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The beauty of a successful marriage

By Aduba FavourPublished 8 months ago 2 min read
Photo by Drew Coffman on Unsplash

In the tapestry of life, there exists a sacred thread,

A bond that withstands the winds of time, unbreakable, undefeated.

It’s the beauty of a successful marriage, oh so divine,

A journey embarked upon by two hearts, intertwined.

Through stormy seas and tranquil shores they navigate,

Hand in hand, side by side, facing every twist of fate.

With each passing year, their love grows even more,

A testament to the commitment they wholeheartedly wore.

The beauty lies in the way they uplift one another,

Supporting dreams and aspirations, as they walk together.

In laughter and tears, they find solace and grace,

For it's in the shared moments that their bond finds its place.

They find strength in their differences, celebrating each unique shade,

Building a foundation of trust, where love will never fade.

No challenge too great, for their unity is steadfast,

With open hearts and open minds, they overcome the past.

They cultivate a garden of respect and compassion,

Nourishing their love with tenderness and passion.

Through compromise and forgiveness, they learn and grow,

Building a love that stands the test of time, it truly shows.

In the depths of their love, a safe haven is found,

Where vulnerabilities are embraced, with love that knows no bound.

For in a successful marriage, two souls intertwine,

Creating a love story that forever will shine.

So let us rejoice in the beauty of a successful marriage,

A union founded on love and mutual encouragement, no disparage.

May it inspire us all to seek the same profound love,

One that withstands the trials of life, guided from above.

In the realm of love, there lies a gem,

A treasure so rare, a successful marriage, for them.

A symphony of two souls, harmoniously entwined,

Creating a love story, sublime and refined.

The beauty of a successful marriage, it resides,

In the way they nurture, in the way love abides.

A partnership built upon trust and respect,

A sanctuary of love, where hearts connect.

Through life's ebbs and flows, they find their way,

Finding strength in unity, come what may.

For in their togetherness, they weather the storms,

Building a love that gracefully transforms.

Their love is an embrace, a comforting hug,

A sanctuary where hearts can always snug.

They celebrate victories, big and small,

With open hearts, they answer love's call.

The beauty lies in their unwavering support,

In times of joy or when struggles distort.

They stand by each other, hand in hand,

A lifeline of love, forever they withstand.

Through laughter and tears, they grow side by side,

Creating memories woven with love, a precious tide.

They choose kindness over pride,

A compassionate stance, where love can reside.

In a successful marriage, they find solace and peace,

A haven where love's magic will never cease.

They embrace imperfections, without despair,

As they grow together, learning how to care.

The beauty of a successful marriage, it's clear,

A journey of love, built on trust sincere.

Through love's colors, they paint their own bliss,

A masterpiece of unity, sealed with a tender kiss.

So let us marvel at the beauty held within,

In a successful marriage, where love's spirits begin.

May it inspire us to seek and cherish the same,

A love story that sparkles, with hearts aflame.


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    AFWritten by Aduba Favour

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