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After the protection of the pups bitch bite people, Monocle can only reluctantly separate from them

Parting is approaching, the dog looked sadly at Monocle

By Jorge BURRUCHAGAPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

The cost of raising pets is getting higher and higher after civilized pet ownership has been introduced into the law. Many times, owners not only need to deal with the feeding of their dogs, but they also need to breed them while minimizing the impact of breeding them on other people. However, such a situation, from another point of view, can also be a good way to discipline owners to regulate the breeding of pets, as far as possible to reduce the impact of stray animals on people's daily lives, but also to allow many people who decide to breed pets on a whim, to more carefully consider the need to be prepared to breed them, understand that breeding pets are not just a personal hobby, but also means It also means responsibility and commitment.

The law is often binding on the owner's behavior, but for those dogs who are treated as pets, although, when they get into trouble, the price to pay is often their lives, but for the human legal provisions, they actually know nothing. Therefore, when people encounter those stray animals or dogs kept by others, if they do not understand their habits, do not understand their character people need to be vigilant, as far as possible, do not approach them, after all, if they bite, even if someone will finally pay a fee for it, but the wound is still on their own, the pain or you.

Especially, when this dog is still in the nursing period, this period of the dog's personality is the most unstable, many are usually very docile dogs, once they enter the nursing period, when some strangers are close to their children, their wary is often also the heaviest. Therefore, many older people who have bred dogs once they find a dog in the nursing period, often advise others not to approach them too freely, even if, at one time, they were extremely docile and loved ones. Just, sometimes, such advice but still difficult to persuade some people's curiosity ......

A kind-heated little brother who often rescues stray animals received a request for help from a local grandfather. The grandfather informed the little brother that a watchdog kept by their family had just recently given birth to a litter of puppies. Due to this puppy's pup protection behavior, biting a person, Monocle worries, and continue to keep so, afraid that other people passing by will also be bitten by it, therefore, Monocle hopes Xian and his companion can go to his home, to go to the puppy that hurt people as well as the litter of newborn puppies together.

After receiving this request for help, Xian immediately took his companion to the home of his grandfather, after the grandfather's home, the grandfather informed Xian, because of the fear of dogs running away or continuing to bite people, he shut the bitch in a room. And 5 puppies, because the mother dog put them in the sewer, therefore, need to take some tools to see if you can get them out of the takeaway. After saying that, the monocle outlet, took Xian and his companion to the 5 puppies where that sewer mouth, was so Xian they see if there is a way to take them away.

Just when Little Brother was trying to figure out how to catch these little puppies, an older woman also came to Little Brother, after informing Little Brother that she had asked the bitch to bring the puppies out before when she saw her puppies brought here, because, in this sewer, once it rained, all these puppies might be dead. However, the bitch is too concerned about its children, so, although usually quite obedient it, the big mother's reprimand is not heeded, helpless, the big mother can only let it first hide the puppies here ......

is talking, little brother also smoothly took these puppies out of the sewer. After catching the puppies out, Xian found that the puppies were well taken care of and the chubby ones were particularly cute. And after waiting for the little brother to catch all the puppies out, monocle Monocle was still a little uneasy, therefore, with a flashlight, in the sewer mouth and observed for a long time, to confirm that no puppies were pulled down, then get up, and little brother account of the bitch. monocle outlet, they are also worried about the bitch biting people again, after all, casually, they have to pay hundreds of dollars, and again, they can not stand. Therefore, for the little brother to take them away, Monocle outlet hard mouth, said it does not matter, he shed.

After getting the consent of the grandfather, the little brother was ready to take away the female dog that allegedly bit someone. To avoid this dog hurting people again, Xian first fed it some food, and only after that, tried to lure it into the cage with the puppy. After a few attempts, Xian found that the female dog may not be as fierce as Monocle's outlet, so the dog was about to enter the cage, Xian took advantage of the dog's inattention, a push it in, and then the cage closed. After doing all this, the little brother then continued to talk with the monocle outlet online the dog's related situation.

In the process of chatting, the mother said that the bitch before because of the protection of pups, which bite people, and they also because of this behavior of the dog, directly compensate each other 700 yuan. At the same time, the mother also said, in fact, Monocle outlet online is still very fond of them, as long as they go out on weekday outlet online always bring some food to it. Just talking, Xian also found a side of the Monocle outlet store that is secretly wiping tears for the upcoming separation. However, Monocle outlets online how much more reluctant, the coming parting or to bring.

Just when the little brother and his companions will be these dogs loaded on the car, monocle outlet, or particularly uneasy to observe a long time by the car. After that, she seems to be worried about the dogs in the car were suffocated, so, and hurriedly asked her brother, whether the car is breathable, and the Monocle outlet online inquiry soon led to the mother's rebuke. However, in the face of the big mother's scolding, Monocle outlet online in the knowledge that the dog will not be bored in the car, or relieved, after that, although still tough-mouthed, said it would not care, but still very reluctant to send these dogs on the car, after silently watching the little brother will take these dogs away, and then silent for a long time ......


About the Creator


The process of raising animals is not as easy as you once thought, but you find joy in raising them at the same time.

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    Jorge BURRUCHAGAWritten by Jorge BURRUCHAGA

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