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Men - Go Your Own Way

But pay your child support, too!

By Ruth StewartPublished 11 months ago 5 min read
Men - Go Your Own Way
Photo by Gianluca Zuccarelli on Unsplash

Men are going their own way. Well, why shouldn’t they? Surely everyone can go their own way?

Although men feel like they are hard done by, we can see they have much more going for them than they think.

To the untrained eye, men have a pretty poor time of it in the US. They grow up, get married and have kids, hoping things go well with their chosen partner. However, if things don’t work out, women get the kids, they have to support the women and kids, women get the house and the car, and they are stuck in bedsit land, giving over a massive chunk of their income. Dreadful.

No wonder so many choose the red pill!


(The red pill and the blue pill are the two choices. The idea is taken from the film The Matrix. Red pill means you go your own way and take the consequences. Blue pill means you stick with the status quo.)

But this does bear a second look. Men don’t have to give over a disproportionate amount of their income. If they have kids, they should pay for their upkeep.

Most states use the income shares model for calculating child support.

If one partner is earning $2,500 and the other is earning $2,000, then the one earning more must put in more. The state decides what it costs to bring up a child, and the partner making less money puts in less. The partner who earns more puts in more.

I expect that a person having to give away a big chunk of income will like it less, but the responsibility for the child is on both parents. Most people are aware of this.

I recently read that many men do many things to avoid paying for childcare.

Escaping Paying Child Support

Just because the court sets out what a person must pay, it doesn’t mean the custodial parent will actually get it. I had a look at this link:…

….and discovered that 25.9% of custodial parents received no child support money due!

So over a quarter of custodial parents are not getting any of the money due to their partners.

Men going their way don’t want to pay for their previous blue pill life. Is that fair? If a man has a child, then it is fitting that he should contribute to their upbringing.

If child support is too much, the non-custodial partner can go to court, and they will re-assess their income. So there is even some flexibility built in.

Escaping Child Support Costs

I have also recently read about a woman left with the children. Her husband was a lawyer. So he used the law to wiggle out of all but the very minimum payments, despite having a six-figure income.

In short, if you don’t want to pay out for children, whether you are with your partner or not, don’t have them.

Parenthood By Trickery

Some men feel that they have been tricked into having kids.

There is only one way to have children — and that is by having sexual intercourse. I would ask any man who claims trickery: “Did you sit down and discuss birth control with your partner? Did you both decide to have a baby? Or did you grumble about the cost of your partner being on the pill, having an IUD fitted, or whichever method was chosen?”

If you didn’t trust your partner to be upfront and honest about birth control, you could have always used a condom. It’s safe and protects you from unwanted babies and sexually transmitted diseases. You don’t need to visit a doctor, get a prescription or even spend lots of cash.

Lots of men are not happy with condoms because they say they reduce sensitivity and decrease sexual pleasure. You will find that screaming babies, baby poop, and baby sick significantly reduce sexual pleasure.

Sometimes in life, things don’t always go your way. Unless, of course, you are, in fact, going your own way.

And from what I have read about men going their own way, the men seem very bitter.

I read of one man who got married with the idea that he would have regular sex with his wife, who would stay slim and beautiful.

By Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

The wife got pregnant, had the baby, and (gasp!) put on 40 lbs. Also, he suffered a severe drop in the regularity of his sexual activity.

Unhappy with the situation, he decided to go his own way. He has to pay for his child, which he is pretty angry about, but overall, his life is better.

Because now, he knows how much he has to pay for sex. He negotiates with the sex worker before he does it. Most sex workers insist on condoms, so he has to make do with less sensitivity, but at least he does get sex.

Ironic, really, because if he had used a condom in the first place, there would be no baby. His wife would have stayed slim, and he wouldn’t be paying for childcare.

What can we do?

I believe that children at school should be taught that they don’t have to grow up, get married, and have kids. The laws around families need to be explained to children. They need to understand that there are significant consequences if their marriages break up.

Perhaps this will make people think more deeply about getting into serious relationships and having children, mainly because divorce often affects children negatively.

Make it part of the curriculum that kids know this stuff!

Children must understand that happiness doesn’t necessarily come with having a family and that marriages and relationships need hard work.

You can be happy when you live on your own. You can be satisfied in a relationship with no children. Each is a choice, and each is perfectly acceptable.

You don’t have to grow up and get married. You don’t have to grow up and have children. You can be happy going your own way. I fully support MGTOW and WGTOW — providing parents pay what is necessary and legal for the children they have.


About the Creator

Ruth Stewart

I'm a grandmother of four amazing grandchildren and a mum of three fabulous children. I write poetry mainly, also prose and the odd story. I live in Scotland, UK. For a secret link to watch me read my favourite poems click right here!

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran11 months ago

    This!!!!! Thank you so much for saying all this! I totally agree that children should be taught from young that marriage and kids aren't something that's mandatory in life. I freaking hate this delusion cooked up society. I too have heard of men thinking they'll have regular sex only for their dreams to be shattered when the wife's body changes during and after pregnancy. Always discuss birth control and they gotta know that the pull out method isn't very effective either. See, I don't have a single maternal bone and I've never liked kids. I'd be a terrible mom. So I decided to not have kids. I feel people should do these kinda self reflection before they get married or plan to have kids.

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