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You can be smarter than your peers

Do these ten simple steps

By V.U.DPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
You can be smarter than your peers
Photo by Alexandru Zdrobău on Unsplash

Many believe being smart is only about grades and degrees. But being smart means thinking well, making good choices, and understanding the world. It's not just about memorizing facts. You can get smarter regardless of age or education by adopting simple habits.

  • Explore different perspectives and views

Smart people are curious and seek out diverse experiences. They connect with different people, explore various cultures and places, and embrace different viewpoints. It's a stimulating way to engage your mind. Being open-minded about the information you encounter is crucial. You don't have to agree with everything you come across, but keeping an open mind expands your understanding of the world.

  • Be around smarter people

Don't limit yourself to like-minded individuals or those with similar intelligence. To truly grow and develop your mind, seek out people who can teach you new things and provide alternative perspectives. Surrounding yourself with smarter individuals will challenge and inspire you. They'll make you think critically about your beliefs and actions, ultimately enhancing your effectiveness.

  • Take quiet time for yourself

To become smarter, make time for self-reflection each day. Smart individuals learn from their experiences to avoid repeating the same mistakes. Through reflection, you can also identify patterns that may lead to unhealthy habits or behaviors. This promotes self-awareness and mindfulness in your thoughts, actions, and lifestyle.

  • Ask questions

Apply this habit to all areas of your life, including acquiring new information and handling relationships. Many people accept things at face value without questioning them. They assume that if something comes from a trusted source or the media, it must be true. However, this can lead to poor decision-making and missing crucial information. Avoid blindly believing everything you hear. Always clarify and consider different perspectives before forming your conclusions.

  • Learn something new every day

Make it a priority to learn something new every day, even if it's small or seems unimportant. Engage in activities like watching educational shows, listening to audiobooks or podcasts, and subscribing to thought-provoking newsletters. You can even use a word-of-the-day app to have fun and expand your vocabulary while learning. These daily learning habits can have a significant impact on your brain.

  • Boost your mental intensity

Challenge yourself to become smarter. Learn new skills or study unfamiliar subjects for at least 30 minutes each day. Read self-help books or listen to personal development podcasts to explore different thought patterns. By consistently engaging in these activities, you build neural pathways in your brain, improving your learning capacity.

  • Read something different than usual

Read daily to expand your knowledge and vocabulary. To become smarter, explore diverse reading materials, even if they challenge your perspective. Engaging with different content broadens your mind, challenges ideas, and promotes intellectual growth.

  • Engage in physical exercise
  • Regular exercise benefits your body and brain. It improves overall health, increases blood flow to the brain, and stimulates the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factors. This boosts memory, learning, focus, concentration, and comprehension. Exercise also helps improve sleep, benefiting your cognitive function.

  • Use what you've learned

Apply what you learn to make it meaningful. Learning should have a purpose in your life. Don't just learn for the sake of it; aim to enhance your life in some way. Whether it's nutrition or technology, if you invest time in learning, put that knowledge into practice.

  • Add variety to your day

Don't get stuck in a routine. To be happier and more productive, try new things and keep your brain active. Change your route home, try new recipes, or take walks outside. Adding novelty keeps things fresh, and interesting, and boosts intelligence and creativity.

To get smarter, adopt these habits. If you already practice some, great job! Remember, it's about progress, not perfection. Don't be too hard on yourself if things don't go as planned. Keep learning and moving forward.

By Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

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