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The Lone Guy

A Big Task in a Strange World

By Digi BenPublished 5 months ago 3 min read
The Lone Guy
Photo by Drew Hays on Unsplash

Imagine waking up one day to find that half the people you know are gone. The missing ones? All the guys—the pals, the friends, the brothers. Now, picture being the only man left on Earth, with a job that's much tougher than it sounds—making more people.

The Big Job:

Being the last man on Earth isn't as cool as it might seem. Scientists say that, since 1973, the stuff that helps make babies (called sperm) is going down for guys in America and Europe. They blame things like dirty air, stress, smoking, and drinking. To fix this, the last guy needs to do some things: exercise, get enough vitamin D, and eat foods with vitamin C and zinc. These things help make stronger baby-making stuff.

The Alcohol Dilemma:

By Nathan Powers on Unsplash

Here's a bummer—drinking alcohol might be fun at parties, but it doesn't help with making babies. It actually makes it harder. Plus, good sleep and less stress are key, but that's tricky when half the world is missing, and you're the one who has to make more people.

Efficiency Rules:

The last guy won't get to have fun with all the ladies. Instead, things need to be fast and efficient. There's talk about using special clinics to get the job done, even if it means losing some privacy.

History Tells Us:

By Boston Public Library on Unsplash

While being the last man seems like a movie idea, history shows that, a long time ago, there were more women than men. Wars also messed up the numbers. In the worst case, scientists say we'd need about 98 healthy guys and gals to keep things stable.

Better Safe Than Sorry:

Let's not get to that point, though. Taking care of our world and choosing love over fighting are key. By asking important questions, we can make our world a better place.

The last man on Earth has a tough job, and while it's a wild story, it reminds us to take care of our planet, pick love over fights, and always look for ways to make our world better. Stay curious about the real challenges we face today.

While the notion of a solitary man tasked with repopulating the world may seem far-fetched, it serves as a metaphor for the collective responsibility we share in safeguarding our planet, fostering harmony, and addressing the pressing issues of our time. Let this story ignite our curiosity not just about hypothetical situations, but about the concrete steps we can take to create a more sustainable and compassionate world. By learning from both the fantastical and the factual, we can strive for a future where such improbable scenarios remain confined to the realm of fiction, and our focus remains steadfast on building a better, more harmonious reality for all.

To conclude, in the wild tale of the last man on Earth, we've explored a scenario that sounds like something out of a movie. However, amidst the improbable narrative, there's a reminder of the real challenges we face in our world today. It prompts us to value our environment, opt for love over conflict, and continue asking important questions that can lead us toward a better future.

I try to see this from a woman's view or if there was just one woman amidst only men in the world, how would the world be like? Well, that is another question for another day. stay tuned and stay curious. Till our next journey together. Bye!

Men's Perspectives

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Digi Ben

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