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6-7 April 2023

Bright, sunny, but chilly

By Emily A DinwiddiePublished 12 months ago 3 min read

6 April 2023

Today started bright and sunny but a little chilly. Mistress got up, got dressed, ordered our anti-flea tablets online, got us harnessed and out the door, locking it behind us. We power walked towards downtown and a brindle coloured bull terrier came around the corner and spooked us, making me bark and making Mistress jump and block my view. I don't like those types of dogs at the best of times. I calmed down, then Thistle, Mistress and I walked on. We stopped briefly at a grassy area to do our business, which Mistress of course quickly picked up. Then we walked on to town, the now normal route. Very few shops were open at that time of the morning, but people were starting to head into town. Of course, as usual, Thistle and I moved to the side to let people pass by easily. Mistress said she hopes our next house will be near a lake so I can go swimming, I'd like that, I miss swimming. I love open water and am not fond of baths. Thistle on the other hand loves baths and hates open water. We headed home, passing by the big park and the boulders. Mistress mentioned they mowed part of the grass and wondered why they didn't do the rest. Once home, treats given, breakfasts hand fed, water lapped up, we snoozed most of the day while Mistress read aloud and recorded it. We shall see what tomorrow brings. Laters! Xx

7 April 2023

Well, the Master and Mistress thought they could have a nice lie in today, not so much. Thistle and I had other plans, we let them sleep in as long as we could hold it. Mistress finally got up, got dressed, got us harnessed and out the door we went as Master sat at his computer to play games. Honestly we don't see the attraction, he has us to play with, and we don't aggravate him as much as those games seem to. Anyway, Mistress took us the normal walk this morning, stopped to talk to someone who praised us on being well behaved. I don't like stopping to talk when we are supposed to be business walking, but she gave us an extra amount of time out walking, so it was all good. We still walked past the park though . We noticed someone had messed up the roadworks as the signs and the barriers were knocked over and piled up. We played on the boulders a bit then walked on home. Mistress unharnessed us, I greeted Master, then we went into the kitchen for water, treats and breakfast for Master and us. We shall see what the day brings as Mistress still has her shoes on, that usually means something, even though she says it doesn't. Laters! Xx

7 April 2023 Continued...

Well, I was right, we ended up going on a 2.2 mile walk, up a hill, down the hill, to a waterfall and pond. I got to swim, 3 times! YAY!! Finally!! Thistle drank the fresh water, as did I. Then I got quite a few people wet with my drying off routine. I'm doing a little better with other dogs being near, there were a LOT of them up there today at Malham National Park in the Yorkshire Dales. Mistress said she'd wished that we'd just gone to Manvers Lake, it's closer, not so long a drive and wouldn't have hurt her knee so badly. Master got some good photos of the scenery and us. And we got good at moving out of the road when Mistress said, Car - side. She doesn't even have to guide us, she only needs to say the words and we go. We got lots of praise for that, and I get praised for not reacting to other dogs, I'm trying, I just want to play with them. Now that we're home, we drank lots of water, and got an Amazon delivery, Mistress says we're waiting on the food angel - Christine/Johnny, then she can relax as Master doesn't want to answer the door when it's them - not sure why, they don't mean any harm. Mistress says they have actually helped us out quite a bit with the shopping she brings over, not so much with the food she makes and brings over, Master doesn't like her cooking, says it doesn't compare to Mistress'. That's about the only nice thing I've heard him say about Mistress in a LONG time. Enjoy the photo. Laters! xx


About the Creator

Emily A Dinwiddie

Am a 30+ year experienced script/screenplay/storyline writer. Writing is my passion. I write poetry when my Muse gives it. My guardian burned my creative writings in '85, but I kept going anyway.

My work is Copyrighted.

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