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8 Quick & Easy Dog Tricks to Teach Your Furry Friend at Home

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By Big Dog ShoppingPublished about a year ago 6 min read
8 Quick & Easy Dog Tricks to Teach Your Furry Friend at Home
Photo by John Price on Unsplash

Do you have a furry friend that is looking for something new to do? Are you a proud pet parent of a big dog that needs an outlet for its energy? Look no further! Teaching your pup some quick and easy tricks is not only fun, but it can also provide a great way to bond with your four-legged companion. With a few simple dog products and some patience, you can teach your pup some amazing tricks in no time. In this blog post, we'll show you 8 tricks you can teach your furry friend at home. So, grab your pup and let's get started!

1) The 'Sit' Trick

Teaching your pup the 'sit' trick is one of the quickest and easiest commands you can teach them. It is a great starting point for new pet parents, as it helps to establish trust between you and your furry friend.

To start, have some treats or a favorite toy handy. Next, kneel down in front of your pup and hold a treat in your hand. Then, with your free hand, gently press down on their back just behind their shoulder blades until their bottom touches the ground. As soon as their butt touches the floor, say the command “sit” in a firm but kind voice, and then give them the treat.

Keep practicing this command until your pup has mastered it. Remember to be patient and praise them often during training. If your pup starts to stand up before you give them the treat, calmly place them back into position and repeat the command until they understand the concept.

Once your pup has mastered the 'sit' command, you can start teaching them more advanced tricks. Keep at it and with time and patience, you and your pup will be pros!

2) The 'Shake Hands' Trick

One of the most classic dog tricks, 'shake hands' is a great trick to teach your furry friend. To teach your pup the 'shake hands' trick, start by having them sit in front of you. Hold out one of your hands with the palm facing up and hold a treat in your other hand. Put the treat in front of their nose and then move it slowly towards your palm. As your pup starts to reach for the treat, say the command “shake”. Once your pup lifts their paw to touch your hand, reward them with the treat.

Repeat this process several times until your pup can easily follow the command without the treat in your hand. Once your pup has learned the trick, give them a treat every time they “shake hands” with you and offer lots of praise!

3) The 'Roll Over' Trick

This trick is a classic, and it’s definitely a crowd-pleaser. To get started, you’ll need to have your pup in the sitting position. Have a treat or toy near your pup, and give the command “Roll Over!” as you wave the treat/toy towards your pup’s side. As you do this, move your hand in a circular motion, which will encourage your pup to roll over. When your pup does roll over, reward him/her with the treat and lots of praise.

With consistent practice, your pup should soon understand what the command means and will be able to perform the trick on command. As with any trick, patience and consistency are key when teaching it!

4) The 'Play Dead' Trick

This trick is sure to impress anyone watching your furry friend perform. It's a great way to get your pup to show off his theatrical skills. To teach the 'Play Dead' trick, you will need some treats and patience.

Start by getting your pup into the down position. Once he is in the down position, have him stay there while you slowly move away from him. After a few moments, give the command "play dead". As soon as he lies completely flat on the floor, reward him with a treat. Repeat this process a few times until your pup understands the command.

Once he has mastered the basic concept, gradually increase the amount of time he needs to stay in the "play dead" position before you reward him with a treat. You can also add other commands such as "roll over" or "stay" during this training session to make it more challenging for your pup.With some time and effort, your pup should soon be able to do the 'Play Dead' trick!

5) The 'Spin in a Circle' Trick

This trick may look complicated, but it’s actually one of the easier tricks to teach your furry friend. Start by having your pup sit and stay. Take a treat and hold it at nose-level just in front of their eyes. Move the treat around in a circular motion, gradually moving the treat further and further away from their head. Your pup should follow the treat with its eyes. Once your pup has spun a full circle, give them the treat as a reward and verbal praise.

When your pup has mastered spinning in a circle, you can start to add in the verbal command “spin” before each circle. With enough practice, your pup should learn to spin in a circle when prompted with the verbal cue.

Remember to practice these tricks with your pup in short, frequent sessions for best results. The “spin” command will take a bit more practice than some of the other tricks, but with patience and persistence you’ll be able to teach your pup this fun trick.

6) The 'Crawl' Trick

Teaching your dog the 'Crawl' trick is a great way to show off his or her smarts! Start by having your pup sit in front of you, then hold a treat at their nose level. Slowly move the treat down to the ground, using your hand as a guide to encourage your pup to follow it with their nose and paws. If your pup starts to stand up, simply tell them to “crawl” and help them back into the crawl position. As soon as your pup moves their paws forward, reward them with lots of praise and the treat.

Repeat this process several times and you’ll soon have a pup that is crawling like a pro. If you are having trouble getting your pup to stay in the crawl position, you can always try lying down next to them and guiding them through the movement. With enough practice, your pup will soon be an expert crawler.

7) The 'Jump Through a Hoop' Trick

One of the most impressive dog tricks is teaching your pup to jump through a hoop. To get started, you’ll need a hoop that is a comfortable size for your pup. Start by placing the hoop on the ground, and then encourage your pup to jump through it. If they don’t jump right away, you can try luring them through the hoop with treats or toys. As soon as they make it through the hoop, reward them with lots of praise and treats. Once they understand the concept of jumping through the hoop, gradually raise the hoop off the ground.

To perfect this trick, you will want to make sure that your pup is jumping through the hoop with their back legs and not just walking through it. You may have to teach them to stop after they make it through the hoop before rewarding them. This will encourage them to actually jump instead of walk. With enough practice, your pup will soon be able to jump through the hoop with ease!

8) The 'Speak' Trick

The 'Speak' Trick is an amazing trick to teach your furry friend at home. This trick can be a bit more challenging than some of the others, but with patience and dedication, your pup will learn how to do it! Start by having your dog sit in front of you and then hold out a treat. Say the command "speak" when giving them the treat and reward them each time they bark.

You can start off with just one bark, and then increase the amount of barks each time you give them a treat. Eventually, your pup will learn that when you say the command "speak", they should bark to get their reward.

Be sure to practice the Speak Trick often so that your pup does not forget it. With enough repetition, your pup will soon be able to do this trick with ease. With enough patience and dedication, your pup will be able to master this fun trick in no time!

If you want more ways to have fun with your dog Click Here Now!

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Big Dog Shopping

Big Dog Shopping was created with the needs of big dog parents in mind. We understand the challenges of finding products that are suitable for larger breeds. We featuring only the highest quality products.

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