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Marriages And Traditions.

Marriage in the light of different traditions.

By Tamseela AroojPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Marriage is a union between two individuals that is recognized by law, culture, and society. Throughout history, different cultures and societies have had their own unique traditions and customs when it comes to marriage. In this essay, I will explore some of the different traditions in marriages from around the world.

In some cultures, arranged marriages are the norm. In an arranged marriage, the families of the bride and groom arrange the marriage, often without the direct input of the couple. This tradition is common in many parts of the world, including South Asia, the Middle East, and some parts of Africa. In an arranged marriage, the families take into account factors such as social status, education, religion, and wealth when selecting a partner for their child. While arranged marriages are not always based on love, they are seen as a way to ensure the stability of the family unit and to maintain cultural traditions.

In contrast to arranged marriages, love marriages are based on the individual's choice of partner rather than their families'. This is a relatively new concept in many cultures, but it is becoming increasingly popular in many parts of the world. In love marriages, the individuals typically meet and fall in love on their own, and then decide to get married. This is common in Western cultures, where individualism is emphasized.

Another tradition in marriages is the dowry. In some cultures, the bride's family provides a dowry, which is a sum of money or property that is given to the groom's family as a way to help support the couple in their married life. This tradition is common in South Asia and some parts of Africa, but it has been outlawed in many countries due to its association with bride trafficking and gender discrimination.

In some cultures, the wedding ceremony is a religious event. In Christianity, for example, marriage is considered a sacrament, which means it is a sacred ceremony that is recognized by the church. Similarly, in Islam, marriage is considered a contract between two individuals that is recognized by God. In Hinduism, the wedding ceremony is a complex series of rituals that symbolize the couple's commitment to each other and to the gods.

In many cultures, weddings are elaborate and expensive affairs. In some cases, the family of the bride and groom will spend years saving up for the wedding, which can include multiple days of ceremonies and celebrations. In Western cultures, weddings are often viewed as a way to showcase the couple's love and commitment to each other, but they can also be seen as a way to display wealth and status.

In some cultures, polygamy is practiced, which means that one person is married to multiple partners at the same time. Polygamy is legal in some countries, but it is illegal in others. In cultures where polygamy is practiced, it is often seen as a way to ensure the survival of the family unit and to increase the number of children.

In some cultures, same-sex marriages are accepted, while in others they are not. Same-sex marriages have only recently become legal in many countries, and even in those countries, they are often still not widely accepted. In some cultures, same-sex marriages are celebrated and considered to be just as valid as heterosexual marriages.

As the world becomes more interconnected, many traditional practices are evolving to adapt to changing social and cultural norms. For example, in some cultures, there is a shift away from arranged marriages and towards love marriages. Similarly, in many countries, same-sex marriages have become legal and are gaining acceptance among the general public.

While there are certainly differences in the traditions of marriages across different cultures and societies, there are also many commonalities. At their core, marriages are a way for individuals to form partnerships and create families. They are a way to connect with others and to share in the joys and challenges of life.

Despite the many changes that have occurred over time, the institution of marriage remains a fundamental part of many cultures and societies around the world. It will likely continue to evolve and change as society progresses, but it will always remain an important part of human life.

In conclusion, there are many different traditions in marriages from around the world. These traditions reflect the cultural and social values of the societies in which they are practiced. Some of these traditions, such as arranged marriages and polygamy, are controversial and may be seen as outdated or discriminatory by some. However, they continue to be an important part of many cultures and societies, and they will likely continue to evolve and change over time.


About the Creator

Tamseela Arooj

Meet me: writer, procrastinator, fridge enthusiast. Dreaming of a best-seller that's actually worth reading.

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