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A Lifetime Marriage

a tale on the purpose of marriage

By Gideon GamboPublished about a year ago 3 min read

The Purpose of Marriage
Once upon a time, in a small village nestled at the foot of a towering mountain, there lived a young couple named Bernishek and Geed. They were deeply in love, and had been together since they were teenagers. They spent countless hours wandering through the lush green forests that surrounded their village, picnicking by the riverside, and day dreaming about their future together.

One day, as they were walking through the woods, they came across an old wise man who was sitting beneath a tree, deep in meditation. Bernishek and Geed approached him respectfully and greeted him. The man opened his eyes and looked at the young couple with a kind warn smile.

"May I ask what brings you here?" he inquired.

Bernishek spoke up. "We are deeply in love and are planning to get married soon. But we are unsure about the purpose of marriage. We know that we want to spend our lives together, but we are not sure what marriage will bring to our relationship."

The old man nodded thoughtfully and said "Marriage is a sacred bond that unites two people in love as one. It is a commitment to share your lives together, to support each other through the good times and the tough times, and to grow together as individuals and as a couple."

Bernishek and Geed looked at each other, nodding to affirm what the old man just said. "But what is the purpose of this commitment?" Bernishek asked.

The old man smiled and answered "The purpose of marriage is to help you both become the best versions of yourselves. It is to help you grow in love, compassion, and understanding. It is to help you create a stable and loving home where you can raise a family, if that is your desire. And most importantly, it is to help you both fulfill your life's purpose."

Bernishek and Geed listened intently, realizing that marriage was not just a legal union, but a spiritual one as well. They thanked the old man for his wisdom and continued on their walk, hand in hand.

As they walked, Bernishek thought deeply about the old man's words. She realized that marriage was not just about finding someone to love and spend your life with, but also about becoming a better person through that love. She realized that marriage was a journey, not a destination, and that it required effort and commitment to make it work.

Geed felt the same way. He knew that he wanted to spend his life with Bernishek, but he also knew that he had to be willing to grow and change alongside her. He knew that marriage was not always easy, but that it was worth it for the love and companionship it brought.

As they arrived back at their village, Bernishek and Geed felt more committed than ever to their love and to each other. They knew that marriage was not a guarantee of happiness, but a promise to work together to create a loving and fulfilling life.

They went to the local church and got married in a simple ceremony, surrounded by their family and friends. As they exchanged vows, they felt a deep sense of joy and purpose, knowing that they were embarking on a journey together that would help them both become the best versions of themselves.

Years passed, and Bernishek and Geed faced many challenges and obstacles along the way. But they always remembered the old man's words, and they never lost sight of the purpose of their marriage. They supported each other through thick and thin, and they continued to grow and change together.

They had two children; a boy and a girl, and they raised them with love and care. They created a stable and loving home, filled with laughter and joy. And they never forgot the deep love and commitment that had brought them together in the first place.

As they grew old together, Bernishek and Geed knew that their love had only grown stronger with time. They knew that the purpose of their marriage kept them going even through the storms, they had something to always look forward to in the next day, week, month and years to come.


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Comments (1)

  • Esther kidda about a year ago

    Looks shallow but deep.👌

GGWritten by Gideon Gambo

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