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A Song of Bark and Sniff

The Hunt for the Missing Puppy Chow

By Dylan PortwoodPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
A Song of Bark and Sniff
Photo by Riley Sullivan on Unsplash

As we all know, Siberian Huskies need their beauty sleep. Just ask my brother Charlie. I often scoot from room to room in the middle of the night to find the perfect spot to snooze, and I always find him sleeping with paws sky high. Last night I decided to do a snooze with my dad. He always goes to sleep early because he wakes up early in the morning to leave us all alone. Why doesn't he ever take us with him? Oh well, I've grown used to it. I woke up to the scary noise of the noise box. Dad always calls it his alarm. I don't know what that word means, so the "noise box" works just fine. My house, my rules.

As dad walked out the door, I pressed my snout on the window to let him know I'll miss him. He knows that's what that means, right? As his speed machine rode off, I looked at charlie. "Did you stretch?" Charlie asked. I didn't, so we did our routine stretch before our daily adventure while dad is away. Little does dad know, I have mastered the art of opening doors. My paws are gifted, I know.

We trotted along the fence in the back yard to wait for the pals to come outside. Every house around us has dogs, and it simply is the best. The dogs around us aren't huskies, but baby brother and I still count them as honorary members of the neighborhood pack. Finally, we heard the doors open. As I barked out, "RELEASE THE HOUNDS," we all snuck through the underground tunnel system the gang dug up 31 dog years ago.

As pack leader, Scruffy Captain Brady, the first of his name, I laid out the itinerary for the day. "First things first, we scrounge up every stick we can find and add them to the collection." Charlie chimed in, "What if I find a huge stick? Can I keep it for myself? I love big sticks." You know the drill, Charlie, you have to pee on it, twirl three times, and bark like a cow before any dog touches it, then it's yours. However, you may only keep one stick; the rest goes to the group." Charlie howled at the sky out of excitement.

As we went on our daily neighborhood trot full of freedom and fresh air, Beans, the German Shepherd next door, told us what he heard from his mom before bedtime last night. His incredible understanding of human speech baffles me. He overheard his mom and dad talking about the 55-pound bag of dog food that fell out of the truck as they were driving home that day. As they turned around to retrieve the bag, it simply vanished, never to be seen again.

Beans had the brilliant idea to unite our combined sniffing powers to find the missing bag of deliciousness. The gang naturally agreed, and we went on our way. Thus began the epic treasure hunt for the puppy chow. As we searched high and low, far and wide, for the holy grail of dog food, our mouths were salivating at the idea of eating as much as we could imagine.

As our journey continued into the day, Charlie caught a scent. I was beginning to lose hope. We had to be back soon, or else dad would realize we had gotten out. We couldn't let that happen! Charlie barked twice and took off down the road into the backyard of someone's house. We all immediately hopped the fence in unison to retrieve the mystic bag of yum.

THERE IT WAS!! The sight was oh so beautiful. We didn't take the time to ask questions about how it got there or if anyone was home. Our only worry was the food inside. We called on Chompers, the Pekingese of the group. One would say she resembled an Ewok from Star Wars, but with the teeth of a shark! She was a legend among the gang.

Chompers went to work to tear open the bag. She ripped that thing open with such ease, much poise. She did it! "Get as much as you can! We don't have much time!" I said. This was beautiful. My little tummy has never been more satisfied than this moment. I took one glance at my little brother, Charlie, to see how he was faring. In typical Charlie fashion, he was jumping on the bag out of excitement after every bite. I remember when I was a pup...

After the epic feast, we all took a moment to bask at this moment that will go down in history. Future dogs of the neighborhood will hear the legend of the ultimate food heist. I will make sure to pass this tale down to my pups. But first, we must get back. Dad is almost home!

We all ran back home as fast as we could before we got caught. As we all retreated to the spot, we went our separate ways, back to our own homes. Boy, I hope Dad never stops working. Days like this with the gang are what I live for. As we went on our way, Beans asked, "Same time tomorrow, Captain Scruff?" I barked in response, "Same time tomorrow, pup pal."

As Dad pulled in, we wagged our tails and barked out of excitement like we normally do to convince him that nothing happened while he was gone. I rolled over, Charlie jumped from couch to couch, and we enjoyed our time with pops. He asked us, "How was your day, boys?" I wiggled my butt, gave him my paw, and barked, "Dad, I'm hungry."


About the Creator

Dylan Portwood

If there were a college program that allowed me to double major in nerd-culture and dogs, then I would've probably had a PHD by the time I turned 20!

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