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When Motivation Fails, These Wicked Simple Tactics Pull Me Through Writer's Rut

3 easy ways to succeed when you feel like quitting

By Rick MartinezPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Ricky Kharawala on Unsplash

No matter how much experience you have as a writer, sooner or later, something will go wrong.

I don't mean "wrong" as in you run out of ink, or your internet goes down. Rather I mean wrong as in a client cancels a contract. Wrong as in you feel a lack of motivation. Or even wrong, as in you wake up and feel like the idea well is dry.

Feel me?

Challenges are as much a part of the writing world as they are being a startup entrepreneur, a stay-at-home parent, or even just having a high-stress job.

Most challenges or issues can be solved with what you already know and do. Through previous experiences. Maybe even because you've passed through these turbulent waters before in another job or vocation.

Some challenges will mess with your head...if you let them.

So how do you overcome them?

Remember why you started writing

Maybe you started as a creative outlet just for you.

Perhaps it was because you were compelled to share a message.

It's also possible that you just wanted to see your name in print.

Whatever the reason, remember it when the going gets tough.

Write for an audience.

No matter who you are or what you're writing, someone out there is interested in it.

Find that person or group of people, and write for them.

It's your responsibility to remain cool, calm, and level-headed during challenging and stressful times. Take a moment to reconnect with the power of your mission and purpose and let that pull you back on track.

Focus on the people (not the money, fame, or anything else)

Someone needs to read what you have to say.

And somewhere deep down, you know that to be true. It may feel like a lonely slog, writing, and publishing...writing and publishing...only to see a few Likes or hearts. But I promise someone needs to hear from you.

Also, don't think of your readers as "leads."

They're humans, not dollar signs. Treat them the same way you's wanna be treated as a reader looking to absorb and learn. When it's time to make an offer or a sale, they'll remember that you were there when they needed you.

So be there for your people.

Do not let them down.

Take your eye off the money, fame, or whatever---that is not the goal.

At least not right now.

Identify your crew

What I mean by this are the people in your corner. So ask yourself these simple questions.

Who is cheering for you?

Who is leading you?

Who is coaching you?

Who are you leaning on?

While you are in this temporary rut, never forget that there is a group of folks in your corner. Don't try to do everything alone. Seek out a mentor or a coach. Seek out your friends and cheerleaders.

There are folks who will help you navigate rough times.

And when the situation calls for it, don't forget to reciprocate the same to others.

Refocus your energies

After doing all the above, take that newly charged energy and laser in on your work and passion.

If you've been struggling with writer's block, this could be the perfect time to sit down and map out a plan. If you're feeling unmotivated, brainstorm a list of things that inspire you. Take some time for yourself and figure out what makes you happy outside of writing.

Then do those things.

The goal is to find your center again so that you can move forward with more power and clarity.

The final word

In times of challenges, it is essential to remember why you started writing in the first place, focus on your audience, and lean on your support system. You can also use this time to refocus your energies and recommit yourself to your work.

With these strategies in mind, you will be able to overcome any obstacle that comes your way...and you'll be able to power through them like a boss.

Remember, we all go through challenging times. It's how you react and overcome that makes the difference. Use these tips to empower yourself and get back on track.

how to

About the Creator

Rick Martinez

I help CEOs & entrepreneurs write & publish books that give them authority & legacy | Bestselling author | Former CEO turned ghostwriter |

California born, Texas raised.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  2. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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