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When & Why To Write — A Little Incentive

Do you feel like writing today as much as you did yesterday, will tomorrow be the same?

By Sam Writes SecurityPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
When & Why To Write — A Little Incentive
Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

Yes! No! Maybe, sometimes? Let’s not forget “it’s complicated” because everyone is different right? And, even though we’re different we do have quite a few things in common.

We don’t just write, when it comes from within it involves feelings. Some people can write at least a single article a day. Publishing an article daily is not the same as writing an article a day, I hope you can relate. I have nothing against being able to write daily though it is just a difficult task for me, especially when I’m writing for myself sharing my views and thoughts because sometimes these don’t come out, as a result I don’t produce. Is this you? Better yet, is this writer’s blokke or a typo?


I’m not sure when this will go live but I started writing this piece on the 25th of November. I usually go through my words on the following day before it goes public, I believe it is easier this way because sometimes I write more than one piece in 24 hours. The idea just came to me, I was about to take a bath but I stopped for a moment to write down the title of my next article, and even the first lines, and this is it. If you’re a medium writer you know it may take from a couple of hours to days before an article goes live when you submit a draft to a publication. And, I didn’t really stop what I was doing to jot down the title and the first few lines of this piece as I just said, it is all maid up.

I guess that would sound logical, and perhaps normal but I blocked all my thoughts instead. keeping this idea alive, adding more resources to this story, words of course. So instead of writing these somewhere to prevent myself from forgetting I memorized everything instead, and wrote everything down as soon as I could.

I write when I’m motivated, when I’m in a good mood although I have a niche (things I really enjoy writing about) I sometimes go off-topic. I don’t do it too much though but I don’t miss a chance to when I have one. I don’t over do it as I now know what is expected of me. Such changes with no direction would confuse “you” I believe. Do you know who you are? I write when I’m sober “I’m always sober by the way” I write when I’m motivated I write when I’m grateful, when whatever I’m willing to share makes me happy and sounds like a million dollar idea, even when it’s worth 2cents based on my medium stats. But that’s when I write, otherwise it gets deleted eventually because it just doesn’t please me enough.

I have friends who write based on how they feel too. Some people can only write scary, mystery, thrilling scenes when they’re sad and having a bad day. Some can write disturbing dark poems when they’re sad, and can provide heart shattering but enchanting sonnets when they’re happy. It is better to write when you feel like it, and not when it’s necessary. And, unless I’m writing for someone else it never is. It is all a matter of choice.

The Why…

If I was asked today why I am writing the response would probably be “why shouldn’t I be writing?”. For someone who enjoys putting together a phrase it is only fun, and the “income, or outcome call it what you want” is like a bonus. I write because it is fun, the more I do it the better I become at it “or so I think”. I write to tell a story, share ideas, educate myself, and sometimes others. Depending on what, and why we may find ourselves doing research about things we don’t usually write about. With this, we learn and get a chance to share with the world whatever it is that we’re learning. The reason why is usually a matter of choice. What to write is another choice we get to make and to make it easy for ourselves we usually stick to one to three things we usually enjoy best.

If we go back to the very first lines you’ll get to see that I came up with this on the 25th, and today is the 28th. You may be asking yourself “Does it take him that long to put together about 700 hundred words?” The answer is simple NO!

But here’s what usually happens, unless I wake up with the same idea in mind something else comes up, and I start writing something else. But, as this may prove some ideas don’t just fade. It’s about 2AM and I decided to finish this. Believe me, some ideas don’t get this far, that’s usually how I do with books. I have almost no book published but quite a few unfinished mystery tales. But, this is perhaps a story for another day… Again, maybe one more that I won’t finish EVER!

I hope by finding your when, and why you enjoy what you do better because I know I do. This was originally published on Medium

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About the Creator

Sam Writes Security

Writer | Cyber Security Enthusiast

"[email protected]"

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