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Why is there period-like back pain in pregnancy?


By Dr. P. K. SHARMAPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Why is there period-like back pain in pregnancy?
Photo by Bella The Brave on Unsplash

Health desk- Period-like back pain in pregnancy affects about 80 percent of pregnant women. During this, the body of women is getting ready naturally for delivery. Even in the early days of pregnancy, back pain feels like period pain.

In such a situation, the pain can be reduced by adopting natural remedies. Let us see why there is back pain in pregnancy and what can be the measures to reduce it.

Period-like back pain in pregnancy-

Period-like pain is very common in pregnancy, especially in the early stages. Sometimes the pain becomes so severe that it can interfere with the ability to perform normal activities.

Studies show that lower back pain usually occurs between the fifth and seventh month of pregnancy. However, in some cases it happens as early as eight to twelve weeks. The degree of pain can range from mild to severe.

During pregnancy, your body's ligaments naturally soften and prepare you for labor. This can put pressure on the joints of your low back and pelvis, which can lead to back pain.

Reasons for period-like back pain in pregnancy-

During pregnancy, women can have period-like pain in the waist due to many reasons. This back pain is either due to physical reasons or it is disease related.

Physical cause-

Some changes in the body cause back pain during pregnancy. As:

1 .Hormonal changes-

During pregnancy, the levels of hormones like relaxin and progesterone increase. Because of this, the ligaments and joints become loose and loose. This change can put additional stress on the lower back and pelvis, which can lead to pregnancy back pain.

2 .Lifestyle factors-

Some lifestyle changes can also cause period-like back pain in pregnancy:

1 .Muscle pressure: Back pain in pregnancy can cause muscle pressure, resulting in pain. This leads to changes in posture, such as hunching over the shoulders, which can also put extra strain on the back muscles.

2 .Weight gain: Women gain weight during pregnancy. This puts an extra arch on their pelvis, which causes period-like back pain in pregnancy.

3 .Bad posture: Your center of gravity gradually shifts forward as your uterus and baby grow. Because of this, pregnant women tend to push their bodies backwards, resulting in a change in posture. Keeping the back of the waist in the same position continuously increases the problem of pain.

3 .Pathological reasons-

There are certain medical conditions that can aggravate back pain during pregnancy. As:

1 .Herniated disc: The expanding uterus puts pressure on the lower back. If you already had a herniated disc before pregnancy, your chances of developing back pain increase.

2 .Sciatica: The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back to the legs. As your baby grows in pregnancy, the extra weight puts pressure on unstable joints and muscles. This causes nerve compression and increases the intensity of back pain.

3 .Degenerative disc disease: Conditions such as osteoarthritis or degenerative disc disease can worsen during pregnancy, causing period-like pain in pregnancy.

4 .Abortion: The contraction of the uterus during abortion can cause back pain. It is usually felt in the lower back and the pain can be mild, moderate or severe.

5 .Ectopic pregnancy: Here the embryo does not attach to the uterus, instead it attaches to the fallopian tubes. In this type of pregnancy, there is period-like back pain.

Home remedies for back pain in pregnancy-

With the help of some home remedies, pain in pregnancy can be relieved. As:

1 .Teaching-

Two types of exercises can be done for period-like back pain in pregnancy:

1 .Hot compress: You can compress the waist with a hot water bottle. It should not be done for more than 20 minutes as it will increase the temperature of the stomach which can affect the baby.

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