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Angel of Death

...and of cuteness

By Grace GerrishPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Waiting for her mother to come back inside.

Like most people, I've only had a few near death experiences, however, I remember my first one clearly. It began when I was thirteen- still a young and bratty teenager.

I lived in a small town that was mountainous and woodsy; it was filled with wonderous, rocky rivers and creeks that snaked through. The weather was almost always perfect- never too hot or cold. In the winter, if we drove down a specific highway, we could see the snow-peaked mountains far in the distance.

At the time, I lived at the base of the mountain next to a beautiful river. My side of the river held various properties, split between by woods and terrain. In fact, I don't think I knew who most of my neighbors were (save for the cat lady who often stalked our property for her lost strays).

Because of the rural area, wild animal sightings were often reported. Mostly coyotes that picked off the small farm animals or an occasional cat (unfortunately my neighbor's cat more often than not). Sometimes, though rare, a bear or mountain lion sighting would be posted on the town's website.

It so happened that, during this time, there was a cougar about. Usually my young, naïve self would take the sighting reports with a grain of salt.

"A trick of the mind," I would say, "They probably mistook a shadow in the dark for something more serious."

That was until I saw it myself- the mountain lion standing at the top of my steep, rocky driveway. Its piercing eyes staring down at me from afar. I had only gone outside to take the trash out, not fear for my life. In the end, I had tossed the trash and backed away slowly towards my home, and the fierce creature had proceeded on its path.

Not one person in my family had believed me when I rushed inside, shouting about the beast. I guess they thought the same of me as I thought of others.

After several days I had forgotten all about the mountain lion. My fickle teenage mind already wandering on to the next exciting event in my life- that week's football game!

It was that week that I found myself walking the trails of my property after school. I remember being frustrated over something, but have long since forgotten the reason. I do, however, remember being in the most dense part of the property alone when the bushes behind me rattled.

Instantly, the thought of the cougar returned. A fear settled in my chest, like I was at the top of an old rollercoaster waiting for the fall. My heartbeat pounded in my ears as I slowly turned to my death.

The rollercoaster fell.

"This is it. This is how I die." In that moment it was the only thought that echoed in my head.

The noise from the bushes intensified; the branches parting like a scene from a movie right before the monster emerges.

But what emerged wasn't the monster I had expected. Instead of the ferocious mountain lion that had returned to kill me, a small blue puppy appeared.

A pit-bull.

"Still dead," My mind jested.

Not because it was a pit-bull, but because I knew well enough the damage a feral dog of any kind could do. This wild, rabid dog could still take my life, just not as fast as the mountain lion could've.

I braced for the impact and pain as the small pup darted for me, sure of the death that was awaiting me.

Then... nothing?

Instead of with teeth, the puppy greeted me with a wagging tail and kisses. She nearly jumped atop me with excitement as though I had been the person she had been searching for.

I noticed two things immediately. Firstly, I wasn't dead- which was thrilling. Secondly, this puppy had wounds about her body. A terrible, infected cut and other scratches I assumed were from her time in the woods.

"How long have you been out here?"

Within minutes I was kneeling, scratching behind her ears as I took her in. She was young- not a small puppy, but not full grown either. There was so much love in her- so much happiness despite however long she had been out there.

"Okay, do you want some help? Are you hungry? I can help you out a bit."

Scientifically, dogs don't understand everything we say. I know that- I believe that. This puppy couldn't have known what I said to her... right?

Yet, when I began the walk back home she followed. Every step copied- every winding turn and steep incline. All the while her ears perked and tail propelling.

There was no collar and, at the time, I had no way of telling if she was microchipped. "I wonder what your name is? Maybe something typical like... Max?"

No response.

"Alright, not it. How about Bella? That's common, right?"

She looked at me then, pausing in her bounding as though to say, "Do you really think that's my name?"

"No," I said shamefully. "No, definitely not it."

When I arrived home, most of my family were sitting on the porch- the weather being what it was that I often found them there.

"Hey, guys!" I shouted as I appeared from the trail. "I found something!"

Out she ran, this little blue creature, into the open space at the base of the driveway. Zooming around the pit- rocks flinging behind her- I saw my family's awe. Never had I shocked them as much as I did then, and unless I win the lottery, I doubt I ever will again.

"She's very friendly, but be careful. It looks like she might've been hurt."

Whatever family bond forms between animal and human was instant. The feeling that this little being was about to become part of our family, and knowing that she was going to change us for the better.

She wiggled her way to the porch, greeting everyone in the same manner she had greeted me. It had made me smile to see such an excitement about life- something that teenagers sometimes lack while in school.

Weeks passed after that. We tried finding the owners with signs and online posts. She had no microchip, and no one at school knew of anyone missing a puppy. It was as though she had just... appeared. In the end we received no information, and to this day we never found out where she had come from.

This small puppy grew and grew, her color softening into a shining silver. She became heavy enough that her zooming could sweep you off your feet if you weren't carful, and she knew not the strength of her kisses or size of her large head.

Her sweetness never faltered, and her curiosity never waned. She became our friend and our family, and caused so much laughter in the house. Since she arrived, the laughing hasn't stopped.

For a long while there was a debate about her name. Everyone had suggestions, of course.




At one point the pressure was pushed to me. "You found her- you name her."

I didn't want that power. I knew I was going to look back and cringe at the realization that, at thirteen, I picked something immeasurably embarrassing for both her and I.

Instead, I let the debate go on until someone finally suggested it:


Silence filled the room as the name settled. We had finally stumbled onto it.

When I first heard it I had laughed to myself. Not because it was a bad name or that I didn't like it- truly, it suits her.

It was because no one had been there when she found me, or when she had followed me home. No one knew my terror of the monster in the bushes, and there were no witnesses to what I had assumed to be my angel of death.

She gets nervous when I ask her to pose for a picture

Destroying toys is a lot of work!

This was on Thanksgiving after we found out she was being snuck food under the table...
She's always loved the beach, but she'll barrel into you if you're not careful!

I love her very, very much!


About the Creator

Grace Gerrish

My name's Grace Gerrish- I'm an aspiring author who specializes in YA fantasy and science fiction. From time to time I like to dabble in short stories and writing competitions. What else can I say about myself... coffee is my bestfriend :)

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