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5 Ways to Reduce Your Pet's Anxiety

Unexpected situations can arise while you keep a pet in your house including anxiety-inducing problems like thunder or similar issues.

By McKenzie JonesPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Unexpected situations can arise while you keep a pet in your house including anxiety-inducing problems like thunder or similar issues. When pets get anxious, they may start to act up and cause problems around your home. If you need some advice to help your pet reduce his or her anxiety, you should try some of these ideas, so your pet can feel safe in your home.

Distract Your Pet With Training

Pets may get anxious based on various situations including loud noises, unexpected visitors, and many other scenarios. If you notice your dog starts to get anxious during situations like this, you should keep your pet distracted. This will involve training your dog, so you can help him or her not think about whatever causes the anxiety.

This means you should train your pet ahead of time, so you can bring out the training sessions during stressful situations. This lets you give your pet some treats while training him or her.

Purchase Pet Anxiety Medication

Depending on how anxious your pet feels, he or she may require anxiety medication to deal with the negative emotions. This means you should contact your vet and figure out if your pet needs anxiety medication for some assistance. While this medication doesn't provide a perfect solution, it can help your pet with anxiety and similar issues.

If you like this idea, you should get some affordable pet insurance to help you with the medical costs. Otherwise, you need to pay for the pet medication without assistance from anyone else.

Set a Loving Example

Pets look toward their owners to see how they respond to different situations. This means you can stand out as an excellent example for your pet if you focus on not showing stress when your pet gets stressed out. Your pet will sometimes look at you, see how you react, and try to match your emotions.

Many pets look toward their owners since they understand they don't need to worry if the owners seem calm. Do your best to remain calm and do so lovingly to make your pet comfortable.

Exercise Your Pet

Before the anxiety-inducing situations occur, you should give your pet some exercise to help out. Many times, pets can release stress and feel better by exercising or spending time outside, so make sure you offer this to your pet. The circumstances and approach will vary depending on the pet you own.

For example, a dog needs to go outside each day, but a hamster could benefit from a hamster wheel or ball. See what you think could benefit your pet and give him or her something to exercise with.

Give Your Pet a Comfortable Space

Pets sometimes need to deal with anxiety by having a place of their own to relax and feel happy. For example, many dogs like to hide in kennels, under furniture, or underneath beds when they get anxious. See if your pet goes to a specific spot when he or she gets stressed and adjust the area accordingly.

You can add blankets and cushions to the area, so your pet can relax during those stressful situations. This approach allows you to provide a place for your pet to avoid anxiety.


Reducing your pet's anxiety takes quite a bit of work on your part, so you must make sure you apply the points above. Each one allows you to help your pet overcome feelings of anxiety while also looking toward you for love and support. If you put this effort toward your pet, you can make life easier for him or her.


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