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A girl and her pup

Taking time to slow down

By Just a girl and her pupPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Just need a paw to hold

Penny Farthing and I have been together just over two years now. We have shared many a wonderful experiences, but the one for discussion is a memory from our drive down to Valdez from Delta Junction. The skies were clear so we could see every mountain top. The temperature was warm enough that I could wear my amazing blue gnome like poncho with only a tank top underneath.

Penny, who just turned three in April, is an adorably fluffy blackish grey standard poodle. Since I do his grooming he’s got an Afro, giant bushy old man eyebrows, and a stash. He had just gotten his last cut for the summer season. It was officially time to grow out his winter fluff which almost doubles his appeared size.

This specific trip was the longest we’d ever taken together, and one that if I did take alone would of taken me many more years to check off my to visit list. My brain has been scrabbled one too many times in my life, and has left me with a highly volatile nervous system. Penny’s presence in my life allows my nervous system to use his to regulate itself. It’s nifty really, however, the cost to him is high. He keeps me from being non functional, curled up in a ball rocking back and forth with little to no verbal ability, at the price of his own health. He has experienced seizures, and extremely digestive distress because my nervous system has been so out of wack. There are not enough words in any language to express how much he means to me. He quite literally gave me my life back, and the ability to look fear in the face. Say “You do not rule my life.”

Despite the fact that we were both sick, stress responses being what they are, we enjoyed our night in our hotel. It was the very first one we shared together. Penny had a paw, muzzle, or rump touching me at all times in the night. There was no such thing as privacy in the bathroom. Image trying to move about in a little bathroom with a decent sized pup determined to be at your side. A bit like taking a tango class with two left feet. He was not letting me out of his sight, and the way he looked at me. His piercing teddy bear brown eyes filled with all of his affection, and concern.

We ended up watching Adam Sandler movies until we fell asleep. My fingers stuck in his fluff. In the morning I woke up to the sound of puppy paws rubbing against the comforter and a soft wimper. His paws were just paddling in his sleep. Hopefully, he was having a dream filled with exploration and friends. I ran my hands through his soft curls waking him. Asking him if he was ready to drive through the mountains. Penny tilts his had one way and then the next. Raising his eye brows one at a time with each word making me let loose a whole hearted giggle. I love how interactive his facial expressions are. He listens, and responds in his usually quiet nature by showing me what he wants in his behavior.

The question “shall we?” in my upbeat, slightly higher pitched tone quickly brings him to his feet. His floppy ears flying in circles as he gives his head a good shake, and he finishes with his morning down dog. Crawls on top of me, and demands all the love. Having his ears scratched at the base of them is his favorite. He pushed his head against my hand and placed a free paw on my arm applying enough pressure I almost expected to see an impression of it after he removed it. Once he had his fill, he jumped off the bed saying “Well? Let’s go!”

He pranced around the car once, per usual, to check to make sure it’s safe, and hops in the drivers side door happily settling in the passenger seat sitting full on his rear. It’s an insanely goofy sight. Once I am in and settled he hands me his paw to hold. He knows trips like this scare me so he offers his paw in support. Almost saying “I know it’s scary, but I’m here with you. We can do the scary things together.”

Our first pit stop is to allow Penny to do his morning business. It was supposed to be a quick potty and go, however, there was a big black plastic bag. Man was it scary. Penny barked, and barked at this plastic back like it was threatening us. Once he was satisfied that he’d really told that mean bag off he pranced, full on pony style, back to the car as smug as can be. I laughed and asked if we can go now. For before he was done telling off the bag there was no getting him to understand we really didn’t need to fear the pastic bag. He responded by circling the car again and climbing aboard.

Our next stop was at one of the many pipeline access points. This was my favorite out of all the stops me made. We had to cross a flat railroad type wooden bridge to get to where the pipeline popped out of the ground. Then climbed darn near straight up for about a mile. We had to cross a giant bit of glacier like snow towards the beginning. This was Penny’s favorite part! He saw the snow and began zooming around in peer joy. Throwing mouthfuls of snow into the air, playfully putting his head towards the ground with his rump in the air, then jumping up and half galloping half hoping around. He finds himself a stick to take with us for the rest hike. Or really until he bites it into too small of pieces to continue to carry. Asking me to throw it every now and again. My heart if full of joy, and sides in stitches due to fits of giggles. His pure simple overflowing happiness is contagious. He is teaching me to be contagiously happy with the most simple of pleasures. Finding snow in July. A thick stick to carry about. The fresh air in our hair.

We stopped lots to take pictures of all the beauty that surrounded us. The little purple flowers that pop with color against the greenish white moss like plants that covered the hill side. The mountains that encircled us. Penny as he stands regally with his hair blowing in the wind. Even the butterflies fluttering around us would stop long enough for me to take their pictures. Almost like they were posing for them.

It’s moments like this that remind me the importance of slowing down, and making a point to appreciate all the things around me. I owe these moments to my gentle pup who quite literally feels all of my feelings, and loves me unconditionally. He reminds me to stop, smell the smells, and admire all the living creatures surrounding us be it flower, grass, moss, vole, moose, porcupine. With his help these moments allow me to build more positive experience where I can safely push my boundaries, grow, and have a more regulated nervous system alleviating some of both our physical consequences. So here is to all of the little things that make our memories together great, and all possible experiences in the future that will turn into heartwarming memories because I have my darling Penny Farthing.


About the Creator

Just a girl and her pup

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