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A Star is Born Every Halloween

A conversation with my dog

By Anastasia BasilPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read
First Place in Critter Costume Challenge
Cleopatra: "I have immortal longings in me..."

Me: What do you want to be for Halloween? Can we do something different this year? Maybe one of those inflatable dinosaur costumes?

My dog: I want a three-picture deal with Paramount, Universal, Warner Bros., and Disney, with 20 million upfront and a sizeable cut of the box-office sales.

Me: That's not how this holiday works. We dress up in costumes, ring the doorbell, and ask for treats.

My dog: Fine. Ding dong. I'll take a steak, bacon bits on the side.

Me: The store ran out of steak, but I can sprinkle bacon bits over your dinner later. Can we get back on topic?

My dog: You're not lying, are you?

Me: No. Not lying at all.

My dog: I bet I can find a steak. Open the front door and let me out. I'll be back before you're done with your beer. Time me.

Me: (Crinkles random bag.)

My dog: (sits up) I'm listening.

Me: What do you want to be for Halloween this year?

My dog: Cleopatra. The Shakespeare version where she says: Give me my robe, put on my crown, I have immortal longings in me for steak.

Me: You were that last year. And she never mentions steak.

My dog: Ooh, I know! What about that creepy guy with the teeth who says, "Here's Johnny!" right before he kills his family over a steak.

Me: That's from "The Shining." And he doesn't kill his family over a steak. You were Johnny two years ago.

"Here's Johnny!" —The Shining

My dog: What about the girl from Salem in the 1600s, where they burn all the witches because they ate all the steaks? You know the girl I'm talking about? She's like: "I saw Goody Proctor eating steaks with the devil."

Me: That's "The Crucible." You were Abigail Williams twice already. And they dance with the devil, they don't eat steaks with him. Plus, I have no idea where that bonnet is.

The Crucible: "I saw Goody Proctor with a steak..."

My dog: I know! I want to be that southern woman who's all: Hey, Stanley. Can I have a bite of your steak? She's delicate and pretty but only knits with one needle, you get what I'm saying? Crazy as a loon.

"Can I have a bite of your steak?" A Street Car Named Desire

Me: That's Blanche DuBois from "A Street Car Named Desire." It's a famous Tennesee Williams play. She says can I have a drag of your cig, not a bite of your steak. And she isn't crazy. There's a lot of trauma in her past. Her relationships with men ruined her. And Stanley Kowalski is an aggressive, abusive drunk who brutalizes her and—

My dog: Can you stop with this? Can we not do this today?

Me: Okay, but I want you to know that I never liked when you dressed as Blanche. It felt like you were objectifying yourself.

My dog: I was objectifying myself FOR A STEAK. Don't act like you've never done anything you regret. I know your secrets. All I'm saying is: Let him that is among you without sin, cast the first stone...

Hey! What if I do something Christmasy for Halloween? Like, what if I'm one of those fine gentlemen from a Charles Dickens book who goes around handing out steaks to all the poor people! You could buy me a bunch of steaks and I could—

Me: I like where you're going with this. I can carry the steaks in a cooler and when we find someone who could use a steak, I'll hand it to them while you tip your hat and say, "Happy Christmas" in a British accent.

My dog: This makes no sense. I don't have opposable thumbs. I'm incapable of grasping and handling objects. However, I can carry the steaks... in my teeth. And you can tip my hat for me. Thoughts?

Me: Many thoughts. How do I know you won't eat the steaks as I pass them to you?

My dog: Because I'm telling you right now I won't eat the steaks.

Me: You're not lying, are you?

My dog: No. Not lying at all.

Me: I like this idea. It's different. I'll run to the store and get steaks!

My dog: I thought you said they were out of steaks.

Me: Yeah. Well... they probably restocked by now. Why are you looking at me like that?

My dog: No reason. Just... go get the steaks.

Waiting for me to get back with the steaks.

About Paisley: She was found wandering the streets of Cabo San Lucas as a puppy. The rescue organization believes she was rejected from a nearby puppy mill due to being born with a missing patch of hair on her left haunch. She lives with her mom, dad, two human siblings, and her adopted baby fur brother, Peperoncini. Her favorite color is steak.


About the Creator

Anastasia Basil

My heart belongs to dogs and stories. (Is there a union for introverts? We should organize.) 🖤

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