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Ecuador's Security Crisis: Addressing the Challenges Ahead

Reclaiming Peace and Prosprety

By Rohit SinghPublished 10 months ago 4 min read


In a recent live interview, Carmen engages in a candid conversation with General Juan Carlos Barragán, the former Chief of Antinarcotics in Ecuador, to discuss the escalating security situation in the country. Ecuador has been grappling with a surge in violence, particularly evident in its penitentiary centers and tragic attacks on public officials. General Barragán highlights the urgent need for effective security measures and emphasizes the importance of addressing the root causes of this crisis.

Understanding the Security Situation in Ecuador:

Ecuador's security challenges have been multi-faceted, with a rise in homicides and criminal activities throughout the country. Coastal regions, like Manta, have become strategic locations for drug trafficking due to their proximity to Colombia. General Barragán acknowledges the gravity of the situation, emphasizing that a safe and secure nation is essential for attracting investments and fostering economic growth. The

Role of Prisons in Fueling Violence:

The deteriorating situation in Ecuador's prisons has been a significant contributor to the overall security crisis. Overcrowding, gang rivalries, and a lack of effective control have led to violent confrontations and deadly attacks within the prison walls. The General stresses that addressing the issues within the prison system is crucial to curbing the spillover of violence into society.

The Need for a Comprehensive Security Strategy:

General Barragán emphasizes that tackling the security crisis requires a comprehensive and well-thought-out approach. Firstly, he suggests aggressive investment in the prison system to ensure better control and adherence to regulations. Adequate resources, equipment, and training for the police force are also essential to combat criminal activities effectively.

The Role of Decision-Making and Political Will:

While there have been efforts to increase the number of police personnel in Ecuador, the General points out that merely hiring more officers is insufficient. Equipping them adequately with weapons, communication tools, and patrolling vehicles is equally critical. He calls for decisive action and a swift response to the security challenges, as time is of the essence.

Addressing the Root Causes:

Beyond the immediate security measures, General Barragán stresses the importance of addressing the underlying issues that contribute to the crisis. Poverty, lack of employment opportunities, and social inequality play a significant role in driving criminal activities. A comprehensive strategy must include measures to alleviate these issues, thereby reducing the appeal of criminal life. In recent years, Ecuador has faced a grave security crisis, leaving its citizens and officials vulnerable to acts of violence and criminal activities. While the nation boasts a rich cultural heritage and abundant natural resources, the escalating insecurity threatens to undermine its progress and development. To regain control and foster a safer environment, it is imperative to address the root causes and implement a comprehensive security strategy.

The Strategic Role of Prisons:

One of the critical components fuelling the security crisis in Ecuador is the deplorable condition of its penitentiary centers. Overcrowding and the proliferation of powerful gangs within these facilities have led to a hostile environment where violence reigns supreme. Prisoners are left to fend for themselves, resulting in deadly clashes and attacks against both fellow inmates and prison staff. General Barragán's emphasis on investing aggressively in the prison system is well-founded. By improving infrastructure, enhancing security measures, and promoting programs for rehabilitation and skill development, prisons can be transformed into institutions of reform and not breeding grounds for further criminal activities. Moreover, a well-managed prison system will significantly reduce the chances of vengeful acts spilling over into society, making it an integral part of the overall security strategy.

Empowering Law Enforcement:

Equally crucial is empowering the police force with the necessary resources and training to combat criminal activities effectively. While the increase in the number of police personnel is commendable, it must be complemented by adequate equipment, modern communication tools, and well-equipped patrolling vehicles. By ensuring that law enforcement officers have the means to respond swiftly and decisively to criminal incidents, the government can instill a sense of security among citizens. Public trust in the police force is essential, as it encourages cooperation from the community in reporting crimes and assisting with investigations.

The Role of Political Will:

Ultimately, the success of any security strategy lies in the government's political will to prioritize and act on this pressing issue. Decisive action is needed to demonstrate a strong commitment to safeguarding the nation and its people. It is crucial for President Guillermo Lasso's administration to address security concerns promptly and enact policies that are responsive to the evolving challenges. While governing by decree may expedite decision-making, long-term solutions require a cooperative effort with legislative bodies, civil society, and security experts to devise effective and sustainable policies.

Addressing Root Causes:

Beyond the immediate security measures, Ecuador must tackle the underlying issues contributing to criminal activities. Poverty, lack of education, and limited employment opportunities in certain regions create an environment where illicit activities appear attractive to vulnerable individuals. Investing in education and job creation initiatives can provide viable alternatives to crime for at-risk populations. Additionally, addressing social inequality and promoting inclusive development can create a more cohesive and harmonious society, reducing the potential for violence.


Ecuador faces a critical security crisis that demands immediate attention and decisive action. By prioritizing reforms in the prison system, empowering law enforcement, and addressing root causes such as poverty and social inequality, the country can begin to restore safety and stability for its citizens. General Juan Carlos Barragán's insights offer valuable perspectives, highlighting the importance of a comprehensive and well-coordinated security strategy. With a strong political will and collaborative efforts, Ecuador can embark on a path towards a safer and more prosperous future. Now is the time for the nation to unite and take decisive steps towards reclaiming its peace and security.


About the Creator

Rohit Singh

Software developer, part-time content creator, and tech enthusiast.

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