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Why I prefer E-readers

Kindles, specifically.

By Ashley LimaPublished about a year ago 3 min read

I love books, and I have a lot of them. I even collect antique books of all kinds: from algebra textbooks printed in 1841, to relatively unknown fiction from World War II. However, I can't bring myself to read traditional books very often, and here's why.

E-books allow me to track my progress in real time. If I'm curious about how much time spent reading I have left on a book, my kindle will tell me to the minute. It will also let me know what percentage I am through the book, which is something I thoroughly enjoy. I know how quickly I'll get to the next chapter, which allows me to gauge if I really have time to read it or not. These little conveniences, without having to do the mental math, make e-reading a gratifying solution when I'm trying to hit reading goals.

I can read e-books in bed at night without any external light coming from candles, flash lights, or lamps. This is super convenient for my partner, who likes to go to bed earlier than me. Sure, I could go read in the living room with a light on, but I much prefer to be cozied-up in bed with my dogs, blankets, and pillows. Reading before bed helps me fall asleep easier, and when I'm ready to call it a night, all I have to do is press a little button on my kindle, and it will be ready for me whenever I want to read again. I don't have to worry about falling asleep with a paperback in tow and crushing it in my dreams.

With an e-reader, I have an endless amount of books at my finger tips. Between my Kindle Unlimited subscription and my library card, I'm able to snag new e-books whenever I want to, for relatively cheap or free. Books can get pricey, and I find that I save money by reading digitally. If I really like a book I've read, I'll know in the future that I want it to be a part of my physical library collection. Not to mention, one doesn't even need to own a Kindle to read Kindle e-books, which is cutting cost right there.

E-books are incredibly convenient. Though I much prefer reading on my Paperwhite, I can easily pull up the Kindle App on my smart phone or iPad and start reading, wherever I am, whenever I want to. This day in age, most people have their smart phones on them at all times. It's much easier to carry a whole library on an electronic device than lug around a full book-bag.

If I love e-reading so much, why would I own hundreds of traditional, physical books? The short answer is: aesthetics. No - I'm just kidding. There are certainly times when reading a traditional book is just my cup of tea. They're reserved for special occasions, a.k.a., the rare moments I get more than an hour to myself during the day. There is nothing better than having a quiet afternoon in solitude, where I can dive head first into a psychical book. The thing is, with a busy working life, a toddler, and three dogs, I don't get as much alone time these days as I used to. When I'm just trying to read in short bursts for entertainment and reading goals, nothing beats an e-reader. I always have my Kindle library on me. Whether through my smart phone, my Paperwhite, or my iPad, dissociating into a new and different reality is only a few clicks away. That freedom and convenience is something I appreciate so dearly in my life, and it allows me to explore more worlds than I would be able to otherwise.

With that being said, what's your favorite way to read?


About the Creator

Ashley Lima

I think about writing more than I write, but call myself a writer as opposed to a thinker.

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