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What foods can cause insomnia

Sleep is one of the most important needs in life.

By Grecu Daniel CristianPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

What foods can cause insomnia? Sleep is one of the most important needs in life. All creatures need it to function. Without him, we collapse mentally and physically. Lack of sleep can cause mood swings, lack of concentration and laziness. But why is it so essential?

About insomnia

People with their busy schedules often try to delay their sleep as much as possible and can do, unknowingly, do other things that could hinder sleep when they really want to. In fact, diet and other lifestyle habits could secretly sabotage efforts to get much-needed sleep.

We know that certain foods we eat can interfere with sleep, says the director of the National Center for Research on Sleep Disorders at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md.

"The most obvious way to stimulate wakefulness would be caffeine, and then there's nicotine."

Adults need an average of eight hours of sleep to function properly. Older people tend to need a little less - about 7.5 hours. It is estimated that almost half of people over the age of 65 have difficulty sleeping. This can be due to lifestyle changes, such as sleeping more during the day, discomfort due to physical conditions such as arthritis, and emotional difficulties and depression.

But lifestyle habits can also play a major role in sleep quality or lack of sleep. So the first thing you should do is analyze your patterns and your environment.

Tips for a restful sleep

  • Do not go to bed until you are tired
  • Establish a regular schedule to wake up in the morning, even on weekends
  • Do not fall asleep during the day
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine at night
  • Do not watch TV, do not eat or read in bed
  • Observe the same bedtime rituals every night
  • Avoid strenuous exercise three hours before bedtime
  • Get out of bed when you can't sleep

Caffeine and nicotine in connection with insomnia

Caffeine is banned at the end of the day, and this includes items such as chocolate, teas and juices. But it's not always obvious where the caffeine is hiding, so don't forget to check food labels.

There is caffeine or related items in many other things that we consume.

The National Sleep Foundation reports that the effects of caffeine can cause sleep problems up to 10-12 hours later in some people.

Nicotine often falls under the radar when it comes to sleep interruption, but this, like caffeine, is actually a stimulant. Research shows that nicotine is linked to insomnia. Smoking should be avoided a few hours before bedtime; better not smoke at all.

What foods can cause insomnia

Spicy and acidic foods can also kill sleep, as they cause heartburn.

Heartburn is especially problematic for people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), also known as acid reflux.

Why is consuming these foods close to bedtime such a concern? Sleeping aggravates heartburn, and the discomfort caused by heartburn prevents sleep.

But what about the old ways - like drinking hot milk or drinking a glass of alcohol - to fall asleep? Do they really work?

Milk contains a substance called tryptophan. The body uses this substance to produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain.

Serotonin helps control sleep patterns, appetite, pain and other functions, but unfortunately does not contain enough tryptophan to change our sleep patterns. However, some people say it works.

Alcohol is a deceptive substance: It is an undercover sailor. It is also the most common self-medication sedative.

Contrary to popular belief, that seemingly harmless bed before bed can be relaxing at first, but it has a rebound effect and can make you wake up in the early hours of the night. So, if you want to get some quality sleep, it's best to say no to alcohol.

In the worst case, a sleeping pill may be helpful. Sleeping pills are safe and effective in moderation. But doctors warn that this is not a long-term solution to insomnia, but just a patch for symptoms.

A doctor may prescribe short-term sleeping pills for patients who are going through a stressful time in their lives, such as facing the death of a loved one. Natural remedies, such as melatonin or valerian (sold in health food stores) can provide some relief. But check with your doctor first - some supplements may interfere with regularly prescribed medications.

How to get rid of insomnia

Do not forget about exercise - during the day.

While exercise near bedtime may undermine your sleep efforts, doctors say that regular exercise during the day can work wonders. Exercise can maintain weight, blood pressure and cholesterol.


About the Creator

Grecu Daniel Cristian

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