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Adorable Animals

Some of the cutest animals found in the world

By Rasma RaistersPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

On the Land

The Red Panda has a soft red fur coat, the cutest fluffy ears, and a bushy tail. This panda grows only to the size of a domestic cat. It makes its home in Nepal, Burma, and central China living in mountainous forests. Most of its time is spent up in trees.


The Arctic Fox has such a beautiful white coat that helps it to withstand the harshest of conditions, This fox can survive even when temperatures drop as low as - 50 degrees in the wintertime, To survive the Arctic Fox burrows into the snow.

The Fennec Fox is adorable looking with huge ears, big eyes, and a small nose. It is the smallest of its kind in the world. It makes its home in the Sahara Desert and other parts of northern Africa, The Fennec Fox uses its ears to help control its body from heat and to keep cool in the hot sun of the desert.

Wild Cats

The Black Footed Wild Cat looks like a cross between a leopard and a domestic cat. It is considered to be one of the smallest wild cats in the world. This wild cat does its hunting for prey in the dark of night. It makes its home in southern Africa.

The Clouded Leopard lives in the rain forests of Indonesia and the foothills of the Himalayas. This leopard looks like a beautiful large cat with a spotted coat, It has oversized paws and its legs are short. The Clouded Leopard spends a great deal of its time climbing and hanging upside down from trees.

The Bearded Tamarin Monkey is so cute with a white beard and moustache, a pink nose and gray fur. This monkey doesn't grow bigger than a squirrel so is considered to be one of the smallest monkeys in the world. It makes its home in the Amazon rain forests of Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia.


The Red Squirrel makes its home in Great Briain. It looks similar to its cousin the gray squirrel but is smaller in size. The Red Squirrel has a thick red coat, fluffy ears, and a bushy tail.

The Siberian Flying Squirrel has the ability other squirrels don't - it can fly or soar. It is found in the wild in Finland, Estonia, and Latvia. This squirrel has big wide eyes and adorable features, It was named for the flaps of skin under its arms and legs that help them glide from tree to tree.

The Wombat has a large pudgy body and a soft fur coat, It is a part of the marsupial family and carries its babies in a pouch. The Wombat is not seen during the day because it is a nocturnal animal. It makes its home in Australia.

The Field Mouse enjoys scampering about fields and meadows. It has a tiny body with big eyes, ears, and feet. It was so named because it feeds on the seeds and berries that are found in hedgerows and fields. The Field Mouse has to be on alert for many different predators.

The Loris is an animal that makes its home in the forests of Southeast Asia. It is known for its bright eyes, When the Loris sees a predator it freezes in place and covers up its face with its paws. This cute animal has a toxic bite so it can warn off any predators that get too close to it.

lli Pika is a cute animal that resembles a rabbit. It makes its home in the mountainous regions of northeast China.

In the Water

The Sea Otter has a fur coat that keeps it warm and is water repellant. This helps keep its body temperature to stay up even in the coldest waters. The Sea Otter spends a great deal of its time in the water and will lay on its backs when it wants to eat and sleep.

The Harp Seal has large expressive eyes and dainty whiskers. It has a fluffy fur coat that keeps it warm. This seal makes its home in the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans. The Harp Seal spends most of its time in the water and can submerge for up to 15 minutes without having to come up for air.

wild animals

About the Creator

Rasma Raisters

My passions are writing and creating poetry. I write for several sites online and have four themed blogs on Wordpress. Please follow me on Twitter.

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