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8 Characteristics of Healthy Relationships.

Love is an agreement we make to always act fairly and rightly toward the people we love. A sensation cannot compare to the depth of love.

By Fruits And Plants Diary - Get Insight Published about a year ago 3 min read

The universe does indeed revolve around relationships. No matter how things turn out. But the thrilling thing is that there are a lot of things we can do to improve our chances of having wonderful relationships—relationships that are full and exciting, replete with meaning, joy, and love.

Most human interactions are governed by certain fundamentals, which is what I'll be talking about in the paragraphs that follow.

Beautifully fulfilling relationships have the power to make life more joyful than anything else. It's almost impossible to fathom the depth of meaning, understanding, and appreciation that these relationships bring. And of course, as many people discover, nothing can cause as much suffering as a strained relationship with a close friend or family member.

Here then is my list of the eight components that, in my opinion, form the foundation of a sound relationship:

1. Sincere Communication

You will discover honest and open communication in any successful relationship. The reason why communication is so crucial is because it serves as the means by which our innermost thoughts and feelings can be spoken to and connected with others. Isn't dialogue wonderful? Amazingly, when one person expresses how they are feeling, another person can learn about it and experience it, too, through dialogue.

2. Patience

Since we are all flawed human beings, we have plenty of time to develop our patience. As imperfect beings, people will inevitably let us down. We will also let down other people in the opposite way. Therefore, even when we make an effort to be more patient with others, we still need their patience.

3. Love

Depending on how you define love, this will all depend. I would strongly disagree with the general consensus that love is a sensation. The idea of "like" actually has more to do with emotions. Saying you like someone is a way of expressing your feelings. But when you say you love someone, you're not always talking about how you feel about that person. A sensation cannot compare to the depth of love. Love is an agreement we make to always act fairly and rightly toward the people we love.

4. Fun

Every successful relationship includes a fun component. Even if it may be suitable in some relationships, this does not necessarily imply having a loud, boisterous time. However, there should be some enjoyment in work interactions as well. Dealing with someone you intend to conduct business with for a long time should be enjoyable.

5. Loyalty

Being committed to someone else is being loyal. It's unfortunate that in many partnerships nowadays, loyalty is sometimes absent. We've lost sight of what loyalty is all about. This has been impacted in part by our consumer mentality. Product fidelity is no longer a thing. Sadly, a lot of businesses do not have a strong commitment to their customers.

6. Providing Heart

"You can have whatever you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want out of life," says my close buddy Zig Ziglar frequently.

He is referring to the idea of living a life and having a heart that is devoted to serving others. The finest way to live is to help others. This does not imply that we don't work to improve ourselves. It does imply that we serve others in all we do, including our family, friends, and coworkers. We must learn to assist those who merit it rather than merely those who are in need because life rewards merit rather than necessity.

7. A Shared Goal

Having a shared goal is one of the fundamentals of a healthy relationship; although this is a fundamental that is frequently initially disregarded, it is essential for a long-term, sustainable connection. Consider all the friends you have made while collaborating on projects throughout the years. Perhaps you came into contact with them while playing sports, working on a political campaign, going to church, at work, or some other activity that brought you together to work on a shared goal.

8. Friendliness

Building enduring relationships is often facilitated by being upbeat. Everyone dislikes grumpy people, after all. The truth is that the nicer you are, the more likely it is that other people will want to explore more committed, beneficial relationships with you.

Simply put, relationships simply function better when we get along with other people. The rocky ride we occasionally face in our relationships can be smoothed out by being nice. You will observe an improvement in your relationships if you cheer up, smile, have good things to say to other people, and treat everyone with a lot of warmth.

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Fruits And Plants Diary - Get Insight

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