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How Writers Train Their Brains for Strength and Success

Actions become habits that have the power to change your life

By Rick MartinezPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

The first time you see and hear him on stage, you think the beanstalk collapsed, and a giant fell to earth.

At least that's what I felt the first time (and second time), I saw Tony Robbins. He was larger than life. Literally and figuratively. But it was the perfect place for me, and this is where I chose to begin my journey to self-discovery.

Or, as mainstream people say, personal development.

You see, just like every muscle in the body, the mind needs to be exercised to gain strength.

It must be cultivated and developed over time with regular effort. Of course, if you haven't forced your mind to bend and grow in thousands of little ways throughout the years, it will fold when things get tough.

Do you ever feel like your mind is your worst enemy? That it's constantly holding you back from achieving your goals and dreams? If so, you're not alone. The truth is, most people's minds are their own worst enemy. But that doesn't have to be the case for you.

So when you feel like you can't go on, your mental flex will remind you of all the reasons you can and should.

So what is the "mumbo jumbo" Tony Robbins teaches?

Two words: personal development.

Personal development (PD) is the process of enhancing personal growth and awareness. It encompasses activities that improve self-awareness, mindset, personal productivity, and psychological well-being. There are many reasons why personal development is essential.

Perhaps the most important reason is that it enables individuals to reach their full potential. It helps people become more self-aware, set personal goals, and achieve them.

It also helps people develop stronger relationships, build resilience in the face of adversity, and manage stress and emotions better.

In other words, personal development is vital because it helps individuals become the best version of themselves.

And when individuals can reach their full potential, they can contribute more to society and make the world a better place.

How to train your noggin for strength and success

Now that we know what personal development is and why it's important let's look at how we can train our minds for strength and success.

Here are several ways.

Cultivate a growth mindset

A growth mindset believes that intelligence and abilities can be developed with effort.

You train this by constantly challenging yourself and learning new things.

More than that, though, you also need to be willing to make mistakes and learn from them. If you're not ready to invest in yourself, you won't be able to develop a growth mindset.

Be willing to make mistakes

Making mistakes is an essential part of learning and personal development. If you're unwilling to make mistakes, you'll never learn or grow.

The key is to be willing to learn from your mistakes. When you make a mistake, ask yourself what you can learn. What did you do wrong, and how can you do better next time.

Be willing to challenge yourself

If you want to train your mind for strength and success, you need to be willing to challenge yourself. This means constantly pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone and trying new things.

Set personal goals

Setting personal goals is a key part of personal development. It helps individuals focus on what they want to achieve and gives them something to strive for.

Practice positive thinking

Positive thinking is a significant component of personal development.

It helps individuals see the glass as half full rather than half empty and enables them to focus on solutions rather than problems.

The different types of personal development

Personal development is not a one size fits all journey.

In fact, many folks decide to jump into the deep end with particular needs they need to have fulfilled. Some of the most common include self-awareness, personal productivity, mindset, and emotional intelligence.

Self-awareness is recognizing and understanding your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It enables you to better understand yourself and how you interact with others.

Personal productivity is the ability to effectively and efficiently achieve your personal goals. It helps you get more done in less time and makes you more productive overall.

Mindset is the way you think about yourself and the world around you. It affects your attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. It helps you to better manage stress, build relationships, and resolve conflicts.

While this may sound all well and good, the next question is, why is this so beneficial?

The benefits of flexing that brain muscle

Perhaps the most important is that it enables individuals to reach their full potential.

PD helps people become more self-aware, set personal goals, and achieve them. It also helps people develop stronger relationships, build resilience in the face of adversity, and manage stress and emotions better. In other words, personal development is essential because it helps individuals become the best version of themselves.

And when individuals can reach their full potential, they can contribute more to society and make the world a better place.

That's why personal development is so important. It's not just some self-help fad; it's a journey that enables individuals to reach their full potential and make a difference.

How to keep your head above water when you think you're drowning

The world will turn upside down, and things may feel lost at times.

It can be tough to stay motivated on your personal development journey. After all, it's a long and often arduous road, and things do indeed take a turn for the worse when we least expect it. But it's essential to stay motivated, especially when times get tough.

Here are two ways that keep me focused and on track.

Practiced self-compassion. For example, forgiving past mistakes and calming myself when self-doubt creeps in.

Setting personal goals for myself and regularly reflect on my progress. Setting goals helps me stay focused and motivated on my personal development journey. It also enables me to track my progress and ensure that I make the most of my time and effort.

The final word

Personal development is crucial because it helps individuals become the best version of themselves.

It's not just some self-help fad; personal development is a journey that enables individuals to reach their full potential and make a difference in the world. And when individuals can reach their full potential, they can contribute more to society and make the world a better place.

how to

About the Creator

Rick Martinez

I help CEOs & entrepreneurs write & publish books that give them authority & legacy | Bestselling author | Former CEO turned ghostwriter |

California born, Texas raised.

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