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Why love marriage is better than arrangement marriage?

Why love marriage is better than arrangement marriage?

By KEWAL KUMARPublished about a year ago 8 min read

Why love marriage is better than arrangement marriage?

Marriage is a significant step in a person's life, one that involves choosing a partner to share their future with. While there are many different ways to approach the process of finding a partner, two of the most common methods are love marriages and arranged marriages. Love marriages, as the name suggests, are based on the idea that the couple has fallen in love and wants to spend the rest of their lives together. Arranged marriages, on the other hand, are usually arranged by the couple's families, who select a partner for them based on various factors such as social status, financial security, and compatibility.

In this article, we will examine the reasons why some people believe that love marriages are better than arranged marriages. We will explore how self-choice, better understanding, shared values, greater commitment, honest communication, and greater freedom can contribute to a more satisfying and successful marriage. However, it is important to note that this is not a one size fit all and people in arranged marriages can also find love and happiness in their relationship.

Self-choice: In love marriages, individuals are able to choose their own partners based on their own feelings and preferences, rather than having a partner chosen for them by their family or community. This can lead to a greater sense of satisfaction and happiness in the relationship.

Better understanding: Love marriages give the couple a chance to understand each other better before entering into a committed relationship. This can lead to better communication, mutual respect, and understanding in the marriage.

Shared values: Love marriages are more likely to involve partners with shared values and goals, which can lead to a more compatible and fulfilling relationship.

Greater commitment: In love marriages, the partners usually have a greater level of commitment to each other because they have chosen each other voluntarily. This can lead to a stronger and more stable marriage.

Honest communication: Couples in love marriages have the chance to have open, honest communication with each other from the beginning, which can help to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts in the future.

Greater freedom: Love marriages give individuals more freedom to make their own choices about their lives and their relationships, rather than feeling constrained by societal or familial expectations.

It is worth to mention that this is just one perspective and there are also positive aspects in arranged marriages such as social and family support and stability. Some people in arranged marriages may also find love and happiness.

It's bliss to live with someone you already love

Living with someone you already love can be a very fulfilling and satisfying experience. When two people are in love, they often have a strong emotional connection and understanding of each other, which can make living together feel like a natural and easy thing to do.

Being in love can bring feelings of happiness and contentment, and can make the everyday tasks of life feel more enjoyable when shared with a loved one. Additionally, couples who live together after being in love have a higher chance of being in tune with each other's needs and have a deeper understanding of their partner's emotions, thus less likely to have arguments or misunderstandings. This can lead to a more peaceful and harmonious household.

However, it is also important to note that living with someone you already love does not guarantee a trouble-free life together, and all relationships require effort and compromise to maintain. It is essential to keep open communication, compromise, and work on issues as they come up to make sure the relationship keeps healthy and strong.

Love marriages are less expensive

Love marriages, as opposed to arranged marriages, can potentially be less expensive for a couple in the short term. Arranged marriages often involve a significant amount of money being spent on ceremonies and celebrations to mark the occasion, whereas love marriages may not have such lavish expenses. Also, in some cultures, the groom's family is expected to give a dowry to the bride's family, which can become a financial burden.

Additionally, Love marriages also have an advantage of being less expensive in the long term, as the couple will have a better understanding of one another's financial circumstances and may make better financial decisions as a result. In contrast, in an arranged marriage, couples may not have had the opportunity to discuss their financial expectations and could run into issues related to finances later.

It's important to note that this is not always the case, and some couples in love marriages still choose to have big ceremonies and celebrations, and this is a personal preference. Also, this may vary in different cultures or families, some may still expected dowry even though the couple already in love.

No Dowry Drama

In some cultures, the practice of dowry exists, where the groom's family is expected to pay a large sum of money or give gifts to the bride's family as a condition for the marriage to take place. This practice can cause a lot of stress, tension and even hostility between families, and can also put financial burden on groom's family.

In love marriages, dowry is not typically expected as the couple is marrying based on their own feelings and choices, rather than to fulfill familial or societal expectations. Without the need for dowry, love marriages can be less stressful and more straightforward for both the couple and their families.

It's important to note that dowry is illegal in many countries and also this practice is considered an outdated and unfair custom. However in some cultures, dowry is still a part of marriage tradition and it could still be a source of pressure or even abuse in love marriage as well.

You understand each other's personality

One of the advantages of love marriages is that couples have a chance to get to know each other's personalities before committing to a long-term relationship. When people fall in love, they often spend a significant amount of time together, which allows them to observe each other's behavior, habits, and values. They can learn about each other's likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, and what makes them happy or upset.

Having this understanding of each other's personality can make it easier for couples to navigate the challenges that may arise in a marriage. They will have a better sense of how to communicate effectively, how to compromise, and how to support each other. They can also anticipate and prepare for potential conflicts and know how to handle them in a more constructive way.

Additionally, when couples have a deep understanding of each other's personalities, it's easier to predict how they would react in different situations, which can help them to anticipate and avoid unnecessary conflicts. Moreover, they are more likely to be more patient and tolerant of each other's idiosyncrasies, this can be a key factor to keep the love and respect growing within the couple.

It's worth noting that even though the couple might know each other's personality, it doesn't mean they can predict everything, everyone is capable of change and growth, and learning to adapt to these changes is an important part of any relationship.

You resolve issues more easily

In love marriages, couples have usually spent a significant amount of time together and have had the opportunity to get to know each other well. This can make it easier for them to resolve issues that may arise in the marriage.

Having a strong emotional connection and understanding of each other can help couples to communicate more effectively and to find solutions that work for both of them. They may also have developed trust, respect and a shared history together that make it easier for them to work through conflicts.

Couples in love marriages have a higher chance of being more open to compromise and more willing to put in the effort to find a resolution, as they have a shared investment in the relationship and its success. They have a more personalized understanding of each other's needs, values, and expectations which can aid them to come to a compromise or an agreement.

Additionally, Love marriages also provide the couple with an emotional support system that can help them to cope with the stress and pressure that may come with resolving issues. This can make the process of resolving issues less draining, and can help to strengthen the relationship in the long run.

As with any relationship, there will always be challenges and issues to overcome, but when couples can address them effectively, this can lead to a stronger and more resilient relationship.

You and your spouse know each other

One of the key benefits of love marriages is that couples already have a deep understanding of each other when they get married. They have spent time getting to know each other's personalities, values, interests, and habits, which can make it easier for them to navigate the challenges of marriage.

When couples know each other well, they have a better sense of how to communicate effectively, how to compromise, and how to support each other. They can anticipate and prepare for potential conflicts, and know how to handle them in a more constructive way.

Also, Knowing each other well can also help couples make important life decisions together, such as where to live, how to raise children, and how to manage finances. They can have more trust and confidence in each other to make the best decisions for their future together.

Additionally, couples that know each other well can also have a better sense of how to make each other happy and how to be supportive in times of need. This can lead to a more loving and fulfilling relationship.

It's worth mentioning, however, that just knowing each other doesn't guarantee a perfect marriage. Everyone is capable of change and growth, and learning to adapt to these changes is an important part of any relationship. Also, knowing each other well doesn't mean that the relationship will be free of issues or challenges, but it can make it easier to navigate those challenges when they do arise.

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