trainer. All you have to do is play with it. So you can have the time for family and other interests.

10. Is Good For Home Security

For every person who owns a pet, safety is essential. Whether you are home alone or in an office, having a pet ensures you have adequate security. Who would want to steal an expensive piece of furniture or jewelry from a house where he could hear him bark all night long? On the other hand, leaving your home unattended for a couple minutes when the dog is running around outside can cause chaos. He'll find a way to break in, so don't leave valuable things there forever.

11. Works As Therapy In Cases Of Stressful Life Event

Owning a dog is a great way to reduce stress in certain circumstances. Take heart, it’s true. No matter what type of stress that may be, a dog comes and takes his place. Dogs love company and are happy to comfort and serve a pet owner. Just the thought of being around a dog calms everyone down. Sometimes, going through stressful experiences may make you appreciate your dog more. In such circumstances, a dog becomes your therapy buddy. Therefore, it’s clear that dog ownership can be extremely useful in helping a person cope with trauma.

12. Improving Physical Well-being

Owning a dog isn’t just good for our mental health. Its benefits extend to our physical health as well. Most importantly, owning a dog brings many perks with it. To name a few benefits, here are some of the advantages. Getting fit, maintaining cardiovascular health, increasing happiness levels, lowering blood pressure, etc., are all benefits of owning a dog. Also, when walking or swimming with your pet, it strengthens your muscles and boosts your confidence. So keep the water flowing, and continue giving your pet affection!

13. Benefits And Drawbacks Of Ownership Of Dogs In Our Society

Owning a dog is a rewarding and satisfying experience for anyone who decides it. These days, there are numerous ways you can obtain a dog thanks to technology. Thanks to online platforms, it is very easy to acquire one today. The process may take years, but there is no reason why you shouldn’t try it despite its initial price tag. Here’s a step by step guide how to purchase a dog on Facebook:

Step 1: Select a reputable breeder

Step 2: Set up a timeline

Step 3: Buy a pup at a competitive rate

Do you think your dog looks a lot nicer in person? Don’t miss the opportunity to own a beautiful creature from her in the best shape. Check out these tips before deciding what breed you should buy.

14. Tips For Buying A Puppy

If you plan to buy a puppy, read this article a few times to avoid costly mistakes. First, don’t buy a litter of puppies at the same price because it may lead to overbreeding. Second, don’t forget the fact that your veterinarian can tell you apart a dog because there are some differences in appearance. Finally, don’t hurry into giving birth to your newly acquired pet, especially if you are trying to get your dog a gift. We can give you some pieces of advice on the subject!

15. How Much Does A House Call Cost In Pakistan?

If you are planning to buy a dog, don’t forget to buy a vet's certificate and proof of vaccination. Before purchasing your puppy, make sure he is healthy and safe. Make sure you check out websites of different trusted organizations. Here are some links that will help you prepare the documentation needed to adopt a dog!

16. 5 Reasons Why Every Animal Should Be Taken Away Due To Human Negligence

Animals are not meant to be owned by humans. Unfortunately, owners tend to do whatever they think is right for them, ignoring animals they have no control over. As a result, animals end up being stolen or worse. Find some solutions while reading this post, and you'll surely change your point of view on animals.


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Raihan Jibon

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