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7 Little Things You Can Do To Keep Your Relationship Thriving

That Are Proven To Work

By Trevor PeytonPublished 12 months ago 4 min read

1. Have Positive Thoughts

In a relationship it is important to think outstandingly of your partner and have a positive outlook on the future wixth them. Having positive thoughts is commonly misinterpreted with toxic positivity. Toxic positivity is where you brainwash your problems for a sense of false positivity. Having positive thoughts is hard sometimes because our thoughts seem so uncontrollable a lot of the time. So, the best way to slowly shift your thoughts to positive is to reflect on your thoughts and decide whether that negative thought was a productive. If it was then you should bring it up with your partner. But, if the more positive look on the situation is a better way to look at it, then you should keep it to yourself. This will prevent a lot of unnecessary fights with your partner and make the time you spend with them more meaningful and help you have a better outlook on the relationship as a whole.

2. Spend Quality Time With Your Partner

But how much? In a relationship you do not want to push your partner to always be spending time with you and at the same time you do not want to spend no time at all with them. You should try and spend 5 to 10 hours a week of quality time with your partner. This time should be distraction free and be a perfect time to just talk with your partner about everything you love to talk about with them. If your living with them, this can be finding times to eat dinner or breakfast with them and planning date nights. If you are not living with your partner, this can be calling them when your both available and scheduling times to do a little date once or twice a week. If you make this time feel like really quality time, you will only grow closer and closer with your partner.

3. Avoid Money Arguments

One of the most common factors that lead to divorces is arguments over money. Do not completely avoid talking about money with your partner but make sure you are both ready to talk about it and set up a financial system that works with both of you to prevent an argument. Find ways to deal with money issues that might come up without turning it into a fight that never gets dealt with.

4. Sharing Your Experiences

Our lives are full of stories that are funny, intriguing, and interesting. Whenever spending quality time with your partner a great way to get conversation flowing is simply talking about what happened in the last week. Sharing your experiences will make you feel closer with your partner and make you share a type of bond you will not have with anyone else. Make sure to tell them every story you have, from the embarrassing ones to the ones you are proud of but still keep to yourself. Just remember your life is full of experiences and your partner is going to want to hear about all of them.

5. Be Happy First

This might seem obvious but sometimes in a relationship it can be hard to remember to think about yourself. You might end up feeling horrible just in an attempt to make your partner happy and to make the relationship feel like it is thriving. Make sure you are happy so you do not need to go to your relationship as your only source of happiness. Find things in your life that make you happy and save time in the week to do those things, even if it means taking some time away from your partner.

6. Communication

Communication might be the most important thing in a relationship. Being open with your feelings is something that is going to be hard to share all the time, but is so powerful. Expressing how you feel and being understanding when your partner expresses their feelings will only build you closer together. It will eliminate any distrust, sadness, and fog in the relationship. If you and your partner disagree when communicating, prevent a fight by talking time with your words to prevent saying the wrong thing, talk slow and calmly to show your not angry, and try to understand their perspective. If you can master communication with your partner it will only make you love them more as you know you can talk to them about anything.

7. Do Not Rush Into Anything

Take your relationship slow and really appreciate every moment with your partner. Trying to move things to fast will lead the relationship to crumble because you have not given your relationship time to develop to that stage. Understand they will still love you even if you want to take things slow. A good partner will be understanding of this and want to take it slow because it means they get to spend even more time with you. Make sure you enjoy the time with your partner and just have fun with them, however that fun might look!


Watch this video from a relationship expert that helped save my marriage. I learned a lot from this video and helped me learn many more relationship tips that kept my relationship thriving! If your feeling your relationship start to decline, this video is sure to save your relationship like it saved mine!


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