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By Eric AdjeiPublished 11 months ago 4 min read

What happens when you swallow garlic? is our main topic for this garlic care but notwithstanding we will also cover topics like What happens to your body after swallowing a garlic clove whole?

Popular ingredients like garlic are valued for both their distinct flavor and potent health advantages. However, before being added to recipes, garlic is typically sautéed, roasted, or baked. Because of this, many individuals doubt that eating raw garlic is safe.

This article explores What happens when you swallow garlic, including whether it is safe to do so.


It cannot be properly digested in the stomach. It might only be able to digest a tiny portion of it, releasing some of its more volatile ingredients into the body, but not enough to be of many benefits.

The digestive tract won’t be greatly affected by the clove as it passes through. A layer-by-layer arrangement of husks shields the garlic clove. Humans cannot digest the cellulose that makes up the husk.

However, we can get past this problem by chewing, crushing, or heating them before swallowing in order to make the nutrients available for digestion. Many other vegetable meals also include indigestible cellulose structures, often known as fiber.


Allicin, a sulfur-containing chemical with numerous health advantages, is abundant in garlic and a wonderful source of it.

Fresh garlic is smashed or minced to release allicin, which gives garlic its characteristic flavor and aroma.

It’s interesting to note that some studies suggest allicin may improve immune system performance and provide some defense against diseases like cancer and heart disease.

According to studies, the allicin concentration of garlic can, however, be greatly decreased by roasting, boiling, heating, or pickling.

As a result, while eating cooked garlic has certain benefits, choosing raw garlic may assist in enhancing the nutritional potential of the herb.

The following are a few possible health advantages of raw garlic:

1. It enhances immunity. According to several studies, garlic contains antioxidants and sulfur-containing compounds like allicin, which may explain why it may help reduce inflammation and strengthen immune system function.

2. It aids in heart health. According to some research, garlic may enhance heart health by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

3. It reduces blood sugar fluctuations. Managing type 2 diabetes may benefit from the potential reduction in fasting blood sugar levels and improved blood sugar control brought on by garlic.

4. It prevents damage to the brain. Animal studies suggest that taking large amounts of fresh garlic or aged garlic extract may enhance brain health and increase memory, despite the paucity of human research in this area.

Take Home

Allicin, a healthy sulfur-containing component, is more abundant in raw garlic. Garlic has been demonstrated to enhance heart and brain health, boost immunity, and balance blood sugar levels.


Although raw garlic may have a number of health advantages, there are a few possible downsides to take into account.

The taste and smell of raw garlic are much stronger than those of cooked garlic, which some people may find repulsive.

Additionally, limiting garlic consumption is frequently recommended for those with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in order to reduce heartburn.

A burning sensation in the chest or stomach may result from the digestive tract being irritated by some chemicals present in raw garlic.

By preventing blood clots from forming, garlic may potentially raise the risk of bleeding.

While most healthy adults can safely consume raw garlic in moderation, those who are using blood thinners should see their doctor before consuming excessive amounts of garlic or taking supplements.

Take Home

Garlic may cause digestive system irritation and heartburn. Additionally, if used as a supplement or in big doses, it may make bleeding more likely.


There is no established dose for garlic. However, the majority of research has discovered that consuming 1-2 cloves daily may be advantageous.

Aged garlic extract concentrations of up to 3,600 mg have also been demonstrated to be helpful when taken as a supplement.

Before using garlic supplements, make sure to consult your doctor, especially if you are already on medication or have any underlying medical issues.

If you experience any unpleasant side effects after consuming raw garlic, think about cutting back on your intake or stopping altogether.

Making the switch from raw to cooked garlic may also help reduce the discomfort of digestive side effects like heartburn or acid reflux.


What happens when you swallow garlic? What happens to your body after swallowing a whole garlic clove? Garlic releases allicin, a sulfur-containing chemical with numerous health advantages.

Choosing raw garlic may assist in enhancing the nutritional potential of the herb. Garlic has been shown to enhance heart and brain health, boost immunity, and balance blood sugar levels.

Garlic may cause digestive system irritation and heartburn if consumed raw or in large doses as a supplement. It may potentially raise the risk of bleeding if taken in excess.


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